Chapter VI-Pain in the Kisses

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Idhayan looked at the papers on his mahagony desk.
Being a lawyer isn't an easy job and owning a law firm is another thing.

Walls painted in black along with gold here and a few racks on the left to Idhayan's table filled with huge books and files. Right next to he racks, Idhayan had stairs built for his private lounge, bedroom and his huge library.

Whenever he needed a release, this is the place he bought the girls back. He never even took them to his penthouse. Even if he has huge mansion, he bought a penthouse. Just like most of his brothers , he claimed the need to have privacy.

Vatsalya and Idhayan always needed a reason to not stay at their mansion, but after the birth of Aekansh and Zivah, they started spending more at the RJM Mansion.

Even though Vatsalya never spoke about it, everyone knew a lot has changed in the past four years. More likely everything changed the moment Katyayani entered their lives.

For the better or worse, his life took a complete three hundreds and sixty turn. Four and half years, it's been four and half years since he lost everything. After that horrifying night, everything was lost.

Other than for his needs, he doesn't even like interacting with women except for his family. He doesn't even have a female Assistant or secretary. Even the receptionist at his firm was a man. He allowed women to work at his firm and RJM Entertaining Media. But he needed everyone to be at their utmost professional behaviour.

Even if many women working in his companies had a crush on him, nobody dared to try any tricks on him. After the incident that took place around three years ago, every woman who has a crush on him stayed away from him.

He handled the women working under him well enough to keep him away. But bound to the rule of treating his guests well, he has to control the urge of showing them his true colours. He had to be nice to them even if he hated it. Well Idhayan had it in him to charm any person who is sapiosexual.

Idhayan was a combination of odds. He is a exceptionally good lawyer who built his own firm without depending on his family. Along with it he took care of their Entertainment and Media company. He had many famous celebrities in his company.

Along with it he started his own culinary school which is his department at the RJM University, even though he doesn't know how to cook, he still keeps sticking his nose into everything related to the culinary department even though he knows that Agastya hates it.

And he started his own chain of restaurants with the help of his older brother,Yuvein. It was kind of shocking for everyone, Idhayan who was always curious about other things except cooking and eating, he troubled the most as a child when it came to eating. To feed him, all the people in the mansion had to run around him leaving his brothers.

Idhayan never caused any trouble unless it had something to do with food, and now surprisingly he has a culinary school and a chain of restaurants.

He knew his brothers wanted to know what happened to him, what changed in him, but they never bought the topic.

Idhayan was the first to meet Katyayani along with his thathaamma. His Katyayani bhabhi's entry changed their lives. Some for the better and some for the worst. And his life it killed him that night and made him into this man.

That night, along with his life, he lost his passion.
His passion, the reason behind him wanting the Entertainment and Media Industry completely changed.

Even though he lost his life and his passion, he was happy to have his little niece and nephew. If Zivah were his moon that shines in his life filled with darkness then Aekansh is his sun, the brightest star of his life.

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