Chapter fifteen

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Sorry for the slacking off.
Written by me and makoku edited by me.

"Toneri sama, we have got the scroll already" one of the butlers said to Toneri.
"Well done" he smirked.
"Have you located the hyuga heiress? " Toneri asked.
"Hai, Toneri sama...and we are ready to abduct her sister" the butler said.
"Fine" Toneri turned to take his leave.
"Ah..Toneri sama" the butler said and Toneri stopped without turning around.
"Hm" Toneri hummed
"I am afraid that there is something i have to tell you." He said.
"Is it of importance, i have to leave" Toneri said.
"Yes, Toneri sama"
"I guess nothing is more important than the hyuga now, so we can postpone it" Toneri said and as he started to leave the butler said.
"Its about the hyuga heiress Toneri sama" he said.
Toneri stopped and turned giving the man his full attention.
"She...she is..." he stammered.
"Dead?" Toneri asked.
The butler shook his head.
" afraid she is...." the butler hesitated.
"Spit it out already" Toneri said.
"I am afraid she is with child...Toneri sama" he squinted his eyes closed.
Toneri's mouth gaped.
He then closed it and said.
"Who is the father" he asked.
"Its uchiha sasuke...Toneri sama" the butler answered.
Toneri smirked mischievous.
"Uchiha sasuke..." he said monotonous.
"I'll make you pay for laying a finger on whats mine..." he grinned and left.

"What the hell is wrong with you" naruto growled at the ANBU's.
"Naruto, hold yourself together...." shikamaru said.
"Hold myself together, they hurt hinata!" Naruto growled.
"We didn't mean to, we needed to take her, she came and stood by, sasuke is dangerous" one of the ANBU's said.
"I know, and i shall deal with him, now, our goal is to trace him and now sakura had went after him" shikamaru said.
"Dam it sasuke" naruto gnashed his teeth.

Sakura was watching, she couldn't believe her eyes.
Her mind can't comprehend whats going on.
Sasuke is cradling hinata like a toddler between his legs, her head lying on his chest as he is holding her hands, karin was healing hinata, and jugo along with suigetsu were sending some chakra to her belly.
After they finished, sasuke slowly caressed her hair and smooth silky face, brushing it with his knuckles like he is caressing feathers.
Sakura watched as sasuke was caressing hinata, like a porcelain doll, so scared he'd hurt her or pierce her skin.
He held her up, delicately and sakura can see, she can see how he's acting.
Any blind would see, especially when someone craves the same from the very same person.
He held her between his broad arms and held her up, and Went inside whats seemed like a hideout.
He laid her slowly, gently and protectively.
Its not of something important right.
He did that with her twice, right.
He laid her gently when he knocked her down, and he laid her gently when gaara knocked her down..right?
So hinata isn't that special right?
But did he ever held her that way? Did he even was that much flustered when sakura was hurt?
He even was going to kill her with the same kunai that she tried to kill him with and felt no remorse at all.
And why did he choose her? How come he is holding her hands like that, and treating her like a glass, so scared to break her or even scratch her.
Why is she even the one to bear his children.
Sakura wasn't that naive, she knew the answer, sasuke seeks power and he 'll do anything for it.
She knew she has no kekki genkai, but she is strong.
He chose hinata for her kekki genkai.
She has one of the strongest.
Maybe he'll have the children and leave her.
But the way he is treating her.
Sakura chose not to believe.
But she'll still keep an eye.

"Are you going to stay here by her side, sasuke, dinner is ready" karin said to sasuke who was holding hinata's hands, as if he was praying, murmuring some words that was like silent whispers.
Her hands on his forehead.
"Sasuke" karin asked again.
"Huh?" She said.
"Bring me the soup for both of us, i'll eat here" sasuke said.
"Hai" karin took her leave when jugo entered.
"She is still asleep" he asked.
"Ah" sasuke answered.
"Foolish girl...she shouldn't have intervened" sasuke gritted his teeth.
"She isn't foolish, we are all fools for love, and hinata did is spontaneously" jugo said.
"She has this gentle aura, and she'll do anything to protect those she love and cares for...if you consider this foolishness, then you are such an idiot" jugo scolded sasuke.
"Jugo..." sasuke looked at him with widened eyes.
Jugo was checking hinata's temperature.
"Hm" he answered.
"Gomenne..." sasuke's tone was remorseful.
Jugo was the one who send her most of his chakra to protect hinata.
Sasuke has been so nasty towards Them.
"Save your apology, but if you'd ever hurt her, i'd never forgive you" jugo left.
Sasuke sighed.
He caressed hinata's face slowly and touched her hair.
He always loved to touch her hair.
Silky and thin.
Indigo like dusk, reminding him of his mother's silky bangs.
After a while, karin entered with food tray.
Sasuke was stirring the soup.
He waited for hinata to wake up but she didn't.
After a while, he heard a whimper.
Hinata's pale orbs opened and saw sasuke was sitting by her side.
She smelled this amber scent, sasuke's scent.
And she was sleeping in sasuke's bed inside the hideout.
She pulled her body up.
"My head..." she whimpered.
"Stay still, your wounds are still open" sasuke said.
Hinata placed her hands over her tummy after she panicked when she remembered the fight.
" baby...." she sobbed as she rubbed her tummy, she thought she'd lost it but soon sasuke told her.
"Its fine..." he assured.
Hinata activated her byakugan as she couldn't believe him.
Suddenly she screamed in agony as her eyes hurt.
"Hinata, deactivate it now" sasuke growled worried.
Hinata looked at him when he held her hands tightly.
"Are you okay?" His eyes were full of concern.
"Ehm" he collected his demeanor and cleared his throat, he let go of her hands.
"The baby, apparently is absorbing  your chakra and blocking the byakugan" sasuke said.
"You must be hungry" sasuke said.
He handed her bowl of soup and took his.
Hinata took the spoon and as she started to eat.
"Is it good" sasuke asked.
"Hai..arigato" she smiled.
But sasuke could see through her lies, the soup was cold and tasteless.
How gentle can she act? She didn't want to disappoint him and was grateful.
However, her expression changed as she eat, trying to hide how nasty the taste was.
Sasuke took her bowl.
"Liar" he said and went away.

Sasuke headed to the kitchen and started fixing her decent food.
He lived a lot by his own, but nothing could beat hinata's food.
But its different right? Cooking for the one you love, and giving it your all?
That what sasuke was doing, with the recipe, obsessing over the ingredients to make sure its palatable so she'd love it and praise him.
Maybe thank him and smile at him.
He wanted this smile.
He yearned for it.
The breath of summer, only her smile can save him.
From this ugly cruel world.
Sasuke snapped suddenly.
"I know you are there" he grunted.
Sakura showed herself.
"Sasuke kun" sakura stammered.
"Why are you here?" He snorted.
"I...i followed ask you something" sakura said.
"Make it brief" sasuke said as he was focusing on his cooking.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" Sakura said.
"I know, i thought you..i thought you loved me when you poked my forehead and thanked me!" She said.
Sasuke looked at her then laughed.
"Hahahahahaaahahahaha" sakura looked at him with widened eyes.
"Thanked you? I poked your forehead because i wasn't trying  to be rude...i never loved you, you are delusional" sasuke smirked.
"You jumped to conclusion and interpreted whatever to what suits you!" Sasuke spat.
"What? You..." sakura couldn't say anything.
Sasuke poured the soup into bowls.
He turned and passed her.
"Leave at once" he said, and headed towards his room.
He entered hinata's room and gave her the soup.
Hinata tasted and her face blushed.
"So tasty...arigatooo" she smiled and sasuke's face slightly blushed, he closed his eyes and furrowed his eye brows to hide his embarrassment.
"Taste this as well" he gave her a piece of the fish he made, and fed her.
Hinata looked at him with embarrassed face.
Their eyes locked for a while.
Soon, hinata cleared her throat and her face blushed as well as sasuke.
"Arigatoo, sasuke kun" she smiled at him.
Sasuke was happy, like as if he gained power, like when he took his revenge from danzo.
That thrilling feeling, the rush of emotions.
Sakura was watching and soon she crashed inside.
Hinata's eyes widened as the little moment ended by the fact.
She looked down, her bangs covering her eyes.
Sasuke turned and grinned his teeth, he was heading towards sakura and held his hands up ready to slap her, when hinata said.
"Stop it sasuke kun" she yelled.
Sasuke stopped half way.
"I know that sakura chan..." she smiled at her with tears falling down her face.
"I know he is using me..but..its nothing but an agreement" hinata said.
Sasuke's eyes widened.
Could it be? She is actually defending both of them!
Sasuke doesn't deserve that.
He doesn't deserve her gentleness.
"At least, in his eyes, i am of use...and it was consented sakura chan..." hinata looked down.
"At least he sees me as a strong candidate...for my bloodline" hinata was lying to herself just to make herself feel even better.
Her eyes started tearing uncontrollably.
"Hinata...hinata..." sasuke ran towards her and tried to rest his hands over her shoulder.
She handed him the soup.
"Arigato sakura chan, for making me realize things my own" she smiled.
"Arigato for the food sasuke kun...i lost my appetite suddenly" she left the food.
"Hinata...hinata listen" sasuke was so flustered for her to hear him out, like sakura was when she tried to stop him from leaving.
Sasuke loves hinata, and his love is getting stronger to attachment and obsession.
He just wants her and needs her to be okay and fine.
And love him back, maybe even forgive him.
"Gomenne sai, sasuke and sakura, i want to be alone now...oniigai" she said and turned her back to them.
Sasuke face crumbled as if he was going to cry.
Sakura watched as he tried to touch her one last time and she just flinched a little away.
Sasuke took his hands away and turned ready to take his leave.
Suddenly, the hideout was blown.

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