Chapter 14

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Seulgi sighed heavily as she stared at the space where she was earlier then looked at the body she is currently in. Yep, she shouldn't have done that.

She closed her eyes in consternation as she plopped herself down on the sofa, throwing the towel on the floor that Jimin had draped around his shoulders earlier.

I just told Park Jimin i really like him. No. I just told Park Jimin that I'm falling inlove with him. She doesn't know if she would regret it or feel relieved that it had gotten out of her system. Damn, stupid emotions! Why can't she hold anything back? Why is she so... emotional? She just possessed Jimin last night and now she possessed him again. What the hell is she going to do while in Jimin's body? She certainly cannot go outside since he's sick and she definitely wouldn't want him to be sicker. She doubted he ever had a good rest ever since she came into his life.

She sighed heavily again as she remembered that... horrified look in Jimin's face before her soul descended on him. Was it such a horrific thought that a soul is... kinda... sorta... inlove with him? He should be flattered. It's me, Kang Seulgi, who just confessed to him. He should be really flattered. Maybe that's what she looked like when he had told her he loves her last night. Psshh. She scoffed at herself. No, I don't think so. Her face was probably more of like a shock and his was more of... nightmarish-terror-wanting-to-wake-up expression.

She stood up and went to the mirror, staring at Jimin's reflection, etched with annoyance right now. Well, if she couldn't talk to Jimin, she might as well talk to his face. "I don't even know why I've liked you to begin with. You've been nothing but really rude to me since the beginning. If you're going to be rude and mean, then you should've continued being like that. Why did you have to show your... other character and expected that I wouldn't feel anything? That's cheating!" She crossed her arms in front of her as she frowned at Jimmin's reflection who was frowning back. "I've always been inlove with JB...." She exhaled in sharp breath and threaded her hands on Jimin's short hair. "Aish! I hate this." She pointed a finger in the mirror. "I don't like this any more than you do! Maybe this is an effect of the... this soulmate thing and everything will return to normal once I get back inside my body." She gave a nod as she believed that. "That's right. This is just an effect of that... thing. So I really hope to god this wouldn't make things awkward because I really hated feeling awkward. You hear me Park Jimin? This is just temporary, okay? So don't take it to heart." She gave Jimin's reflection a glare who only copied her expression. Then her face transformed into pout as she placed a hand on the cold surface of the mirror. "I know this isn't a good time to say it but..." she sighed loudly. "... how can your face be so small and cute?"

Jaebum was in a good mood while he looked at the passing houses but it instanly vanished as he sighted the CHA GLOBAL INDUSTRIES building. He had always visited Seulgi here and take documents from her desk when she pester him to be her errand boy. So no one would be suspicious of him suddenly going inside her office again. He will just say he's looking for some documents for iGot7.

Well, damn it's making him feel nervous. He had never done anything covert before especially if it's against one of the most powerful figure in the society. He fisted his hand and swallowed hard. Whatever Cha Seung-won is planning... he hoped they would have enough time to foil that. The only important thing in all this is to get Seulgi out. Alive.

He was already walking on the hallway nodding to some people who greeted him when his phone rang. It was an unknown number. He answered immediately thnking it was something to do with the witness his Private Investigator found. "Yes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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