He was good.

After ten minutes of staring at the screen in contemplative thought, the rose blinked and landed along a stream of coding, then went back to it's original spot. I froze, watching the screen, wondering if maybe I was becoming delirious and was seeing things again. Then the rose did it again, blinking to the same line of coding before returning.

I read over the coding, wondering if maybe he had written some kind of message in it that would tell me his plan of getting me out of here. I saw nothing out of place, the coding perfectly in place, no hidden messages that I could see.

Maybe he was just messing with me for fun.

Or maybe he was trying to lead me towards a weak spot in the wall that would be the easiest the hack through, which was exactly was he was trying to do. Now that I had thought of that possibility, I could see it and wrote the coding in to hack through.

Regardless of the horrible situation that I was in, I hid my grin with the palm of my hand.

Romeo was doing exactly like I had asked him before, to teach me how to code like him. This was tests that he was writing as walls, challenging me to find the weak spots and break through them to the next level.

The door opening snapped the grin off my face though. It was the big guy again and he didn't look very happy, his cell phone still clutched in his thick hands. He strode right over to where I sat at the table and leaned down, braising his hands on the table. His expression told me everything I needed to know before he opened his mouth.

"Guess who I just talked to," He stated, only pausing a second before continuing. Obviously, he didn't expect me to respond. "You know, if you're going to lie like the spineless snake you are, you should've at least picked someone that I didn't work for. They have no idea who you are, so I guess that means I'm in control of this situation after all and after you're done with what we need you for, I'm going to show you how stupid it was to mess with me."

I swallowed hard, my heart beating hard in my chest. The control I had had on this situation slipped away like a feather in the breeze.

Now I really was in big trouble.

* * *

Luka's POV

"Here's the plan; group two will go around back, make sure they don't slip out the back while group one goes through the front. We break down the doors and sweep the place. Now, going by the movement we've seen through the windows and the man we saw outside, they should be inside. If you can get a hold on Talia, grab her and get her out of there. Everyone understand? Any questions?" I spoke, watching the team of Mr. Vladymir's men as they watched me closely, listening to what I was saying.

I hoped that they were experienced enough to pull something like this off. There was no time to bring in the police and explain the situation, rather or not Mr. Vladymir had wanted me to. Not that it mattered, if the police were involved in this somehow, there would be no guarantee that Talia would get out alive.

My bounty hunter side told me that her dying in the crossfire wouldn't be too bad, it would just be another criminal off the streets. While the thing in my chest squeezed a bit at the thought of her dying. Maybe I really was getting attached to her. No wonder the hacker sitting a couple feet from me, typing insanely fast on the computer, had feelings for her. He apparently had really strong feelings for her by the way he acted.

I frowned, wondering if I would ever find someone like that, but shoved the thought to the back of my mind. People were all the same and would turn on you the second they got the chance. I didn't need anyone like that, I had my work, which was much more reliable than people were.

Finding RomeoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz