mia meets high school pt. 3

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After school Mia sat on the couch in her living room. Tears falling from her face as she rethinks her decisions so far.  “Why are you crying?” Jack asked her, entering the living room. He sat down next to her on the couch. “I figured something out during summer school without realizing it.” Mia started to talk. “And some seniors which I can say are some new friends I made. They are showing my best friends what I learned. Because they were once us too. So they know.” Mia told him. “You trust these friends?” Jack asked. “Yeah I mean they haven’t done anything for me to say otherwise.” Mia answered.

“Together you and your new friends are helping your main friends?” Jack asked. Mia nodded yes. “Then why are you crying?” He asked. “Because Farkle is mad at me. Maybe the girls and other guys are too. I don’t know. But they’re falling apart. I have to sit back and watch them.” Mia admitted. “And who says you have to sit back and watch?” Jack iasked. “Well I can’t fix it.” Mia told him. “Well don’t tell them. But that doesn’t mean you can’t guide them in the right direction.” Jack told her. “You’re right! I can give them clues and hints and maybe they will catch on.” Mia smiled a Riley smile.”Thank you.” She thanked him. The two hugged and started to watch cartoons. 

“Ok Mr Matthews can I take over real quick?” Mia asked grinning. “You gonna fix this?” Cory asked, whispering. “No. But I can try to guide them.” She whispered back. “Hey everyone you already know me. Besides Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle, and Zay. I want you all to say my name.” Mia told her class. “Mia Matthews.” The rest of the class answered. “How do they know your name?” Riley asked Mia. “I met people in summer school. I was alone. In our friend group  I was the only one who went to summer school. So instead of being the loner for a month I made new friends. Opened my eyes. I met new interesting people. I maintained loads of new friendships and I kept my old ones.” Mia explained to the class. 

“This high school has multiple middle schools in it. They come together as one and grow. Middle school is like a small plant in a small pot. This freshman year is us being the flowers being transferred into a flower bed with other flowers that have been there already. And other new flowers will join us too. We will grow more and expand our minds just like every year.” Mia concluded. “Thank you Miss Matthews. This reminds me off…” Mia lost interest as she looked out the door. There were the seniors with Jay and Cole. They looked at Mia and smiled. Nia made a motion for her to check her cell phone. 

Mia read the text in her head. You found the loophole faster than I did. Good speech you saved our group too. Jay and Cole will be joining us for lunch. Mia smiled widely and looked up. Cole had his arm around Nia and Jay was laughing with Thor.  

After school at Topangas. Farkle, Lucas and Zay sat down feeling bad about how they treated Riley. “I hurt Mia as well. Not just Riley.” Farkle admitted. “So we just stay here and watch them?” Mia asked Jay. The two are sitting by the books. Watching the guys talk. “They won’t notice we’re here.” Jay told her. “Why don’t we just tell Mia we’re sorry for forgetting about her and tell her and Riley we feel bad.” Zay tried. “No we can’t. I feel bad.” Lucas told them. “Huh.” Mia huffed. Jay smiled at her. “Lucas and Zay did forget about me. At some point they all did.” Mia spoke out loud. 

“Don’t be mad at them for that. We did kind of take you away from them.” Cole said, walking up to them. “I won’t.” Mia agreed. Jay took Mia’s hand and Cole took her other hand. “But I think it’s time they see what they missed.” Jay told her. The three of them walked in front of Lucas, Zay, and Farkle. “Mia who are they?” Lucas asked. “This is Jay and Cole. They’re seniors and my friends.” She introduced them.  

The guys shook hands and they all sat together. It was quiet for a good minute. “You guys are the people Mia talks so much about.” Cole half lied. “Well we’re missing two others.” Zay replied. “Why is that?” Mia asked, tilting her head. That made Lucas, Farkle, and Zay stop talking and just look at each other. “Bay window right now.” Mia told them. “They won’t let us in.” Farkle told her. “Have you tried?” Mia asked. The boys went silent. “That’s what I thought.” Mia said. “Jay and Cole I’m sorry but we have to go.” Mia told them. “No, I understand what Lucas was saying earlier. We left them. And it wasn’t you who us. It was the other way around.” Farkle said to Mia. 

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