❤The Rock❤

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Chapter - 12

The Rock

You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known forever. Time means nothing, character does.

“Hey Naina! Won't you invite me in?” Sameer asked a shocked Naina in front of him. Naina was so out of her zone because seeing Sameer on her doorstep after a long time played all that betrayal and hurt she felt like a movie in her head.

Naina felt a gentle touch on her shoulders and Dhruv’s concerned voice brought her back to the present. She blinked at the person who was standing before her, smiling politely. The same smile she had trusted the most so much that it hurt to just think about the degree of faith she had rooted in Sameer.

“Sameer?” The name itself sounded alien from her mouth now as she whispered.

“You do remember me bravo! Who’s he?” Sameer eyed Dhruv curiously who was frowning trying to comprehend the situation.

Naina was furious now. Why did sameer had to come now? Where was he when she was shifting to places and struggling all alone to make a living? How dare he come here and ask her questions when there was nothing that could be said between them anymore.

“How did you know where to come and find me?”  Naina tried to show some strength as she asked him. But her insides were hurting and yet again she was giving herself the pep talk that she could get through this, her only fault was trusting Sameer so much. Other than that it was Sameer who was disloyal and a cheater prick.

“I need to give you something. May I?” Sameer asked with the same sweetness that he had mastered over time to cover his cruelties, his eyes playing see saw between Naina and Dhruv. Naina stepped back and turned around to Dhruv, who was clearly confused. Their eyes met and then the vision was blocked by Sameer who had just stepped into the house.

Dhruv had no idea who was this person but he was sure if Naina wasn’t warm and welcoming to him then she certainly didn't like his presence.

“You?” Sameer scrunched his eyebrows at Dhruv and Dhruv met his gaze. There was something off with this guy, he felt but since he didn't judge people that quickly he gave a nod to him. “I’m Dhruv, Naina’s….neighbor.”

Dhruv and Sameer  both turned to Naina but  Naina was gazing at Dhruv with a foreign emotion that Dhruv couldn't recognize.

“Um..I’ll see you later?” Dhruv pursed his lips and his eyed flitted from Naina to Sameer and back to Naina as she stepped out of the door. Naina hadn't cared to close the door as she turned back to Sameer. Something in her eyes before she broke their eye contact told Dhruv that she didn't like this person’s company whom she called Sameer earlier.

“I saw your picture on my colleague's Instagram and got to know you lived here.” Dhruv heard Sameer speak to Naina and then both of them had walked far into the hall and he could hear no more. Dhruv, instead of going back to his flat, decided to stay. He walked to the stairs and sat on them, running his hands from his hair.

‘Who was Sameer?’ he wondered, Why did Naina never mention him to Dhruv? Maybe he was just a normal acquaintance but what Dhruv didn't understand was why did Naina get so tensed and stiff ever since she opened the door. A few moments ago she was alright, warm and comforting towards him. Her changed demeanour surely  had something to do with this Sameer, hence Dhruv decided to stay and wait for sometime, acting up on his instincts.

Someday it will happen ~| Completed |~ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant