❤The Challenge❤

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Chapter - 9

The challenge

I never craved attention until I tasted yours.

After a tiring night of the event, Naina was super lazy with her movements next morning. Her daily chores were getting completed two hours later than they usually did and she was still in her loose comfortable clothing that she preferred for sleeping. Last night has gone well for her and she was really overwhelmed with all the appreciation poured over her performance by the residents of the society and parents of the children she taught.

The little place in her heart was more than content because Dhruv had come to watch her performance. She didn't know why did it matter to her so much but all she knew was, she liked his attention and she liked when he was near and they talked, either through their  eyes or verbally. She knew she was getting attached to him but didn't know what he thought of her at his end. But he had cared to come last night and she was happy with that much knowledge for the time being.

She liked seeing him and perhaps that was the reason she had opened the main door and peeped through it several times in the hope of seeing him. But she knew she was being silly. Why would he take the stairs when he had the lift. Besides he must be doing enough exercises in the gym to want to take the stairs and exert his body more.

But out of habit she again walked to the door in the hope of seeing him. And there he was, in his joggers and vest, the metallic locket hanging from his neck like always. His now short hair was wet at the end, sticking to his neck and his hand rested on his hips as he read something on her flat’s door.

Naina’s toes curled as she saw his Adam’s apple move when Dhruv drank some water from his water bottle, his eyes still on her door.

Few drops of water travelled from his chin to his chest under the vest mingling with the sweat and she shut her eyes preventing over explosion of weird sensations inside her own body.

This guys was chemically dangerous. She decided. Physically she was yet to know.

She opened her eyes wide at the realization of what was running through her mind. Her heart began beating fast and loud and as if even Dhruv could hear the sound, his head turned to look at her. She stopped breathing for a minute as she saw his eyes taking in her appearance. And then it dawned upon her that she wasn't wearing a shrug over her strappy camisole.

Why does the thought of seeing him turn off every logical reason in her mind. There was no going back and now Dhruv was again looking at the door.

She followed his gaze, glad that her breathing was normal again. What was that? One moment everything between them gets electric and the next moment they are as comfortable as childhood friends.

I opened two gifts this morning, they were my eyes.

Dhruv read the lines written on the door and then looked back at her. Her eyes. She valued them so much and showed gratitude for what she was gifted with. Because once she lived without them and now she knows what it is like to have eyes. How many people did that? Being grateful for the gift of life and physical features, humans are blessed with.

“I like that!” Dhruv voiced his view, watching surprise seep through her eyes and she was that happy girl again, rising on her toes slightly.

“Yes...ahem..sorry sore throat.” She half coughed and went back to rest her heels on the floor, feeling conscious.

Someday it will happen ~| Completed |~ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat