Mia meets fear pt.2

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Not long later Riley and Maya sat in the bay window. "Maya we did some bad things." Riley told her. "I know honey." Maya replied. "You know what's worse?" Riley asked, looking at Maya. "What is?" Maya asked. "We kept constantly hurting one of our best friends and didn't even notice what we were doing." Riley said horrified. "We need to fix this." Riley told her. "But how?" Maya asked her. "Uncle Eric!" Riley yelled. Soon the bedroom door was slammed open and Eric came tumbling into the room. 

"Maya here said that Mia needs some stuff for her room. Can we help?" Riley asked. "You know girls. You don't have to decorate her room. To have Mia forgive you. Just talk to her." Eric told them. "But yes you both may help." Eric added. Then he tumbled back out of the room. "What's your plan?" Maya asked Riley. "You go to the ring store and exchange these rings for three friendship rings." Riley took her ring off. "What if?" Maya asked but Riley cut her off. "They will." Riley said. The girls nodded at each other and headed out the window. 

Riley headed to the paint store and bought black and dark blue paint. Eric let Riley into his apartment and showed her where Mia's room is. Riley and Eric painted the walls blue and the back of Mia's door black. Eric added shelves on the door and Lucas arrived with colorful chalk. "Riley, why are you and Maya doing this?" He asked, confused. "Lucas we're doing this because we wanted to say sorry to Mia. We took her for granted without realizing it. I never thought I would be capable of hurting someone like we did but it happened. And I don't like the idea of Mia crying because she's hurting." Riley honestly told him. "So she finally told you girls that she felt left out and she didn't belong huh?" Lucas asked. "She told Maya and Maya told me." Riley said. 

"Why don't you just talk to her? Mia is the easiest person in the world to talk too. Her heart is made of gold." Lucas told Riley. "Actions speak louder than words huckleberry." Maya said entering the room. "You got them?" Riley asked. "Yeah I got them. She will get the middle one because without her we aren't complete." Maya told Riley. The rings were engraved. Riley had the ring that had 'best' on it. Maya had the ring that 'forever' on it. And Mia will have 'friends' on hers. Without the word friends it's just best forever and that doesn't make sense. "What did you girls do that made you feel this way?" Lucas asked. "Two specific major reasons?"  Riley asked. Lucas nodded yes. "Mia was there and she helped pick out the two rings for Maya and I." Riley admitted ashamed. Lucas looked at Riley stunned. 

"What did you do?" Lucas asked. He was starting to get mad. "I kept leaving her for Riley. Repeatedly." Maya admitted. Lucas looked at the girls. "I can't believe you-" He stopped. The girls looked at him. "I can't even recognize you." He told Riley. Tears started to fall from Riley's eyes. "And you, I thought you were better than this." Lucas told Maya. Her eyes started to glisten with tears. Lucas walked out of the room before they could say anything else. Maya and Riley stood in Mia's new room. "We have to fix this." Riley said. "We will. Come on let's go find Eric." Maya said. The girls linked arms and headed out. 

Meanwhile at Topangas Lucas and Zay were trying to cheer Mia up. "I was being overly dramatic. I lost my temper. I shouldn't have snapped at Maya." Mia sulked. "You know one of the things I like about you Mia." Zay started to talk. Mia looked at him. "Is that you aren't the over dramatic type. You didn't take people's balony and you tell it how it is." Zay told her. "One of the reasons why we love you." Lucas told her. "I should go say sorry to Maya and knowing her. She told Riley. So they're most likely together. I should say sorry to both of them." Mia said, standing up. "Sit down." Zay told her. Mia sat back down confused. "What's going on?" She asked. "Maya and Riley asked us to keep you here." Lucas told her. "I'm leaving." Mia said, standing up. 

"Not until we talk to you." Maya said. There in the doorway of Topangas was Riley and Maya. "Bay window." Riley said softly. "Bay window right now." Mia looked at the girls. "I don't really have a choice huh?" She asked. "Nope!" Maya exclaimed. Riley and Maya linked arms with Mia in the middle. The three girls headed out to the Matthews apartment. 

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