Mia meets secrets

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It's 6:30 am and my parents have been fighting again, this has been going on for a few months and I don't know what started it. They were happy in Texas and since we moved things have been tense. Anyways, I got dressed and headed to Maya's house. After getting dressed, I walked downstairs and saw my parents were already at work, so I ate breakfast by myself again. Yay, not. I finished and I grabbed my purse and put my house keys and phone in it and started walking to Maya's. Since I lived a block or two away from Maya's, it took me about 5-10 minutes. After I got to her house, I knocked. Watching the door open and I saw it was a woman that looked like Maya. “Why hello there!” The short, pretty woman greeted me. “I'm Katy, Maya’s mom. You must be her friend she was inviting over.” Her smile was wide and contagious. “Hey. I'm Mia, Is Maya here?” I asked, smiling back. Katy took a step back inviting me in. “Yes, she is in her room.” She tilted her head. “ Maya your friend Mia is here!” Katy faced me again and grinned once again. “So Mia you must be new, when did you move into town?” Katy asked.

“Yeah I am new. I moved here when Lucas Friar did a few months ago.” I replied. Katy looked around sighing. “Well let me go get Maya, you can wait in the living room. I don’t know what’s taking her so long.” She said. I nodded heading to the living room which wasn’t far from the door. It was tiny even for two people but it had a homey vibe. Katy headed to Maya's room. Opening the door she spoke. ‘Hey Maya, your friend Mia is here.” She grabbed her daughter's attention. Maya looked up from her drawing and smiled. “Thanks, mom, are you going to work?” Maya asked. “Yeah, I was just heading out. Mia knocked on the front door before I could open it. I like her. Well, I have to go bye sweetie. I love you.” Katy responded. “ Bye mom. I love you too.” Maya replied. As Katy turns to leave Maya grabbed her attention again. “Oh Mom, can Mia stay the night? Her parents are fighting and I don't want her to be there when they do.” Maya admitted.

Katy nodded sympathetically. ”I'm sorry to hear that. Yes she can stay the night. She is a sweet girl.” Maya grinned. “Thanks mom.” Katy gave a nod and walked out. Maya walks out after her into the living room and Katy leaves for work. “Bye girls have fun.” She says leaving. The girls watched her leave, waving bye. “Hey Mia.” Maya greeted. “Hey Maya.” I smiled at her. “My mom said you can stay the night. Do you want to go to my room?” Maya asked. “Yeah, let’s see the famous Maya’s Harts room.” I joked standing up. The two-headed to Maya's room, closing the door behind them. Maya sat on her bed and Mia looked around. “I like your room,” Mia told her sitting down on a chair. "Thanks, So Mimi, how are you holding up with the whole Riley and Lucas thing?" Maya asked Mia concerned. "I'm perfectly fine," Mia answered, lying.

“Don’t lie to me. You’re one of my best friends. I can tell when you’re lying.” Maya raised her eyebrows. “You should tell Lucas how you feel.” Maya added. “I thought about it. I was too scared and then I became best friends with you and Riley and I couldn’t hurt Riley like that.” Mia admitted hugging a pillow. “What would hurt Riley is you keeping this from her.” Maya looked at Mia. “No, because then she will try to get Lucas and I together keeping her feelings to the side. Her and Lucas are cute together. They’re both happy and I won’t be the one to ruin it.” Mia shook her head. After a moment of silence Maya took notice that Mia looked panicked. “Come here and tell me what’s going on?” Maya patted a spot next to her on the bed. Mia smiled softly and sat down next to Maya.

“The whole Riley and Lucas situation. My parents are fighting night and day. What if one of them leaves? What if it's something I did? Why do they fight? What if it's my fault? I would never forgive myself if it's something I did. I know I had a troubled past. It got worse after I told them about my fight with Oliver.” Mia ranted, tears pricking her eyes. Maya wrapped an arm around Mia’s shoulder. Leaning her head on Maya's shoulder Mia let a few tears fall. “Mia, just know that it's not your fault if your parents split up, and one leaves. My dad left when I was young and when I talked to him about him leaving and I figured out it's not my fault now. It’s never the kids fault. If you ever hear your parents fighting, you can come to my house okay? No matter how early in the morning or how late at night.” Maya reassured her. “Thank you Maya. I never really had the best of friends that were girls. It’s always been just Lucas, Zay, and I. Some things I just can’t talk about certain stuff with them.” Mia admitted. “Yeah I get it. Well now you have me, Farkle, and Riley.” Maya said. The two spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other more. Laughing the night away. 

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