Part 13

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"Tora, relax," Kuroo said, not feeling that relaxed himself. 

Tora sighed after cracking his knuckles and slumped against the wall, "I'm just sayin, the minute I see this clown, it's going down." 

You all sat in a large circle, Kenma and Kuroo at both of your sides. You explained to them what happened, and had hoped to come up with a game plan on how to avoid Oshiro from now on, but it seemed like everyone else had other things in mind.

Yaku was doing his best to prevent Lev from saying something too honest, Kenma sat quietly, as he does. Tora had murder on his mind and Kuroo was truthfully, pissing you off. He was acting so weird, and you were not a fan. You couldn't put his actions into a certain description, or mood; it was something you had never really experience from Kuroo before. He was always so calm and collected, sometimes losing his temper, but kind nonetheless. Now? He was being sort of harsh and short. 

"Guys please... can we get back to the task at hand before coach comes back..." you said quietly. 

"You should've just said no. Then we wouldn't be here. Why make him wait and lead him on knowing damn well you aren't going to do it?" Kuroo asked. Jeez. So harsh.

"Kuroo..." Kenma said, giving him a strong look. Kenma wasn't fond of this weird reaction either, and while Kenma is quiet, he will always back up his friends. 

Kuroo huffed, "What, dude? It isn't cool. I wouldn't want that happening to me. I doubt any of you would want that to happen. I kind of hate the dude, but what she did was wrong." 

"You technically aren't wrong, Kuroo," Yaku interjected, "but take into consideration the suddenness of the situation, and F/N's personality. Confrontation is generally a no-go, and I doubt F/N knows how to gently let someone down. No offense." 

You raised your hand, signaling it was okay. He was absolutely right. Your biggest fears came to life in the span of a few seconds, with someone who was troublemaking. 

"Why are you being so mean, Kuroo..?" You asked, making eye contact. His face flushed red and he nearly jumped back at the sudden seriousness. Your eyes were filled with confusion, some anger, and hurt. You just wanted your best friend to help you out.

"I-I'm not trying to be..."

"Kuroo is jealous," Lev said. Yaku jumped from his seated position and karate chopped the top of his head. 

"I'm not! Why would I be jealous?" Kuroo yelled. 

"Well, what would your reaction have been if she had said yes? What would you do if she DID have an interest in him?" Lev teased, but his voice hinted at genuine curiosity. 

"Gah, I don't know," Kuroo responded. He sat and thought for a minute. "I guess I am kind of jealous. N-not that I have any romantic interest, or anything!" He stammered, "I just want chibi to be happy, and this guy is becoming a bother. Honestly, I'm not sure how to react. I'm sorry, F/N. I think I am being a little unfair to you." 

You nodded in forgiveness, understanding his feelings. 

"Well, I'm also very jealous..." Kenma said quietly. 

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, including yourself. What the heck is happening. You sat for a moment and considered what to say, but Kuroo had other ideas.

"So, what do we do about Oshiro?" Good save, Kuroo. I have a feeling this was not a conversation I want to have with Kenma in front of everybody. 

"Well, tighten her security. We can't leave her side. If we see him, we stand and hide her behind us?" Yaku asked. 

"You'll be bad at hiding, you're nearly the same size," Lev said, promptly receiving another hit. 

Kuroo groaned and ran his hands through his hair, "This is all so frustrating. What are your boundaries, chibi?  I know you don't like being treated and followed like a child, but I can't think of anything else." 

"We make him disappear," Tora mumbled. 

"Agree," Kenma whispered. 

"NO MURDER," The boys said in unison. 

"Do whatever you have to... the next time he approaches me, which is preferably never, I'll turn him down, and hopefully that'll be the end," you said, quietly, "Until then, I don't care what needs to be done. And if it continues, do whatever works.." 

The boy continued to strategize their game plan. Tora gave it the name 'Operation Heartbreak' which made you giggle, but also realize the situation. You really didn't want to break anyones heart, or lead anyone on, but that's exactly whats happening. But, a theory, what if he actually isn't interested, and is just trying to get the boys mad for denying his application? You pondered the idea and felt like Oshiro kind of brought the heat from them onto himself, for his not so great exit at lunch. You couldn't come to the conclusion on if it would be farfetched or not. 

They seemed to have a solid idea of what they wanted to do, all that was left was to practice it by putting it into action. 

"Alright boys, we can do this. Protect chibi from the scary men of the world, at all costs. Now, this took long enough, let's end the day on a good note with a productive practice," Kuroo said, standing, hands on his hips. 

"You're gonna try doing what I suggested, Kenma?" You asked as everyone started stretching. 

"Yeah... I kind of want to see how my progress has come too, can you take my vertical jump, too?" 

In the end, everyone wanted to compete, despite only having taken their results not long before. Whatever, if it gets them hype and ready, so be it. 

"All right, Lev. When you're jumping for a spike, after your running start, you want to have a moment of stillness. Focus your weight whatever part of your foot that feels the most comfortable and will get you the most height, take a moment to breathe, and go for it. Understand?" Kuroo explained.

"Aye aye captain," He responded. 

Lev took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them and flexed his hands. You've caught on to the little quirks everyone has, and flexing his hands seemed to be his. You smiled, knowing he was taking this seriously. 

Then, he ran. You saw the moment of pause, and he jumped. Everyone gasped. His hand went above the top of the basketball goal you guys were using to measure. 

"How am I supposed to measure that..." You mumbled, but everyone essentially screamed. 

"DUDE, YOU KNOW THE TOP OF THAT GOAL IS 305 CM (10 FT) FROM THE GROUND, RIGHT?" Kuroo yelled as he high fives him, shuffling his hair afterwards. 

You glanced at Kenma, and god, his expression was priceless. 

"Not only can you block, you can spike that shit right over the opponents blockers heads!" Tora was super giddy now, "I wish I could do that, you lucky skyscraper!" 

After some rigging, we were able to estimate his jump reach at around 345 cm (11 ft), which was literally just not human. Being the first one to get measured, everyone backed out, as their pride was on the line after that monstrous feat. 

Kenma seemed a lot more cooperative afterwards. After a few spiking drills, he was able to catch on to his movements and understand when Lev's jumps would be lower or higher, and seemed to have his average jump height down. Lev was still missing balls, but the sets were matching his height now, as opposed to the other way around. 

At the end of practice, everyone felt a little victorious. Knowing they could potentially have an absolute machine on their team, Operation Heartbreak underway; everyone was in good spirits. Except Kenma. 

You, Kenma, and Kuroo were all walking towards your house. Kuroo rambling about Lev, Kenma somewhat listening, and you not listening at all. You were focused on how to bring up his jealousy comment from earlier. You decided to say screw it, and just ask. 

You stopped walking and fiddled with your fingers a bit. Kuroo looked back at you, hands behind his head, "Everything okay, F/N?" 

"Umm, Kenma... can we get more into detail about earlier?" 

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