Mia meets truth

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“So the one day I was absent. Uncle crazy saved the group?” Mia asked, shocked. “He is the good crazy.” Maya admitted. “I’m proud to call him my uncle.” Riley grinned. “Shawn’s coming!” Cory yelled excitedly. “I don’t even think he exists.” Maya spoke. “I don’t know Maya. I mean Eric does. Who says Shawn doesn’t.” Mia piped in. After a while Riley’s grandparents and Uncle Josh showed up. “You are not going to be my aunt.” Riley told Maya. “And you are a new face.” Josh told Mia. She looked up from her phone from texting Farkle. “I’m Mia.” She held out her hand. “Josh. Riley and Auggies uncle.” He shook her hand. “No touchy touchy!” Eric yelled. Mia shook her head and offered to help Topanga with the rest of the cooking. 

Eric then sneezed after a minute. “Mia!” He yelled his eyes wide as saucers. “My time to prove is now about my powers. Go to Topanga's to meet your father before dinner.” He told her. “He doesn’t even know about Topanga’s. Most likely he is in Florida with someone else.” She shook her head. “Then I am sorry. But it has to be done.” Eric belowed. He picked Mia up by her legs and threw her over his back. “This is kidnapping!” She screamed and thrashed in his arms. Eric took her to Topanga’s and set her down outside the door. “Eric!” She yelled madly. “Mia?” A man's voice asked. There stood her father.

A woman was on his arm holding a baby. “Dad?” Mia asked quietly. “We’ve been looking for you for weeks.” He said hugging her. Hate flashed in her eyes and she yanked herself away from him. She stepped back closer to Eric. “No you haven’t you left me for months!” She yelled. “I got thrown out of our crummy apartment and I’m homeless now!” She yelled. “Well I came back. And look at your step sister and mother.” He said lovingly. Eric then sneezed and Mia looked at him. “Don’t worry you and her son will be safe soon.” Eric promised the woman quietly. “No. I hate you and I pity anyone who has you in their life.” Mia told him. Before her father could speak again she did. “You drove my real stepmom away. The woman who raised me the best she could. Then she left both of us. She was more of a parent then you ever were. You left me when I needed someone.” She let the tears fall. “Do me a favor and stay out of my life.” Mia added and walked into Topanga’s. 

Eric followed her inside. He sat across from her in a booth. “Want to talk about this?” He asked her. “My biological mom is dead. My stepmom left. My dad left and I don’t want him back.” She admitted. “Does that make me a bad person?” She asked Eric. “Shawn!” Eric called over. “Mia, this is Shawn who Cory was talking about. Now all I can do is listen but he can understand.” Eric said standing up. “Shawn, this is Mia. One of Riley’s best friends.” Eric added. “She’s the one.” Eric whispered. “You can call me Uncle Shawn, kid.” Shawn sat down. Mia didn’t say anything. 

“So you got left too.” He started. Mia nodded her head. Then Eric gave her a small chocolate chip muffin. Her new favorite that got added to the menu. “Thanks.” She mumbled softly. “I got left too. I know how it feels to hate your dad.” He told her. Shawn heard everything that happened outside. “Did you find out why?” Mia asked. “All I know was that it wasn’t my fault.” He told her. “Just like this isn’t your fault.” He added. “What if it is?” Mia asked. Eric shook his head. “It’s not.” He told her, looking in Mia’s eyes. Mia looked at Shawn then to Eric. “Mr Matthews was right about the both of you.” She told them. The two smiled at her and then after she finished her muffin the three headed back to the apartment. 

Eric and Mia entered the apartment first and Shawn waited a minute to sneak in because they left the door open. Mia sat down on the bench at the table next to Riley and Maya. “You good muffin?” Riley asked. “I’m better.” Mia told her. The girls watch Shawn sneak in next to Auggie and Cory. “Wow Cory. I thought you’d be more excited to see me.” Shawn acted. “Shawnie!” Cory yelled excitedly. The girls walked to the bay window. “I don’t think he likes me.” Riley told her best friends. “How could anyone not like you?” Maya asked. “He likes you Riley.” Mia told her. Riley and Maya look at Mia weirdly. “How would you know? You never even saw him let alone talked to him.” Riley told Mia. “I do know him. Eric introduced me. And he helped me be alright. And I know he likes you because everyone you ever met ended up liking you.” Mia told her best friend. “No one you have met in your life has not liked you.” Mia complented. 

Riley still had the benefit of the doubt when it came to Uncle Shawn. During dinner everyone ate the delicious meal and it was gone in a matter of seconds. “Ok Uncle Shawn when is my birthday?” Riley asked. “Trust me Riley. He knows.” Cory said softly. Shawn nodded his head to Mia and she nodded to him. He gave Mia a side hug and started walking to the door. “You coming?” He asked Riley. She started to grin and her and Maya started to follow him. “Mia?” Shawn asked. “I’ll stay Uncle Shawn.” She told him, smiling. He grinned at her and left with the girls. “Can I help?” Mia asked Topanga. “Yeah you can clear the table.” Topanga smiled at Mia. Auggie was playing a game with his uncles and his grandparents and Cory couldn’t help but ask. “Mia?” He got her attention. “Yes sir?” She asked. “Sit down.” He told her. “Now I know it's the holidays and Farkle said you guys will talk about it when you're all ready. But-” Mia stopped him. 

“Remember Oliver?” Mia asked him. Cory nodded yes. “You might want to send Auggie to his room. He’s too young to hear this.” She whispered. “Now we all are hiding what truthfully happened from Riley.” She told him. That got Topanga’s attention. “Start from the beginning honey.” She told Mia softly. Cory sent Auggie to his room. Mia took a deep breath and all the adults' eyes were on her. 

“Lucas and I got kicked out in the seventh grade and transferred here because I defended Zay and our friends and Lucas defended me and them. It ended up a blood bash. But Mr Matthews you knew that. And of course you told Mrs Matthews. Oliver abused me verbally in our relationship and once it got physical. Zay stood up for me and to get him out of trouble I stepped in then so did Lucas. That’s not what the teachers and all of Austin Texas thought. So we moved here for a fresh start to be ourselves. Well then everything happened. My mom ended up being my stepmom and she ran out on us. My bio mom is dead. Then my dad ended up abandoning me. I’m staying with Farkle till I find something permanent. But what happened in Texas is Maya found out she has feelings for Lucas. Riley found out too. So she stepped back for Maya. Now they’re in a triangle.” She told them. “Then why did you and Lucas come back all beat up?” Mr Matthews asked. “Lucas and I always protect our friends no matter the lengths. From Oliver and his friends.” She admitted looking down. “Riley thinks I got hurt by rough housing with my cousins. And Lucas got hurt by Tombstone and she never noticed.” Mia told them. Eric then sneezed. “Don’t forget you and Farkle talked all night and kissed.” He added nonchalantly. Mia’s eyes widened. 

“And you’re going to live with him?” Topanga asked. “We agreed until I found somewhere stable to live. We stay friends because what I need is a friend.” She defended. “I have a offer!” Eric yelled. He sat down next to Cory and Topanga across from Mia. “You live with Farkle till January. We get to know each other. We build a relationship and then if you want I will give you a stable home. I will become your guardian.” He offered. Everyone looked at him. “You want to get to know me? And take me in?” She asked, shocked. Everyone in the room was shocked. “Yeah I mean I always wanted a family of my own. I haven’t yet. Maybe it’s meant to be.” Eric looked in her eyes. “Mia, go to Riley’s room.” Cory told her. She nodded and walked to Riley’s room. She sat in the bay window and just looked out the window admiring the world. 

“You ready for what you just told her?” Cory asked Eric. “This isn’t being a big brother like you were to Tommy.” Alan told his son. “I know.” Eric told his family. “I know exactly what’s going to happen. I need her like she needs me. You guys always supported me all my life. Support me on this.” Eric asked. Everyone reluctantly nodded. “Talk to her.” Cory patted Eric on the back. Eric nodded and headed to the room. Knocking slightly he opened the door. Mia looked at Eric surprised. “If I do agree. And if things go well for once. You promise you won’t leave me?” She asked. “I promise the only leaving between you and me is when I send you off to college.” He promised her. The two headed back to the living room just as Shawn and the girls came back. 

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