Chapter three

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Emily's POV

I wake up and I look at the time SHIT IM LATE
I run down stairs get dressed, clean my makeup up and run out the door. I look like a complete tool and I'm meeting Demi Lovato today so we can finalise her signing. Lily doesn't know that because I wanted to surprise her.. Jesus what on earth is this celebrity going to think of me.. seeing me like this.
I'm finally here, I get out of my car and run through the doors.. they're all sitting in the meeting room waiting for me. Oh no, here goes nothing.

Demi's POV

We are waiting for the new CEO to enter the room to start, Its already feeling a little unprofessional, what ceo would be late to their own meeting THEY set up. I see a girl running towards the room, who is she and why does she look so scruffy? She runs through the door.. "I'm so sorry I'm late guys, I slept in.. please let's get this meeting done" oh my god was she the owner of this record company?!

Lily's POV

Wow she's finally here and she looks awful, her hair is super messy, her clothes are crinkly and her makeup looks like a 2 year old did it.. I can't help myself but be so angry, she knew how important this meeting was.. this meeting is going to either make the company fly or crush it down and this is definitely not the best impression.. I glare at her and she gives me a small box innocent smile. I stand up "hello and welcome to Rise above labels, my name is lily and I am Emily's assistant manager" I point over to Emily. "Today was supposed to be Emily's day off but I had forgotten I made the appointment for today so I had to call her in, I am extremely sorry." I literally just saved her arse.. she better explain to me what is going on after this. She lips "thank you" at me and I look away.. I'm so angry with her right now.

Emily's POV

Lily just completely saved me, she is honestly the best.. but she is going to want some explaining and I don't blame her, what she did was extremely brave.
After Lily's speech I started talking and got the meeting underway and it's offical, Demi Lovato is now signed with our record label.. I can see Lily's excitement but when she looks over to me her face goes red angry. I walk over to her "look lily I'm really sorry, I just had a really late night last night and didn't wake up to my alarms" I lie to her and she believes me. She gave me a big hug "I can't stay mad at you, you know that.. and look over there DEMI LOVATO IS NOW WITH US! I mean you..." she looks at me with sad eyes "no Lily this is OURS I may be the CEO but you are too, even though it's not your title, this is your company as much as it is mine" she pulls me in and gives me a big hug, I see Demi looking at us weird.

Demi's POV

Well I'm now apart of this record company and they're all so very welcoming, I couldn't think of anyone better honestly.. this Emily.. there's something about her though, she seems extremely nice but I can see pain in her eyes. Hopefully we can become good friends, I need a change of the people in my life.. I think this is a perfect start.

Published on the 1st of March 2020

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