"That was a body," my hand flew to my mouth as bile flooded in.

"Faraji, he was attacked with Amelia earlier. He brought her back, but just barely."

"And Siren blames the passive nature of Intutum. He blames the Hunters, me."

"There is nothing that connects you to them," Jax snapped. "They kill any Spirit if they can get their hands on them. Others go missing and we can never lay their souls to rest."

"Will there be a burial?" I asked, my hand still cupped over my mouth. I couldn't bring myself to look at Jax. I had my father's nose and dark hair. Even if I wasn't like him, Jax would have to see the features of a killer.

"Yes, we'll carry her out to the resting place deep in the ocean where we lay our dead. I've seen it. She'll be in a beautiful place, returned to The Ocean."

"I want to go, say goodbye." And ask forgiveness.

"They'll wait until Faraji is recovered enough to follow." I could hear a loud sign and a scrap of his chair followed by footsteps. "We're lucky to have him back. He's the first to witness a Hunter killing and make it back."

"I cannot help but think that there is something more we can do. I don't think Siren is in the right mindset, but he has a point. If we ever want to walk freely above, we cannot keep cowering in fear for our lives." My shoulders sank as the weight of my words caught up to me. "I think we should listen to Atoya and finally start fighting the Hunters."

I couldn't read Jax's expression. He rested against the windowsill, hands fixed under his chin.

"Do you believe that?" He finally asked. "Would you do whatever it took to stop them?"

I nodded, but even I could feel the hesitation. It was terrifying. The bottomless pit that formed whenever I thought of Faraji and the pearl Atoya had held. There was only one thing that made sense, those Spirits were good people. They didn't deserve to cower in fear only to meet that fate.

"Then we should confront the elders. Only they can decide to attack." Jax rose and my heart jumped thinking we were going at that moment. "But we should do that after the funeral, leave time for mourning. I'm going to get some rest, but I'll join you tomorrow."

My heart sank as Jax closed the door to my apartment leaving me in the seemingly darker room. He was never that quick about saying goodbye, always joking until the last possible minute.

Chapter 20

The morning light was just breaking as a collection of Spirits waded into the shallow water. We had given Amelia a farewell ceremony on land, referencing her human life and the family she had long departed before moving to her burial.

It was remarkable how much she had been and how little I had known of her. I had noted her dull red hair framed by her eagle-shaped wings, but nothing more. She was gone now, never to soar through the air or dive in the tide.

I was flanked by Yoki and Jax, the latter who had stuck next to me like he expected me to collapse at any moment.

As the part slipped into the water, head's disappearing under the water, I hung back away from the lead. Faraji and Anaula led the congregation, acting as her family. The pearl clutched in their talon-like hands was something I couldn't look at.

"The pearl will guide us to the resting place," Jax said, his voice low just before our heads sunk under.

I nodded, not sure if he could see it or not. It didn't matter either way.

The progression was fast, the water pulsing around us as we dropped deeper into the water. It could have been minutes or hours, but the light faded completely, only a slow pulse of shadows and water movements keeping me from bumping into the people around me.

I could see the glow of the pearl upheld, bobbing in the dark. I felt a hand slip into mine and a pull begin through my shoulder. Reaching back, I continued the link, warm palms blazing in the cool environment.

A buzz went through me, a tingle that shook and stung. The current spot through my hand, on to the next person. For just a moment, my mind wavered, then everything became sharper.

The rocky seafloor glowed below like a starry night sky. Pearls beamed in the canyon: pinks, whites, blues.

The lights danced in front of my eyes, showing the path of the Spirits. Anaula led us, the pearl clutched in one hand, pulling her down. Faraji was holding the opposite hand and so on, each Spirit united. Yoki had my hand and, turning, I found Jax had the other, a deadset expression.

It was a beautiful place to leave a Spirit to rest, surrounded by others who understood her, embraced in the thing which had given her life.

I wanted to say something, a whisper of regret for Anabel, but something told me to stay silent. A deep-set intuition told me not to speak, not to let go of the ones surrounding me. This was something I was allowed to participate in, but I could only see it and whisper about the place when gone. This was sacred, blessed.

The pearl was placed on a stone, higher than others, and Anaula moved swiftly on, her empty hand at her side.

The train continued each Spirit passing within reach of the pearl until it was my turn.

Time slowed down, my heart slowing to a crawl. There was laughter, a bell-like sound that brought with it a vision of a woman flying just above the water with dozens of faces streaming in the water below, a shadow falling over her as another Flyer dipped to meet her.

Then it was gone, my body pulled away and up toward the deep ocean once more. Tears caught in my eyes and a smile on my face.

She was home.

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