The two in front of them seemed the same as them as their body language despite then wearing cloaks, did show signs of annoyance and anger.

Though, Palkia and Dialga did find this as an opportunity to get some information out of their opposition.


The group could be now seen sitting in a meeting room as the part consisting of Pest, Weser, Ratten, and the two True Gods opposing them were on one side.

The group consisting of Sandora, Mandora, Izayoi, Jin, and both Palkia and Dialga were on the other side of the table.

Finally, Black Rabbit could be seen standing at the end of the table between both parties as she was now addressing them.

"We shall now commence with the evaluation and negotiation of the Gift Game 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'."

She then looked towards Pest as the four True Gods had their eyes closed, the cloaked ones doing so even though their cloaks hid their faces.

"First off, I would like to ask the Host. Does this Gift Game..." Black Rabbit was going to say, but was interrupted by Pest.

"We have not conducted any violations."

"C-Can I take your word for it? My ears do happen to be connected to the main hub of The Garden." Black Rabbit reminded. "I'll be notified if you are lying."

"You should know that you have put our Game on hold on the account of a false accusation." Pest then looked at the True Gods. "They also don't seem pleased. You know what all this means, right?"

"If there have indeed been no violations. Then the game shall indeed resume with an advantage to the host." Sandora responded with a concerned expression.

"I suggest we hold off on deciding any addition rules until later."

"Very well..." Sandora muttered. She then looked over towards Black Rabbit. "Black Rabbit, if you please."

"R-Right!" They then saw Black Rabbit close her eyes as her ears seemed to twitch constantly as she was probably listening to the Little Garden.

Dialga and Palkia were just listening to the meeting silently as the four True Gods could feel each other staring at one another intensely.

They noticed Izayoi speaking with Mandora about something, though they couldn't care so they focused on the two in front of them.

They didn't know for certain who they were, but they hd a really good idea.

It was difficult to tell since their brother's power was corrupting and mixing with the power of the two of the True Gods in front of them.

Black Rabbit opened her eyes sadly as she conveyed the news. "I have received word they there have been no violations to the rules. Shiroyasha has been bounded by a fair method."

"Now that, that bas been cleared up. We shall leave the rules as is and decide which day we will resume our game."

"Wait, which day? This will span over multiple days...?" Sandora said with widened eyes.

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now