Chapter twenty

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Hinata looked up at sasuke's eyes.
Those black obsidian's that she swore they'd gulp her and drown her into nothingness...but this nothingness is a pure bliss.
Those charcoal couldn't she see beyond it.
Those eyes that are full of rage..conflicts, pain, lust, but above, love and yearning for happiness.
The happiness that he had never had...nor experienced.
He yearned for tenderness...he yearned for the gentleness that he had long wanted after his mother's death.
He yearned for salvation.
Sasuke looked at those lilac orbs, those orbs that held so much light, even if it was pain...this light that he followed absentmindedly as a hope.
Because with was only hope.
Though, he had been a asshole and he knows that..he reached his lowest...yet, she just kept up with him, only hoping he'd keep his promise and leave her sister.
She hoped...and he didn't know how come she was still strong willed even though he tried to break her many times.
As if he was pointing his rage and revenge towards can she be so gentle and understanding.
How can she still smiles when he abducted her...yet, she held the hope he had always wished for...
The world doesn't deserve hinata.
Hinata is too good, and sasuke would do all his might to keep her from harm.
Even if it costed him his life.

He wiped her tears with his she closed her eyes and started crying.
Sasuke rested his forehead onto hers.
"Gomenne hinata..gomennesai..." he apologized.
"Forgive me hinata..." he apologized again.
He stood up, he held her hands and pulled her up, so now she was standing.
Sasuke was towering over her.
Hinata eyed him.
Soon, sasuke got on his knees and prostrate.
"Forgive me...hinata..." he apologized.
Hinata couldn't believe her own eyes..the mighty sasuke, is prostrating and begging her forgiveness.

Sakura's eyes widened as she saw sasuke begging hinata.
She couldn't control her tears.
She sent the sign of where sasuke's whereabouts.

"Gomennasai hinata..." sasuke apologized.
Hinata didn't know why sasuke was apologizing.
"S..sasuke kun" she sniffled as she placed her hands over his hair and ruffled it.
Sasuke looked up at her.
She saw his tears flowing.
"Forgive me hinata for being a jerk..." he said as he held her palms and planted a kiss over it.
Hinata trailed her hands on his jawline.
She crouched down.
She cupped sasuke's cheeks and wiped the tear that was flowing down.
She nodded.
"Forgiven...sasuke kun..." she said.
Sasuke smiled.
And that was the first time he smiled.
Soon, sasuke went and held ichigo up.
He went over to hinata and wrapped his arm around her waist.
Hinata looked up at sasuke.
"Ready.." he asked..keeping his gaze up front.
Hinata couldn't comprehend but soon, sasuke opened a space time jutsu with his rinnegan and thats when hinata and sasuke vanished.

"What the hell sakura!" Naruto growled as he grabbed sakura's arms tightly.
Sakura winced in pain.
"You are hurting me" she spat.
"Sakura chan! Whats wrong with you! Have you lost your mind!" Naruto spat.
"My mind, i am carrying out a mission..." sakura spat.
"Another mission, for fuck sake sakura! You are still working on your own! Like that time when you fucking tried to kill sasuke! Have you lost your mind! You want to give his child to those elders!" Naruto growled.
"The child is a threat naruto! Besides as if they are going to hurt him...they won't!" Sakura said.
"Otherwise why would they want him precisely sakura!" Naruto spat.
"This child is a fruit of adultery ..according to the hyuga's a child conceived without marriage! Is considered an hinata is basically... a branded who.." but sakura couldn't continue when naruto interrupted.
"Shut up sakura! Sasuke and hinata are our friends, we ought to protect them!" Naruto spat.
"Protect who! Sasuke kidnapped and raped hinata! And this is their child! A new kekki genkai...he'll use it against us! Naruto!" Sakura growled.
"HE WONT OKAY" naruto growled and then turned to walk away.
Sakura scoffed.

"I haven't expected such visit...especially from you" Toneri taunted as he entered his hall room.
An entity appeared from the depth of the hall, a silhouette that showed a head band and a cloak...a baby cooing and a girl in black.
"If it wasn't for her safety...i wouldn't have come to seek you" sasuke spat.
How he hated toneri, that albino...the guy who chased his wife.
Sasuke paused...when did he thought of hinata as a wife...not a mere pawn?
And when did he became that jealous of someone beside his brother or naruto!
But the jealousy now is different.
Its the jealousy that is accompanied by rage mixed with fear...
Fear of loss...not losing to someone...
Its not a battle of wits now..or who is the best in genjutsu or chakra enhancing..
Or even hand to hand battle.
Its the fear of loss of something precious to someone maybe even not good looking as you are...or as powerful as you are...but something he never thought he'd understand until he fell in love with the hyuga.
The fear of her heart, choosing someone other than the uchiha...
Because the hearts wants what it wants....
"Ah..i see" Toneri smirked as he saw hinata approaching him along with sasuke, hinata cradling her baby and sasuke carrying the sleeping hinata and ichigo.
"Is it him" Toneri asked.
"Ah" hinata nodded as Toneri approached to see the little boy.
"Whats its name" Toneri asked.
"Ichigo" sasuke coed.
"I see the baby is blind" Toneri said.
Sasuke's eyes widened and then he nodded.
"Well, fear not......" toneri assured.
"This baby has a unique kekki genkai" he smirked at sasuke.
"So, what brought you hear is because of that..?" toneri asked.
"Keep them safe toneri!" Sasuke retorted, his voice was more of a command than a request.
"Oh my my...sasuke kun, being so rude and arrogant even though you are here to ask for my help" Toneri taunted.
"If it wasn't for her, i would have never seek you" sasuke spat.
Toneri turned and grinned.
"I see, must be tough...isn't it sasuke..." Toneri taunted.
"To be in love and fear for those you hold dear to..." he continued.
"I guess, the sleeping beauty had you bewitched..." Toneri said.
Sasuke kept silent.
But toneri's words hit him.
Yes, he does all that now for love.
He can't afford losing hinata.
He can't afford losing his new family...
He won't let it happen...
"Tell me sasuke...why would i agree to help you..." Toneri asked.
Sasuke kept silent.
"Since you are so arrogant...yet, you seek me to help you..." he continued.
"Because i know well of your ill intentions towards my hinata" sasuke spat.
"Oh...your hinata..." Toneri chuckled.
Sasuke grinned his teeth.
Toneri eyed the look on sasuke's face.
This expression.
A flustered person, a desperate one...needing, begging for help...yet, his pride is tormenting him.
Toneri sighed.
"Well..sasuke I'll do it...just for hinata, hime" toneri said.
Sasuke nodded.
He turned around.
He placed hinata gently on a couch along with his ichigo.
Sasuke stood up.
He walked towards the door.
He turned around and said.
"Hm" toneri hummed.
"Arigato" he said and left.
Toneri's eyes widened.
He then grinned and chuckled.
"Isn't it good to be young and in love...." he said.
Sasuke took off, heading to konoha.

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