"If Tasha is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back," David commented.

"They're walking into a slaughter," I sighed, looking at them all running to Regina's house.

"Tasha, do you think that you could perform magic if you needed to?" Emma asked.

"I'm about 70% sure that I could," I said.

"That'll have to do. So if Regina does have her magic back, you'll be able to stop her? I mean, in the book it says that you have more power than her," Emma explained.

"If needs be, I will be able to stop her, and I will also be able to stop the angry mob if it comes down to it," I assured her.

"Good, let's go and help her," Mary Margaret said.

We all took off running for Regina's house. If my Father knew what I was doing right now, he would not be happy.

It didn't take us long at all to reach Regina's house. The hardest part was getting through the angry mob. The strange thing was what they were all shouting. Apparently Regina was powerless. How did that work? If my Father and I had our magic back how come she didn't? Actually, I haven't performed any magic so there was no way of telling that I definitely had it back.

When we reached the gates, Emma started pushing through the people with me just behind her, so if she needed magical support I could possibly help. Hopefully.

"Let her go! Let her go! Let her go!" Emma yelled at Whale, as we ran through.

Once we got to Whale, I pushed him away from Regina, who he had pinned up against a pillar.

"Why should I listen to you?" He smirked, straightening his jacket.

"Because I am still the Sheriff," Emma told him.

"And because she just saved all of your asses so you can think of this as you starting to repay her for that. I mean, it really is the least you can do," I snarled at Whale.

"Also, no matter what Regina did, it does not justify this," Mary Margaret added.

"We are not murderers here," Emma said.

"Well, we're not from this world," Whale countered.

"Yeah, well, we're here now," I told him firmly.

"Is that so?" Whale asked, getting closer to Emma and me.

"Ok, Whale. That's enough," David said, pushing Whale back.

"Back off. You're not my Prince," Whale snapped at David.

"Who are you, Whale?" David asked.

"That's my business," Whale smirked.

"Well, my business is making sure this town doesn't go to hell, so whether or not I'm your Prince isn't the issue," David said. "We have a lot to figure out, and this isn't the way to do it."

"And Regina's death won't provide any answers," Mary Margaret added.

"She needs to be locked up for her safety, and more importantly for ours," I smiled sarcastically at Regina, who was smirking at us all. "But if your going to act like that, Regina, I have absolutely no problem with letting them end you. Even when you're locked up, I fear that that might not be enough to protect you from my Father, who may I just say is even more pissed off than me about a little something."

Even though I refused to let the town kill Regina, I was still mad at her for what she did to Belle and even worse, my Father. She made us believe that Belle was dead, nearly making Papa lose his mind.

Dark One's Daughter *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now