Part 5

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You woke up around 8pm and checked your phone. You had a few messages from Kuroo, letting you know he would come around 8:30pm if you didn't wake up before.
"Good timing..." you thought, texting him back to let him know you were about to me on your way. You brushed your hair out before grabbing a few extra things, like your toothbrush and deodorant. You snatched a can of soda to drink for a little caffeine on the walk there.

You knocked and walked in, took your shoes off, and headed to the living roomm. The boys were sitting, playing some sort of racing game. The look in Kenma's eyes was something you were familiar with, you often see it during matches. They read 'my opponent is putting up a good fight, but the results are in and I have this won.' It was a look of acknowledgment, but also pity.

You sat on the couch behind them, opening a book. They both sat quietly, and all you heard was the therapeutic button smashing.
"No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NOOO," Kuroo threw his hands up and put them into his face. "I cant believe this, I'm never going to beat you, what is this, 64-0?" Kenma nodded and placed his controller down.
"I don't think you'll beat me, but you're getting good at the game." Kenma replied.
"You know that isn't really a compliment, right?" Kuroo laid on the floor and sighed.
"I thought it was... that's how I meant it." Kenma turned to me, "Was it mean?" He looked worried.
"It could seem backhanded to the wrong person, but I think Kuroo is teasing." you said, flipping through the pages. "You guys ate yet? Want the usual?" Kuroo threw his hands up and cheered. "FINALLY! YOUR COOKING IS THE BEST!!" You smiled and stood up, as did they, and all headed to the kitchen.  You guys always banter, and sometimes they even help you cook. When they do, you try to teach them, but they often give up easily. Kenma used to say it was one of his favorite things to do, which made you very happy. You always try to think of good jokes throughout the day so that you can throw them in during these moments.

You picked your hair up, washed your hands, and put an apron on. Kenma's mother bought it for you as a birthday gift and kept it in the kitchen for when you were over.
"Aweee, (Y/N)-chan is always so cute when she cooks."
"Tch." I said, blushing, "shut up..." they knew you secretly liked getting complimented, and always had to tease you for it.
"Look, Kenma, she's blushing! So cute!!"
"She is." Kenma said, looking up momentarily from his phone. Your face got even redder and focused your attention on dinner. Fools.

Once you were done, you put apple pie in the oven and then set the table. You placed the food down on the table and everyone took their respective seats.
"Thank you for the food!"

As we were eating, Kuroo clapped his hands. "Attention, attention, I have an idea." You and Kema both looked at him, and then each other, then back at him. Usually, his ideas are a little wacky, and he only gets them after talking to Bokuto.
"Bokuto gave me this idea," he said immediately after that thought passed.
You nodded with defeat, "Called it. Please don't make it ridiculous." Kenma chuckled, "As if."
"Yeah yeah, hear me out! Anyway, I noticed the first years are still really timid, and can't seem to get comfortable around us, acting all formal and stuff," he said waving his hands in front of his face. "I hate it, cause it seems they're afraid to upset or bother us. So, I'm thinking while Kenma's mother gave us the house for the week, we could have a little get together with the first years and show them there's no need to be so nervous. I also heard from Nekomata-sensei that we are getting another player, who is also a first year, though he hasn't told the team yet."

"Another player? We've already done practice matches, why did he join so late?" Kenma asked, curiously.
"I don't know many details, only that he's never played volleyball. He'll be introduced Monday." 
"Never played?" Kenma responded. His curious face turned into confusion.
"Yeah, that's what I said too. I expressed my concerns to him, but he told me not to worry, and I trust his intuition. He said he was inspired by that weirdo fast attack Karasuno does and wanted his own secret weapon. We'll just have to see when he gets here. So, I'm thinking Tuesday or Wednesday night, after practice, the second and first years could come here. (Y/N) could make us dinner and we can all get to know each other better. I'll talk to the third years to see if they're interested, but I know they're busy with their studies since we'll all be graduating." 

A slight frown came across your face at the thought, knowing Kuroo will be leaving after this year. Though we'll still see him when he attends university, it'll suck not having him around as much, especially at school. 

"This plan is also only if you guys are okay with it, of course." He finished.
"I'm not a big fan of parties.." you and Kenma said in unison.
Kuroo laughed, "Instead of viewing it as a party, try to view it as an introduction to blossoming friendships." He sat for a minute, deep in thought. "Actually, neither of you are very interested in friends either." He shook his head, grinning. "My little introverted children," he rustled Kenma's hair and stuck his tongue out at me. 

"I guess I'm okay with it, I just don't know what everyone likes to eat.. I guess I can have them write it down and prepare something large." you thought out loud.
"I don't care either way, but I don't want to have to do any work." Kenma said.
"That's fine, I will do it all. And (Y/N)-chan, if you don't want to help with anything other than dinner, you don't have to either." You nodded, acknowledging the captain.

That night we looked through what movies Kenma's mother rented out. We laid pillows and blankets on the floor and all three of us laid down, Kenma between you and Kuroo, and Kuroo on the side closest to the front door. He always insists to do this in case someone decides to break in. You and Kenma always thought it was ridiculous but we stopped questioning it long ago, and just let him do what made him happy. You thought back on his mothers text and laughed to yourself... She always thinks we sleep in the rooms and clean it perfectly before she gets back, but she still isn't aware we all sleep together. It isn't anything romantic or weird, no cuddling, just platonic. We don't like to be apart. Kuroo picked a movie, you served pie and ice cream, and we all got comfortable. Kenma was texting Hinata and commenting more about his new friend every now and then. 

"Shoyo is interesting... I hope we get to play against Karasuno again soon." He said at one point. "Little birdy is leaving the nest~~~ I'm so proud!!" Kuroo whispered excitedly to himself.
"I can talk to coach about setting up more practice matches, to improve the teams strength," you said, making a mental note to do that.
"Yeah, that would be great chibi-chan! Coach really enjoys your input on things and trusts you!" Kuroo said.
Kenma hummed in agreement and you nodded. After many failed attempts to pay attention to the movie, you gave up, and let sleep take over. You had to mentally prepare to the next week, knowing you'll be really busy. You weren't that excited, truthfully, but if it made everyone happy, you were more than willing to help out. You fell asleep with a small smile on your face.

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