Chapter Five

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Demi's POV

Wow, that hurt me way more then it should have. I understand where she is coming from though, I just basically ran away when it probably meant nothing to her, yet being bisexual has always been my deep dark secret and I honestly thought I was falling for her.. well I still think I am. I can't tell anyone about my sexuality though because I will just get judged, by my friends, family and fans.

Being in the recording room was awkward because she had to be there and listen. The whole environment felt so tense. After the day past I got home and laid in my bed. I posted a selfie up on Instagram and decided to go live and do a Q&A a lot of the questions were about Wilmer and I and this new girl he has been seen with I responded with " look guys I don't care if Wilmer is seeing someone else, we broke up and we are still very good friends, as long as his happy I'm happy" hopefully that'll get them to stop asking about Wilmer. I get another question -How do you like rise above records? Are they treating you better then the last record company?- oh great how do I answer that.. "yeah I love it, Emily and lily are absolutely amazing and I'd recommend them 100% to every artist and upcoming artist" I get a response to that question almost immediately from lily6969 "thank you so much Demi, it's a pleasure having you with us!" Hah If only Emily thought the same. I need to text her and try to clear things up
D. Hey Emily, would we be able to meet and have a talk?
E. Sorry busy can't.
Wow, is she really going to be like this. I go on her instagram and see if she's posted anything.
Caption: "maybe you could be my new boo"
She posted a picture with her kissing some girls cheek and honestly I just crawl into a ball and cry.. I've only known her for a few weeks yet I feel like I've known her for years, after seeing this photo I knew instantly that I liked this girl and I liked her more then a friend.
D. Please Emily, please can we talk I need to tell you something. She doesn't respond so I call her
"Hello this is Emily's phone, she's VERY busy at the moment (small giggle) please stop texting her and don't call again you're being a party pooper. I hung up straight away, I guess I messed up.

Lily's POV

It's 3am and I get a phone call, it's Emily what hell does she want at this time of the morning?!! I answer
Hello Emily, this better be a matter of life and death. "Hello Emily, this is doctor lee here, sorry for calling you at this time, you were the only one in her emergency contacts. Emily has been admitted to the hospital, could you please get down here as soon as you can. Her room number is 20." "Umm yeah sure no worries I'll be there in 5 minutes" I start shaking, what the hell why the fuck is Emily in hospital. I get in my car and drive as quick as I can trying not to exceed the speed limit. I rush through the doors and run to Emily's room. "Whats going on why isn't she awake, what are all these cords doing all over her?!" The doctor pulls me aside
"Hi I'm doctor lee, Emily seems to have extreme alcohol poisoning, while we were searching for any injuries, Lily we found this" he pulls her robe up and there were fresh cuts all on her thigh, then he proceeds to show me her wrists.. I felt sick, I had no idea., why was she doing this. All I can do is stare at it in shock. My eyes start to water and I can't get any words out to talk to the doctor.

Published on the 1st of March 2020

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