❤ A pregnant cute❤

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Chapter - 19

A pregnant cute

With you I do everything
For the first time
Again and again...

“Naina? Are you even listening?” Her mother’s voice jerked her out of the daydreaming zone that she was flying in.

“Huh?” She looked at her mother who filled her glass with some beetroot juice and now was fussing around the breakfast table.

“I said don't nibble, eat it no?” She saw her mother pointing to the apple that she was nibbling on.

“Oh” Naina gave out a sheepish smile and tried hiding her unsaid thoughts from reflecting in her eyes. If her mother knew what she was thinking, she’d probably be in a lot of trouble.

Naina couldn't get Dhruv out of her mind and even his touches were still present on her body as far as she could feel. Dhruv drove her to the edge every time and when they were near, sparks will fly off between them and they’d be drawn to each other. Dhruv was incredibly hot and ever since she had laid hands on his shirtless body, her fingers had been itching to be in contact with him again. This powerful physical need that she was suddenly surrounded by, where was it till now? Why she never felt as bold when she was with Sameer.

Sameer had a clarity about him, he was usually the one in control and she had surrendered her life at his feet. But Dhruv, he sure intimidated her with his scent alone but there was also a feeling of comfort with him. Something as beautiful as belongingness.

With Dhruv, she felt like she belonged there and she owned him. He was hers and she didn't hesitate a moment yesterday when they were kissing and she was the one who initiated it. Why did he feel so close to her that she could do anything she wanted, tell or demand anything no matter how stupid it’d sound.

She was in love and being able to confess it to him had given her wings as she was flying in her wonderland mentally. Last night it had felt so different with him. The level of intimacy and comfort in such proximity was new to her but it still hit home with her.

“Naina?,” Simran’s voice brought Naina back to the breakfast hour. “Who’s Dhruv?”

Simran asked casually but Naina’s heart beats were quicker than it would have been if she was running a hundred meter race on the track. Has she said something out loud?

“How do you know Dhruv di? Have you met him?” Naina asked, being careful. As long as she knew, Dhruv wasn't someone who socialized a lot. He usually got on with his work and couldn't care less to wave or say a polite hey to someone in the society.

But Dhruv was always considerate of her presence in the society. She smothered a smile as she felt Simran’s eyes on her.

“No, I haven't met him,” said Simran and continued, “yet. But I met some of your students downstairs and they were all about some Dhurv bhaiya and Naina didi.”, she continued and fixed Naina with a concentrated gaze.

Naina relaxed and resumed back to eating her apple. She could start by letting Simran know a bit about Dhurv. Eventually there will come a time she would have to tell them the whole thing which was going on between her and Dhruv.

“He lives upstairs, We sometimes meet in the park. I watch him play with the kids in the evening.” Naina told her truthfully and dropped her eyes, as if shielding something more inside her from overflowing out.

Someday it will happen ~| Completed |~ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz