Part 10

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Lev let out an ungodly cackle as he buckled over, clutching his stomach. Some other Nekoma players looked at the two of you with a curious look in their eyes. So much for the cover you gave them, eh. No one laughs this hard about correcting their diet. 

"It isn't that funny..." you replied, sighing. You pulled Lev aside to talk to him about what was on your mind since that morning, and that cartoonish interaction with the boy in the hallway. You needed advice and guidance on what to do, and since he was the one who got the idea stuck in your head, he was going to be the one to help.  

"It totally is that funny, F/N-san. I didn't think you would actually be so bothered by that question. Soooo... which one do you like?" 

"I don't know if I even like either of them! That's why I'm coming to you... what does having a crush actually feel like?" 

Lev shook his head, still laughing to himself, "It's hard to explain. You feel warm around them, want to spend all your time with them. When something fun or sad happens, they are the first you want to talk to about it." 

You sighed, "I feel that way about both of them, but I don't think there is any romantic attraction..." 

"Maybe you're romantically attracted to both?" 

"Is that even possible, skyscraper?" You rubbed the back of your head and tapped your foot. You had been avoiding Kenma and Kuroo since you ran from them, and were anxious to face them again. You had never done that so suddenly before, so they are sure to have questions. And now that practice has started, it's only a matter of time.

"Well, romance aside. Are you attracted to their physical form? Wanna kiss them~~?" Lev teased. 

"I have thought about this, and they are both attractive in their own ways. But, I have more in common with Kenma. That said, I feel like in a romantic relationship, Kuroo would be more like, I don't know, more 'fit' to play the role of a boyfriend? N-Not saying Kenma would be a bad boyfriend! He's just shy, yknow?" You stumbled over your words and tried to explain your thought process, but just felt like you were making things worse. After letting out another sigh, you continued, "I don't know, Lev. I'm probably just overthinking it, huh? Even if I did like one of them, I couldn't stand the ruin our dynamic we have. So, I think I'll just try to relax and forget about it all." 

"If you say so, F/N-san. I of course won't say anything to either of them, if you have anymore lovey dovey questions, text me. Also, I'm available," he laughed and handed you a sheet of paper with his phone number on it. You thanked him and he went back to practice. 

You sat on the bench, quieter than usual, for the rest of the day. Kenma and Kuroo shot you nervous and worried glances throughout the entire evening, and each time you felt like they were going to approach you, you scurried off to pretend to be busy. You ended up asking coach if you could leave early, as you weren't feeling well. He said yes so you packed your things and slipped out of the gym doors, unnoticed. 

The walk home was a little gloomy. The sun was setting, but it was cloudy, like it was fixing to rain. The mix of blues and oranges behind grey kind of made your mood sink, despite you already feeling down. You stopped at a small convenience store and sat outside on a bench. You laid your head against the wall, closing your eyes. What a tiring day. You didn't even feel like walking home the rest of the way. 

"L/N?" You opened an eye and turned to the voice that called your name. After seeing who it was, your eyes widened in shock. 

"O-Oshiro, right?" You asked. 

He nodded and pointed to the empty spot on the bench, "Mind if I sit?" 

You shook your head and scooted to make a little more room for him. He stood probably around 6 feet tall, still in his school uniform, but it was a bit disheveled, along with his hair. His hair was a dirty blonde, more on the brown than blonde side, with dark grey eyes. His build was broad, toned, and intimidating, but he seemed smaller once you heard his voice, which was softer, but still strong. As he sat, his cologne made its way into your nose, which smelled incredible, by the way. 

"So, have you bumped into anyone else today?" He asked nonchalantly. 

"No..." Your shy side was REALLY coming out. Stranger, sitting close, boy, the new idea of romance in your head. Curse you, Skyscraper. 

"Are you a second year?" He asked. You nodded in response. "I'm still only a first year." You hummed in response. Shifting a little in your seat, you tried your best to just not make a fool of yourself. 

He looked at you, and you gulped. You could see him staring out the corner of your eye, so you tried to hide behind your hair. He brushed your hair behind your ear and leaned in a little closer, keeping his fingers in place. 

"I've never seen such (E/C) eyes before... interesting," He commented. Your face went red and you were so warm, you wouldn't be surprised in he could feel it radiating off of you. You looked at him in the eyes and just stared.

"F/N...?" You turned your head to see Kuroo standing there, still in uniform. You jumped at the sight of him and stood up, quickly grabbing your bag. 

"I-I was just on my way home! Is practice o-over already?" You stuttered.

"No. I heard you left and left early too. I was worried so I ran to catch up with you," He said flatly, turning his attention to Oshiro, "You are?" 

"Oshiro Daiki," he smiled smugly and picked a hand up. 

Kuroo gave me the 'is he bothering you?' look. "I m-met him today at school, and just happened to run into him here again..." 

Oshiro laughed, and you realized what you said, which made you laugh too. Kuroo tilted his head, and had an annoyed look in his eye. "Well, I guess I'll just go back." He started walking away, then turned his head back, "Me and Kenma will be at your place when we are done," he said coldly. He didn't even ask...

"So, friends with the volleyball club?" Oshrio asked. 

"I'm actually the manager," you responded. He nodded in acknowledgement, yawned, stood and stretched. 

"I need to get going. I'll see you at school, L/N-san." 

"F/N is fine..." you said shyly. 

He looked at you with a shine in his eyes and nodded, "Goodbye, F/N-senpai." 

You went home and laid in bed. You sent a text to Kuroo saying you were going to bed early, and that you would see him tomorrow. He left you on read, which was understandable. You felt bad putting them off and avoiding them, but you were super confused about many things. You contemplated texting Lev but decided to save it for an emergency. You fell asleep quickly, a dreamless sleep. 

Best Friends (Kuroo/Kenma x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz