Part 21

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These boys never fail to amaze you. 

After much discussion with the coaches, they somehow managed to get permission to roam the school. After days of being "confined", as they put it, you were now in the middle of an intense game of hide and seek, all areas of the school allowed. 

You were hiding in the music room, behind stacked boxes of music sheets. Even if your opponents went into the room, you were literally out of sight. You have also been hiding for nearly 45 minutes. And the last one to be found. 

It was Hinata's idea, which got shut down quick by Kageyama, but then approved by everyone else. Playing the game was you, Hinata, Kageyama, Suga, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Lev, Yaku, and Tora, the new unexpectedly formed clique. After a lot of games of rock, paper, scissors, Kageyama ended up being the one who had to do the hunting. Once found, you stuck with the hunter to help find the remaining people. 

Everyone was blowing your phone up, shocked that combined as a group, they still could not find you. That was, until you heard the door open. 

"Ooooo! A piano! F/N taught me a few songs when we were younger, I wonder if I still remember them," You heard Kuroo say. You held in a laugh, remembering the times when you were younger, and he'd get so frustrated when you'd show him what you learned after your piano lessons. The boys all shuffled in, momentarily forgetting their objective, distracted by instruments. While you were not that excited to play from the beginning, you began to feel competitive realizing how golden your spot was. Them being distracted was a good thing, though being in the room made you nervous. 

"F/N-san can do a lot, huh?" Hinata commented, "She's real good at games, she's a good manager, and she can even play instruments! I want her to teach me too." 

"You're too dumb to catch on to anything," Kageyama said. 

"Says you!" Hinata retorted. 

You heard the piano keys play, randomly at first. You could tell Kuroo was trying to practice some scales you had taught him as a warm up. After messing around a bit, he got back into the hang of it, fluently playing said scales. 

"Woah, you actually remembered," Kenma said. 

"Kuroo, you are a man of many talents, my dear friend," Bokuto said, roaming around the room. You heard his footsteps pass by the boxed and your heart sped up, as you silently wished for him to just move

Kuroo started playing a song that you used to love to play as a kid, but terribly. You can tell what he was trying to go for, but it just wasn't happening. 

"F/N is a lot better at that than you, Kuroo," Kenma said bluntly. 

"Man, I know! I'm tryin' my best here!" Kuroo groaned. 

You held in another giggle, but the boxes shifted as you moved your hand to your mouth. The room went quiet and you closed your eyes.

"There's a fucking ghost in here, I know it!" Tora yelled, "Music rooms always have ghosts! ALWAYS!" 

"Don't be stupid, I bet it's F/N," Lev whispered. 

You heard gasps of realization and quiet footsteps. Dammit. They were gonna find you eventually, maybe you can give them a little scare.

You couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you waited patiently for the right moment. 

You heard footsteps walking towards you, so you pushed the boxes a bit, making them jump. 

"U-uh... what if it's a rat or something?" Hinata whispered. 

"You might be right..." Lev said. 

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