Part 9

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The next morning was total nonsense. 

As alarms started going off, and you groggily woke from your sleep, it was freezing cold. You pulled the blanket over your head and groaned. You were so very unhappy with the one who decided to make it this cold last night.

You felt Kuroo shift besides you, his body heat spreading warmth on your side. He rolled over and was ready to prop himself up when you grabbed his shoulder tightly. 

"Do. Not. Leave. I am so cold. You are so warm," you said crankily.
He let out a chuckle, "Let me go fix the air conditioner then, moron. I'll be back." 

The time it took for him to get up, turn off the A/C, and come back, Kenma was also now half awake and groaning with you. 

"Make room, ice cubes," he said, laying back down between you and Kenma. He held his arms out and you each took a side, laying your heads on his shoulders. He pulled you both closer, embracing the two of you with an arm for each. It wasn't abnormal for you to be close or kind of cuddle with Kuroo and Kenma, but this was a next step above that. You placed your hand on his stomach and felt the muscles underneath. His strong grip around you, his nice smell, plus his warmth; all made your face hot. You've never really gotten this kind of touch from a male before. You shook the intruding thoughts and closed your eyes.

You were falling back into a sleep when you heard Yaku and Lev shuffling around. You let out a huff and shoved your face into Kuroo's side. He pat your back and you felt him pull away, you sighed again. 

"Wake up, chibi's," he said loudly. You shoved your face into the pillow, and heard Kenma just say "no." 

Kuroo then took it upon himself to pull the blanket off you two. Kenma let out an unholy shriek from being attacked by cold. As you were about to protest, Lev walked into the living room. 

"Good morning!" He said cheerfully, "Did you guys sleep well? I hope it was okay that I turned the A/C lower, I can't sleep if I'm too warm." 
"So you're the culprit," you said, voice muffled as your face was still in the pillow. 
"I will never toss to you again, skyscraper," Kenma said, shooting him a deadly look.
"Ignore them," Kuroo pat Lev's shoulder, "they are not morning people." 

You fist bumped Kenma for his funny insult and decided to just get up and dressed, so that you could start breakfast. You made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and any special requests the boys had. Once everyone was sitting and eating, not only was it warmer, but everyone was more awake and in a better mood. The boys were conversing about volleyball as your got everyones belongings together. Being a manager sure turns you into a mom... you thought. You laughed to yourself and brought everyone their respective items, letting them know it was time to leave. 

You trailed behind to lock up the house as the boys cheerily walked ahead. You realized you forgot your headphones so quickly ran in and out. As you walked back outside, you saw Lev standing there, and he gave you a smile. 

"You forgot something too?" You asked.
"No, I just saw you get left behind, so I wanted to wait," he said. 

You nodded and actually locked up, and you two started walking. After some silence, Lev finally broke it with an uncomfortable question, "So, which one of them do you have a crush on?" 
"Kuroo or Kenma." 

You stared at him wide eyed and shook your head, "I'm not interested in things like that."
"I think you like one of them, just an observation, though," he replied. You had no response so you walked the rest of the way in a now, super awkward, silence. 

During class, you thought about the question more. A crush? You had never really considered yourself to be the one to develop a crush, you meant it genuinely when you told Lev you weren't interested in romance. Thinking of this brought you back to that morning. You rubbed the shoulder Kuroo had his hand on when you two were laying, and felt your face get hot again. Yeah, Kuroo was attractive, and strong, and smart... and cuddling you like that made you feel warm... you shook your head. No way. You can't have a crush on your best friend just because he was conventionally attractive. Besides, you have a lot more in common with Kenma, anyway. Video games, music, the way you can sit in silence and do your own things while still enjoying the company of the other. Your train of thought then went to the times you and Kenma had close moments like that before. One time, after you found out you failed a test you had SWORN you would ace, it triggered you to fall into a depressive episode. You had so many family and personal issues, that just took the cake. You broke down one night at random as you and Kenma were playing games. He held you close and ran his fingers through your hair, and you ended up falling asleep like that. You thought about Kenma's warmth, his smaller stature in comparison to Kuroo, how soft he is, physically and personality wise. Similar to a small kitten. You felt your body get warm thinking about Kenma, as well.

Why the hell did Lev have to say something about this? Now you're stuck in thought and comparing your best friends to one another, while the idea of both simultaneously makes you blush. It would be totally ridiculous to have a crush on either one of them. It would be wrong, too. You would never do anything to jeopardize the bond you have with them, and in your opinion, that's all romance does. That said, I guess you were a little interested. You had never been on a date, never had your first kiss; hell, you don't think you've ever even romantically held hands with anyone. 

You jumped and let out a yelp as a large book hit your desk. You looked up to see Kuroo staring down at you, and Kenma standing behind him with his head tilted. 

"Earth to F/N, are you alive, dude?" Kuroo asked. 

You felt your face flush and quickly broke eye contact. You looked around to see an empty classroom. What? 

"You've been sitting there zoned out most of class... you didn't even hear the dismissal bell for lunch, F/N-chan," Kenma said, voice with a hint of worry. 
"Sorry, I'm a little tired, I think..." you said, quickly packing and grabbing your bag. 
"Slow down, chibi, we still have plenty of time to eat," Kuroo said, placing his hand on your shoulder. 
You jumped at his touch and dropped a notebook, then picked up the pace on how fast you were packing, "I-I'm gonna eat l-lunch alone, today, I'll see you guys at practice," you somehow managed to speak. You threw your bag over your shoulder and quickly walked out of the room, then nearly ran down the hallway. You needed to find Lev.
"Chibi!" Kuroo called, but you saw a corner you could take to hide from them. You looked behind as you turned, making sure that they didn't see where you were going. You turned your head back forward and immediately ran into another larger body, falling to the ground. You looked up to see a tall male standing in front of you. His eyes were wide with worry as he stood frozen in front of you. 

"I-I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, trying to collect yourself. You heart was beating so hard, you were filled with anxiety. 
He waved his hands in front of his body, "Are you okay? It's okay," he held his arm out to help you up, you grabbed it and he pulled you to your feet. He pulled you a little too close, you two were inches apart. You slowly looked up at him again, as you were minuscule compared to him in height. Your breathing was heavy, his brown eyes were still wide with shock. 

"U-um... I'm Oshiro Daiki. I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." 
"L/N F/N," you replied. 
"Call me Daiki. I'll see you around," He said, pulling away, giving you a warm smile. He rubbed your arm before walking away. You stood and watched him as he disappeared, still in awe of what happened. 

What kind of Shojo manga is this day turning into to? 

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