❤Broken but Beautiful❤

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Chapter - 3

Broken but Beautiful

Love between a man and woman means fighting until any one of them dies.’

These were the words that Dhruv himself had written behind his notebook some summer afternoon while he hanged out with his girlfriend. Jessica Williams. His girlfriend with whom he had fought the last time they met. His girlfriend who was dead for a year and now as he sat alone in his study gazing at those words and a cross drawn over them with black ink by his precious Jess, he smiled sadly. Jess had always been different. They'd had different opinions over so many things including love and yet they managed to be together because both of them knew neither of them were wrong. It felt like they completed each other.

But what now? Dhruv was robbed off his heart and the robber had died. A year of this incompleteness inside him has changed a lot of things in his life. He was a changed person now. He had left his home in Guwahati and moved to Mumbai. The city of dreams. But he didn't have any dreams to accomplish. Not really. He had buried himself in his work which mostly kept him busy. He was a gym trainee and his life revolved around sweat covered humans in the day and random strangers throwing up and boozing at night. He worked late hours as a bartender in a club called Dragons. People had a joke going on about why was the club named so. Some said it always played Imagine Dragons songs and some said the owner of the club breathed dragon fire down everyone's throat. More theories ignited more rumors, whatever the case Dhruv was least bothered. All that mattered to him was that his job payed well enough for him to survive in a big city like Mumbai. He did not have anyone in his family but he did miss Northeast. The people there treated him with respect at least. Here people had nothing to do with anyone and still they’d be mean to him. Sure his northeastern features were unlike any of them living here but that did not make him any less human. Still he was an outcast and it was a long time after which he decided he would not give a fuck about any type of racism. He tuned everyone out. That worked pretty well for him.

He closed the notebook and switched off the lamp on his study table and looked out of the window. He lived in an old building, walls of which were coming off age, its plaster peeled revealing the cracks and burnt paint by all the heat. But the air was good here. He could sit and stare out of the window into the evening sky change shades of colors till the dark hovered after sunset. It was a rare day that he was in his flat. Otherwise he'd just wash the day's sweat in the gym shower and head to the Dragons club. This flat only had his company in the early hours of morning before sunrise when he'd crash into the bed. He slept very less, only when he had exhausted himself working all day. But today he finished early at the gym and having nowhere to go he came home to shower. It was a Saturday night which meant busy hours behind the bar counter. He was still adjusting to the Mumbai weather. Taking a deep breath with his eyes closed he welcomed those breezes as they engulfed him in a strange warmth. They were special for him. The breezes. Because usually he spent his all day indoors in the gym so it was refreshing to get some fresh air.

The winds also reminded him of Jessica. She was just like those winds. Fleeting in his life.

He felt his cellphone buzz inside his jeans pocket. He opened his eyes and unlocked the screen to read a text from his boss, Raunac.

Treat from my side if you come early.

He shook his head and pocketed the phone back into his pocket. Raunac didn't have to bribe him with treats, he was already looking for more work to keep him engaged. He quickly picked a black T shirt from an iron almirah he had in his room and grabbed a silver locket from the drawer. It was going to be another eventful night he knew. From behind the bar counter he had seen a lot of people hook up and he had seen ugly relationships come to an end. Everybody had their own stories. His story was sad and now he wanted to forget everything for good. He was attractive with a body many girls had their eyes on. But he had his doors closed. He didn't want to start a new story. It was hard to forget about the girl he loved and how could he move on so easily?

Someday it will happen ~| Completed |~ Where stories live. Discover now