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(Talia's POV)

I walked hand in hand with Romeo up the hallway toward my apartment.

Tonight had been perfect. It'd been the best date I'd been on, and we'd barely even said anything to one another. We didn't have to. Just being together, without people chasing or blackmailing us was amazingly peaceful.

My fingers entangled with Romeo's. This would be the third time he was staying the night, yet we hadn't been intimate. All my previous boyfriends always pushed for more, but Romeo seemed content with taking things slow.

I wonder if he would make the first move. Maybe he needed to build his confidence more, but he was old school and did things differently than other guys. That's one of the things I love about him.

I squeezed his hand and smiled up at my boyfriend. He smiled back with a dazzling smile that I knew was rare for him. I didn't know how much he:d smiled before meeting me, but I still felt a selfish pride in knowing he only smiled for me.

I unlocked my door and pushed it open. I tugged Romeo into the apartment and pushed it closed with the palm of my hand, then pressed my lips against his. There's no harm in a little innocent fun, now is there?

The sound of a throat clearing hit my ears first, then the shifting of material against skin as someone moved.

Someone else was in my apartment.

I stiffened and Romeo straightened, removing his lips from mine as he peered over me. I pulled away and turned slowly, already figuring how many steps it would take for the gun versus escaping out the door.

My gaze landed on a woman I'd hoped to never see again, her cold, calculating eyes taking us in.

My mother.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, my voice not as emotionless as I'd like. My mother liked to use people's emotions against them, and my voice sounded just as aggressive as I felt.

"Now is that any way to greet your mother?" She sounded like a happy mother who was confused at her daughters moodiness. That was what she wanted, to come across as the perfect mother, wife, or anything else she was pretending to be. I didn't know why she was putting up a front, it was only the two of us and Romeo here.

Unless she needed something.

"Ah please, we all know you were never much of one." I snapped. She had only been here for a few seconds, and already I hated her.

"I was the best mother I could be. You made things very difficult on me. I've only ever wanted to help you, but you were too unruly to behave as a daughter should." She said, still using her sickly sweet voice.

"I'm sorry I couldn't continue lying and stealing from those you call your friends. What did you tell them? That I went to a reforming school or rehab?" I asked, trying to figure out her agenda. We hadn't been on good terms when I left, but that didn't stop her from trying to use me now. Whatever it was, she was in too deep to use whatever puppets she has at her disposal. And to my mother, everyone was disposable.

"I see you're still in your rebel stage." She sighed and set a glass down on the coffee table, standing to walk a few steps toward me.

Romeo stood stock still behind me, watching things unfold while showing his silent support for me.

"I can't wait on you any longer. It's time for you to stop being a child and come back home."

"That house is as empty and cold as your heart. I'm not going back." I was pushing her, knowing that if I pushed her enough, she would slip just enough to reveal what I needed to know. It was a tactic she:d taught me as a child.

"I don't think you realize the situation you're in. I've heard from my sources that the FBI has been notified of your location and are closing in as we speak. Of course, there has been some strange activity going around this neighborhood lately. I'd hate for something to happen to you before they could even get here." She clutched her handbag. She appeared sad, but her eyes told a different story.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked, my blood running cold. I almost couldn't believe she would do this. She always did whatever she had to do to get her way. "Is your sources you? Did you tip off the feds?"

"Of course not. I'm simply laying out the options clearly for you. You never were good for seeing things as they should be."

"You mean how you see things."

My mother sighed, and I knew I was getting to her. "I would offer you a moment to think things over, but you really can't afford the time." She walked forward, her high heels clicking on the floor as she walked. She gestured to the door, like a hostess directing guests into another room for tea. If only it was that simple. "Shall we?" She looks at Romeo for what seems like the first time. Her lip twitches and it's the only sign of her disapproval. He's nothing in her eyes. He's not wearing expensive clothing and he's not from an enriched family. She saw him as a lowlife, useless for her intentions. Her eyes shift back to me as she smiles. "You can bring your boy toy with you."

I gritted my teeth. She left me with no options. I didn't want Romeo to get in the crossfire of this. I turned to him. "You have to go before FBI gets here."

Romeo shakes his head and he didn't have to type into the phone for me to know what his choice was.

He wanted to come with me.

"It's too dangerous." I whispered, trying to ignore my mother's watchful eyes.

His eyes never wavered from mine, his hand grasping mine as he straightened. He'd already made his decision, and if my mother wasn't lying, then I didn't have time to convince him. I'd have to bring him with me and give him a way out of this mess later.

"I'd hate to rush, but we really must hurry." My mother spoke, making me wish I could punch her in her perfect nose. It wouldn't make a difference, she'd just have plastic surgery to fix it.

I grabbed my laptop, the only thing in my apartment that I didn't want FBI finding, then we left.

My mother led the way toward danger and a life of lies. I know I'll stay sane with Romeo by my side. We could make it through, as long as we didn't get killed in the process.



The end! After a year and 7 months, I've finally finished this book! Its been a long journey, and I thank everyone reading for joining me on it.

Thank you for reading!

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