The institution episode 12

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The Institution - Episode 12


The shock on Ivie's face was priceless. Could this guy be serious? She thought to herself then she remembered when Shade told her not to freak out when she sees Jafar.
"I'm sorry" Liam apologized then he ordered for another glass of water.
Ivie finally stopped coughing.
"You lied" she touched her chest and Liam raised his hands up witholding his laughter, "I'm guilty as charged but...."
"I mean you went into studio and you spoke to him and .... You're not just a liar you're a petty one"
"I prefer, handsome one"
"Oh shut up!"
"I'm sorry" he laughed . "On a serious note, I'm sorry about the lie, It was just a crazy idea I had"
"How is it possible?" Ivie asked and he chuckled, "Like how generous was God to bless me with good looks, a good heart and a good voice to swoon people on radio. I wonder the same thing every single day dear" he answered and she raised her nose at him incredulously.
"I wasn't thinking of that" she answered then she chuckled at how she had been played.
"This is funny, I've just been fooled"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I must apologize again for that" "Why would you do that? You could have just told me you were Jafar"
"It didn't obviously look like you wanted me to be Jafar. It felt like you wanted him to be another person" he answered and Ivie couldn't agree more.
It all started when she allowed the doubts on who Liam really was enter into her head.
"So you decided to fool me" "It was the only way I could bring you out for a date"
"You wanted us to ..."
"Yes, I wanted us to go on a date but I couldn't come out straight. I can be a really shy guy"
"So I guess the job actually had strings attached" Ivie folded her hands and he chuckled.
"Okay... No conditions attached, just a date"
"You'd go on dates with an employee, that isn't ethical at all"
"Not when i like the person in question"
"How many employees do you around liking?" "Zilch. I've never done this before, I haven't gone on any real date in years"
"How long?"
"Donkey years, I've lost count"
"Well that explains why we haven't made orders yet" she answered and he laughed then he called the attention of a waitress.


Ivie thought of what Shade said just after eating and she laughed unconsciously.
"What's funny?" Liam asked and she smiled, "My best friend Shade knew that I met you as William Oscar and she knows I'll be meeting Jafar and she made me go without a clue" she answered and he laughed.
"She must be fun to be around"
"She is"
"What is it you said about Jafar again? Let me try to remember, he's amazing" He asked and she laughed. "Shut up! I didn't say that"
"You probably wouldn't have said it to me if you knew I was him"
"Not that... Maybe I wouldn't have put it that way. On radio you sound different"
"And now I sound awful"
"No! I've heard amazing things about him, people say good things and I've lost hope on good men. I just wanted to meet this man that has been doing those good things"
"This is him. Should we do a little reintroduction; my name is William Oscar. I told you already, I go by different names. Some people call me Liam, Will, Willie, William or Jafar"
"Why Jafar?"
"If we want to discuss that we might not leave here tonight. Maybe we can talk about that on our next date" he answered and she chuckled.
"Are you asking me out on a second date?"
"Yes. I think I just did, so.... Do you agree"
"Well... depends"
"On what?"
"How the first one ends."
"I'm positive" he answered and she scoffed.
"Brag much?"
"I'm just really confident, it's one of my many amazing qualities" he answered and she shook her head, "You're so...."
"Say it, I'm so amazing" he completed and she laughed.
"You're so full of yourself" she answered.
"I read in a book that ego is one means to make a girl fall in love with you and maybe I'm on a week program to make that happen"
"Don't hold your breath" she snapped then she laughed and they locked eyes on each other.
Ivie looked away, "Well I have a thing against going on dates with my Superior. I've always viewed as unethical work practices"
"Okay. I get your point but I'll still love a second date with you and I won't pressurize you" he replied and she smiled.
"So you move from being Barrister William Oscar to...." She paused and he chuckled.
"I see you did your assignment"
"I didn't. Shade helped me with it and I didn't exactly read your biography and that reminds me, it'll be the first thing I'll do when I get home"
"Why would you want to do that? It's boring. My personal life is boring, there's nothing to read there"
"Barrister William has a nice ring to it" she chipped in and he smiled, "Right?" He agreed and she rolled her eyes.
"Here I am feeding your ego fat" she answered and he chuckled.
"Why did you resign? It's absurd"
"You won't be the first to ask. It was a tough choice I had to make after I realized even with the title I couldn't do much to defend those who can't defend themselves to see justice stand. I realized Justice is.."
"Twisted and imaginary, almost as though it doesn't exist" she completed and he chuckled.
"Exactly and I also realized that those who want Justice should not fold their hands and wait for it to happen. They should act on it"
"They threw me into prison when I acted on what I wanted" she countered Liam's point and he gave it a thought.
She does have a point!
"I'm sorry about those years you spent in jail"
"It wasn't your fault Liam, the world hasn't changed a bit. It's still the same as big bad world with high-minded and selfish political leaders who only want to be in power to oppress the same majority that voted them in power" she answered and he smiled.
"I still can't believe I'm sitting on the same table having dinner with Ivie Momoh. It's a honor"
"Don't flatter me"
"I'm not. I've always been a fan"
Ivie looked at the time, "It's almost nine" she announced and he shut his eyes in disappointment. "How many minutes?"
"Twenty, you have to go. I wonder what Jafar will speak on today" she answered and he smiled. "I wish this didn't have to end"
"What about our second date?" She asked and he sniggered, "What happened to ethics"
"What happened to two friends having dinner together"
"Why does that sound like you've just friend zoned me?" He asked and she chuckled.
"Less than twenty minutes Liam"
"Why don't you go to the studio with me and maybe then I can drive you home?" He suggested and she gave it a thought.
"I'm not sure about that. I'll just take a cab"
"Please" he begged, "Do it for Jafar" he requested and she chuckled.
In the studio, Ivie sat with Big Friday away from Liam while he spoke on air.
"So I went on a date with a gorgeous lady today" Liam began and Ivie laughed. "So I asked her out on a second date and she clearly said we could go as friends so automatically I've been friend zoned. Guys is this how it hurts being friend zoned?" He asked then he chuckled at his own question.
"Aside that, we had a nice chat. There's nothing better than talking to smart girls, we had a political chat and then I thought, can there be a world were politics can be practice without it's rottenness and injustice and How can you get out of a friend zone? Call in and let me know your opinion" he asked the listeners started calling in and Ivie turned towards Big Friday.
"So you're the one that friend zoned him?" He asked and she shrugged. "I really don't appreciate employer and employee relationship"
"It's just a date, girls can assume ehn!"
"Look into that eyes and tell me that's not the look of someone that wants more than friendship. Listen to him! He doesn't even hide it"
"Jafar's a good man. You know I'm kinda shocked though, he hasn't shown interest in any woman in like forever and I'm not trying to put in a good word for him, he's a good person, almost too good to be true" he answered and Ivie couldn't agree less; Liam is way too good to be true.
Suddenly she was taken by a caller, who was in support of Liam.
"If she knows how long I've been dying to date you, she'll say yes to you. Sir you are a rare gem, and aunty oh, please oh, if you are listening, accept his second date. Who knows, the next thing might be wedding bells" she joked and Liam laughed then he looked at Ivie winking at her.
"Well for your second question, I don't think rottenness can be separated from politics, it's like trying to separate sand from garri. It's impossible" she added and Big Friday nodded at her remark.
Liam stopped the car in front of Ivie's gate. "I had a lovely evening" he commented and she smiled. She enjoyed every bit of the night, even though she hates to admit it.
She almost forgot her that her mission.
"You looked really pretty tonight"
"Thank you" she greeted. "Good night" she moved her lips close to his cheeks to bid good night with a peck on the cheek and he stared at her.
"Good night" he muttered and she nodded staring at his lips and he moved his lips closer to hers.
"You barely know me"
"It feels like I've known you all my life" he answered and she swallowed hard.
"We've only met twice and I just can't kiss someone I barely know. I was only aiming for a kiss on the cheek"
"And I'm not stopping you" he replied and she pulled back with a sigh.
"Um..." She shut her eyes, "Have a nice night" she added walking out of the car and Liam smiled watching her.
He wasn't ready to leave, not until he was completely sure about her safety.
She knocked on the gate then she turned back at Liam who was still watching her. She entered and he drove off.
Ivie finally brought her phone from her bag, she had about twenty missed calls. Her mother had left her tons of messages.
A call came in from Shade, so she picked it up.
"Your mom has been worried, why haven't you been picking up your call?"
"I was busy and my phone was on silent. I'm sorry"
"How was Jafar?"
"Screw you! Why didn't you tell me Liam and Jafar was the same person?" She asked and Shade laughed.
"I'm sorry so how was the date?"
"It was fine, it was almost like a real date and there was this moment when...." She stalled.
"When what?"
"Nothing, it just felt like we were going to kiss. It was probably all in my head, it's too early right? I mean this guy might be the enemy"
"What really happened at the date? It sounds to me like you're catching feelings already" "I'm not catching feelings, maybe it's because I haven't been on a date in a while"
"Jafar or Liam cannot be a suspect because I believe in what Jafar fights for. Now you know why I had my doubts. I'll stop by tomorrow, I totally forgot that you now have a job. I'll see you when I see you" shade answered and Ivie knocked on the door and Mrs Momoh opened up complaining about the missed calls and how worried she was about her.

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