The institution episode 17

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The institution episode 17


Ivie skimmed through a  magazine while she waited for her therapist, Dr. Macaulay to attend to her.
Aisosa walked towards her, "Good morning" she greeted, "I'm sorry about being late. I had to attend to some things" she answered and Ivie nodded in understanding.
They both entered into the office and Aisosa opened the office blinds.
She sat down then swallowed some pills then she grabbed a bottled water drinking it.
"Rough night?" Ivie asked and she rolled her eyes.
"You can't even begin to imagine. If I wanna get into details, I might end up being the one who needs therapy" she answered and Ivie chuckle.
"Men issues?"
"It's always man wahala right? Men and their endless headaches. Mine doesn't even wanna pay attention to me"
"I'm sorry"
"I know I should give up and as a psychologist, I tell myself to let go of him but he's in love with a ghost and I want him to forget her. It's so annoying that I'm competing with a ghost" she let an exasperated sigh.
"What's your story Miss Ivie Momoh? Man issue too? You can't seem to get over your ex-husband?"
"I see you've done your assignment" Ivie chipped in and she chuckled.
"I didn't need to"
"What's your issue?"
"I've been feeling...."
"Feeling different? It's totally normal to feel different. I spent almost a day in prison for causing a scene in a boutique. Let's say I slapped a bitch and... Well my point is, I got out a different person." he answered.
"Just a day?"
"That's my point. Just a day, how much more for someone who spent eight years in prison. It's totally normal to feel different"
"I didn't even say anything....  you just assumed but....." Ivie stalled then she cleared her throat.
"I've been having difficulties sleeping on the bed. I can't seem to feel comfortable on it"
"That's a normal characteristics commonly exhibited by ex-convincts permit me to use that, I know it may sound offensive"
"It's okay"
"You're too used to being in uncomfortable in prison so much that being comfortable now becomes uncomfortable to you"
"What do you suggest I do?"
"Force yourself to feel comfortable on the bed. It's as simple as that, that's the basics. It'll be like weaning, at first it's uncomfortable, gradually the baby gets to grow." She answered and Ivie chewed on her words.
"That settled, what other issue do you have?"
"I have trust issues"
"Another major characteristics too." "My bestie thinks I should get help or else I'll keep on suspecting everyone, even her"
"What's your suspicion about?" She asked and Ivie hesitated.
"You can call me Sister Macaulay cause I'm sworn to secrecy. I don't go around giving out information"
"It's political stuff"
"I've read all about you and I promise that I won't go around spilling secrets. It's against the ethics of my work"
"I don't feel safe in my house cause I feel everyone's my enemy. I feel deep down that I was betrayed years ago. Someone caused my downfall and made me vulnerable to my enemies. I don't know who and... I have a whole lot of suspect. Did I mention that I still don't know who the hell had me released from jail"
"Yes. Ever since I got back, I've been receiving threat notes and I think our house help has something to do with it"
"I believe the term for this is paranoia and it's also another common symptoms exhibited by ex-con. All you're experiencing are symptoms and they can be controlled with consistent therapy. You have to put yourself out there. Ever since you got back, have you gone out for any outing?"
"I went out on a blind date and I ended being shot at, then I recently went to a date I enjoyed"
"Hmmmmn interesting. Anything else?"
"Just work"
"You need to go somewhere fun. Like see the movies, something to distract you and open your mind to the fact that not everyone is your enemy. You begin to see things the way they are"
"That's called deception and worst, I'll be deceiving myself. I'm trying to investigate into this matter. Trying to find out if I can trust them"
"Or you can do it your way but I promise you, your paranoia will not stop, you're still going to be delusional and skeptical about trusting friends and family. With characteristics like this, it'll be hard to start up relationships and building a family" she concluded and Ivie gave it a thought.
"Are you in any relationship?" She asked, "I just got out" "The date you said you enjoyed, the guy has to be worth it right?" She asked and Ivie gently nodded her head.
"Do you like him"
"I think I do but.... I don't trust him either"
"Why? Cause you feel he's also an enemy?"
"I met him twice and I don't believe it's a coincidence" "Have you heard of fate?" "I don't believe in it."
"If two people are fated, things work that way. Maybe you should give him a try except you're not over your ex-husband yet"
"When I saw Daniel two weeks ago, feelings came rushing back and I had just found out about him getting married to my friend Silvia but later I resented him for it. I haven't really given it a thought lately."
"First love is kind of a hard thing to forget easily, it lingers on"
"Liam and i kissed" Ivie confessed and she dipped a pen in her mouth. "And?"
"And I liked it. My heart raced, I had that novel goose pimple all over my body and I was hot everywhere and it's a strange because I haven't known him for long"
"He's either a hell of good kisser, or It has to be love or maybe infatuation, how  will you know if you don't dive in deeper? Love happens that way. Love is a beautiful thing and I don't resist it and I'll also advise you not to resist it too. Just embrace it. Let love have it's way. You know what I'll suggest, watch a movie, preferably romance and I have just the right movies for you"

The institutionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora