Part 6

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The weekend went on a usual. The three of us practiced some volleyball, you did some research on what the other Tokyo teams seemed to be up to, we played games and just hung out, having a great time with each others company.

 Sunday night, Kuroo left to his house, so you and Kenma were hanging in his room. He was sitting on the floor playing a game while you scrolled through your phone.
"Hey (F/N), can I ask you something?"
"Whats up?"
"What do you think the new player will be like?" you sat up and thought for a second. " Prediction time, huh... hmm, I honestly don't really know. Coach says he'll make a good addition to our team despite never playing volleyball.. I imagine he may be a tall player. Probably really powerful strength wise." I commented.
"I see."
"You excited to meet him?" You asked teasingly.
"Very funny, (F/N)."

Monday seemed to drag. Class went by slow. Lunch came and went. Before you realized, it was almost time for practice. You was one of the first ones inside the gym, getting there a little early, so gave coach some of the info you gathered and started taking out bins of volleyballs and filling up bottles.
"(F/N)-chan, we have a new player coming in today. I allowed Kuroo to tell you and Kenma, but the others don't know yet. He should be coming early, so you'll have the honors of meeting him first." He said with a goofy smile.
Right after he said that, Kuroo and Kenma walked in. Coach laughed when he saw them and turned back to you, "It's like they have an extra sense on you doing things without them." 

You nodded, letting out a small laguh. They went change into their practice gear and you helped them set up, as more and more players filled in. Kuroo gave coach a look, and he shrugged in response. You assumed they're asking each other where this new player is. The entire team was now here and coach told them to stretch and do some basic drills. He walked outside, making a phone call.

"I wonder where newbie is." Kuroo said as you were helping him and Kenma stretch.
"Not a very good first impression to the coach," Kenma said.
"Doesn't seem like a good first impression to you either," Kuroo laughed.
"I don't really care..." he responded. 

You made your way around to other players, who often needed some help stretching as well, and completed other miscellaneous tasks. You always pay special attention to Yaku-senpai because of Kuroo. Their rivalry is secretly entertaining, and part of that rivalry is fighting for your attention. You pretend to not care about and keep a neutral stance, but when they get fired up, they always have a good practice. You wanted them to be at their best when the new player arrives. 

"You've been eating and sleeping enough, right, Yaku-senpai?" you asked softly.
He blushed and nodded quickly, "I haven't been sick in so long! Im really doing well health wise!!" I smiled at him and handed his water bottle, "That's great to hear."
He nearly blew a fuse, and just as planned, Kuroo caught it. "I-It's all thanks to you, chibi-chan! I've been following your schedule and meal recommendations!"
You could see the veins in Kruoo's head. "Perfect,"  you thought to yourself.
"Chibi-chan, I need help!!" Kuroo yelled.
"I'll talk to you later, Yaku," I said, walking away. He closed his fists and stood up quickly. "Let me receive your spikes, Kuroo!! You wont get any through!!"
I laughed as Kuroo ran over, asking Kenma to toss. Yaku could definitely be considered the mom of the group, so when he gets into his rival state of mind, its really fun to see him let loose.

Soon after, coach came back in and blew the whistle. When we looked over, we saw a very, VERY tall boy, with a serious face. Your mouth dropped open. He looked scary. "Gather round," coach called. Once we were all there, he started his speech. "This is your new teammate. He's only starting to play volleyball this year, so he is very inexperienced. That said, he has great potential. Introduce yourself." 

"My name is Lev Haiba. Im a first year, I am 194 cm tall, and I'm happy to make your acquaintance." He said bowing. His voice was surprisingly soft. He started mingling with the players, and could tell right away his personality didn't fit his demeanor. You were kind of relived, knowing he wouldn't be serious and intimidating. Kuroo talked to the coach a bit while others introduced themselves to Lev, and Kuroo called all of us into a circle.
"So, we have a new player. I was thinking we have a party either tomorrow night or Wednesday at Kenma's. Chibi-chan will make dinner, and it's not mandatory, but I do recommend everyone comes, especially the first years, including Lev."

Everyone seemed taken aback. You slowly walked over to them and handed them a piece of paper. "If you guys don't mind writing down your favorite meals, so I know what to cook..."
"She's so cute!~~ We have to go!" I heard one of them whisper. They passed the paper around, talking amongst themselves.
Once the list was handed back to me, Kuroo cleared his throat to get everyones attention again, "As we know, Lev doesn't have much experience, and barely knows the official rules. This week, most of our practice will consist of the basics, and making sure Lev understands. He is part of this team now, so start practicing communication and teamwork with him." He said.

Kenma looked over at you and sighed.
"What's wrong?" You whispered
"This just seems like a drag..." he said. I ruffled his hair and he pouted, blushing a bit.
"Do your best, pudding." 

He nodded and joined the team, who were discussing what they should practice first. You sat on the bench and watched Lev throughout practice, writing down his strengths and weaknesses. Kruoo ran up to you, and you handed him his water bottle.
"Thanks, chibi-chan," he said.
"Stop calling me that." He just laughed and sat by me for a second, putting his arm around me.
"You're sweaty," you commented.
"We're gonna meet up at Kenma's tonight to discuss Lev's first practice. Make sure to get all the info you can on him." He said, ignoring your comment. You nodded.
"Are they dating?" You heard Lev say. "Nah," Yaku said, "They're just really close like that. Kenma too. You'll see." I smiled slightly as Kuroo ran towards Kenma, asking him to throw him a few tosses. 

That night, after completing some homework, you opened the door to Kenma's and joined the two boys in the living room. You took my papers about Lev out and put them down on the table. 

"Whats the damage?" Kuroo asked, resting his head in his hands.
"Well.. pretty much what you'd expect. He's tall and athletic, as predicted," you shot a glance at Kenma and he smiled in return, "so his stamina is pretty high on the chart. His reach is clearly exceptional, and he's fast. That said, he has absolutely no technique. Low to zero." I said.
Kuroo sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, thinking. "I think it should be fine. We can't expect results overnight, and he does have the potential, like coach mentioned. Coach wants him to be a middle blocker and wants him to work on his spikes." He looked towards Kenma. "Tomorrow, you and Lev will be working together a lot more than today, alright?" 

 Kenma nodded. He doesn't like meeting new people, and you could tell he'd probably rather die than work with Lev. Kuroo ruffled his hair, "Give him a chance, pudding." He said, standing up. "Our little meeting is over. Also, I decided to have the party Wednesday night so that we have a day to prepare. I already got permission from coach, the three of us will leave practice early to do some grocery shopping. Don't worry about money, I got it. That work with everyone?" He asked. I nodded and picked my bag up. Kenma hummed in agreement. 

"Want me to cook you anything before I leave?" you asked Kenma, once Kuroo left. He nodded so you headed into the kitchen to prepare a quick meal while he laid down on the couch. He sat back up when you walked in and you served him his plate, "The rest will be your lunch tomorrow, it's already packed." you said, sitting next to him. He laid his head on my shoulder and thanked me. You pat his head in response and rested your head on his.
"Kenma is always so comfortable...' 

After some idle chatter and video game playing, you decided to head home. Once home you prepared your shopping list, read your favorite book for probably the 40th time, and laid in your bed. You stared out the window, looking up at the stars. You signed and turned over, staring into the dark room. Your eyes closed and you drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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