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We were young
Posters on the wall
Grian was on the deading walk to school. He missed home aready. He really didn't want to come back to school after the summer break. Only one more year, he thought. Then 'that guy'' will graduate and leave.
Praying we're the ones
That the teacher wouldn't call
He sat in class waiting for the bell to go to lunch. Looking down at his desk and doodling.

We would stare at each other
'Cause we were always in trouble

Grian looked over at Scar, his partner in crime. Scar was looking at him too, his stupid smirk that he always had on his face, making Grian smile.

And all the cool kids
Did their own thing

Grian and Scar was never the cool kid. No one even knows them. Well except 'that guy''. Grian shuttered at the thought of that guy. He was everything he wasn't

I was on the outside
Always looking in

Grian was always an outsider that no one cares about, people only talked to him when they wanted their homework done. And if he refuses he'll just get beat up

Yeah, I was there but I wasn't
They never really cared if I wasn't

Grian had been at the same school since first grade but he's just not 'there' and no one really cared if he wasn't. Maybe except for Scar.

We all need that someone
Who gets you like no one else

All Grian wanted at the moment was someone who would get him like no one else. A soulmate maybe. He knew it was all just childish dreams and hopeless wishing, but he really liked Mumbo. For a long time now.

Right when you need it the most
We all need a soul to rely on

Even though no one knew who Grian was or didn't care, Mumbo always asked how his day was and made some small talks. He was one of the good ones. A nicer person for a change.

A shoulder to cry on
A friend through the highs and the lows

Even though Mumbo doesn't talk to him much, he's still looking forward to the little time he could spend with him, making his day every time Mumbo asks him if he was ok.

I'm not gonna make it alone
La la la la la la
La la la la la –lone

Grian knows he's not going to make it. Alone or not.
"Grian!" Scar said, making Grian's head snap up from his table. "It's lunchtime, let's go"
"Ok. coming," Grian said, dragging himself out of the room
"Hey, Grian." A guy said, he was buff and tall, about 2 grades above Grian.
"Come on Grian, let's go." Scar said, dragging Grian forward.

I'm not gonna make it alone
La la la la la la
La la la la la –lone

"I can't Scar. you know why!" Grian said, preying his arm from Scar's grasp.
"So you're just going to let him beat you up? Just to save Mumbo's butt? He could do that himself! His's parents got money, if he beats Mumbo up, his parents can even sue the school! What are you fussing for? Let go!" Scar said, tightening his grip on Grian's arm

I'm not gonna make it alone
La la la la la la
La la la la la –lone

"I can't Scar... I can't... " Grian said weakly, and the guy didn't wait around and yanked Grian out of Scar's grasp.
"Grian!" Scar shouted, trying to get a teacher's attention as the guy banged Grian onto the locker, making Grian cry out in pain.
"What's happening?"

Then I saw your face
Your forgiving eyes

"Mumbo?" Grian gasped, still getting punched in the stomach.
"Oh look at that! Your boyfriend is here!" the guy that is beating Grian up said, pointing at Mumbo

Looking back at me
From the other side

"He's not I- " Grian struggled, looking at Mumbo, embarrassed.
"You know Mumbo, he's only getting beat up because he thought I'm going to beat you up if he doesn't let me beat him up. Isn't this hilarious?" the guy said, laughing.

Like you understood me
And I'm never letting you go, oh

"No not hilarious! It's sick! Why are you beating him up? He didn't do anything to you!" Mumbo said, walking towards them.
"So you're standing up for him?" the guy said, glaring at Grian, who was still pinned to the locker.

I'm not gonna make it alone
La la la la la la
La la la la la –lone

"I am!" Mumbo yelled, looking around to see if there are any teachers around, but he was only met with the scared and confused face of Scar.
"Why are you standing up for him anyway? Just because you are a goodie two shoes at the school and don't want to break the streak?" the guy sneered but he dropped Grian

'Cause you are that someone
That gets me like no one else

"Mumbo-" Grian called but was cut off my the bully kicking him in the stomach and walking away.
"Grian! Are you ok?" Mumbo said, rushing over to him
"Yeah- I'm fine, this happends a lot."
"Alot? And... also... you're getting hurt because you're afriad that he's hurt me?"

Right when I need it the most
And I'll be the one you rely on

"I... yeah..." Grian blushed as he looked down.
"Thank you. But don't do this again please, he won't hurt me i promise" Mumbo said as he looked at the bruse forming on Grian's arm, where the guy punched him.

Your shoulder to cry on
A friend through the highs and the lows

Mumbo wraped his arm around Grian and huged him tight. Grian froze but  hugged back.
"So... how about we go to lunch...?" Scar asked and then he heard the bell ring. "Never mind"

I'm not gonna make it alone

"Don't mention it"

What is this you ask? Is this an update?? OH MY GOSH IT IS! I finally updated! Wow. ok. Well- sorry that I didn't get around to update last week. I will try to do something about "Like Glass Shatter" krahp cuz- Idk about that story rn. So. see you guys soon! Bai~ <3

Hermitcraft Season 7 oneshots (mostly songfics and angst)Where stories live. Discover now