Coffee shop au :0

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Hewo ppl I've finally written not angst enjoy!
(no TW warnings! A fluffy chapter :D)

A loud buzzing noise isn't a good thing to wake up to, Mumbo thought as he looked over at his bedside table. He is currently sitting at his computer and contemplating life. He had just pulled an allnighter and was not feeling good about himself. Currently feeling gross so he goes to shower and has a change of clothes.

"Black coffee sounds good right now..." he said to himself as he got his car keys, bag, and wallet. Mumbo drove a few blocks down from his apartment and saw a coffee shop almost obscured from the view of the passersby and decided it's the best place to go as there probably won't be many people. The door made a soft ringing sound as Mumbo opened it.

"Hello! Welcome to Topped off! What can I get for you today?" a soft and friendly voice sounded behind the counter

"Uh hi, I would like a black coffee please," Mumbo said thanking God that he didn't stutter that much

"Of course! Name for the order?" the barista asked

"uhm-Mumbo, please"

"Thank you! And your hair looks very nice today sir!" the chirpy yet soft voice said and Mumbo finally looked up and his breath hitched- who sent this angel from heaven????? Wha?

"Uhm... t-thank you..." Mumbo stuttered out and he's 80% sure that his face is bright red.

"Cash or card?" the barista said smiling and Mumbo struggled to get his wallet out for his card.

"Thank you, your order will be out soon!" the barista said and he winked at him. Mumbo felt like time had stopped and his breath got caught in his lungs. He slowly walked over to where he was supposed to pick up the drink and just stood there dumbfounded.

" Here's your order sir! Have a great day!" the Barista said breaking Mumbo from his thoughts.

"Oh- uh thank you!" Mumbo said and he looked at the Barista's tag on his shirt. Iskall... hmm what a peculiar name. But then again, he's never met someone else named Mumbo before so... anyways, Mumbo snaps out of his thoughts as he remembered more work he has to get done before the end of the day, and thankfully he brought his computer with him in the bag, so he found a corner and sat down getting ready to do his work. Then he realized he'd made a big mistake. He was sitting facing the counter which means he's facing
Iskall which means whenever he lifts up his head to stretch he can see Iskall smiling and his heart will stop. But then again, the barista's smile is so very pretty he decided to just sit there and enjoy the view instead. So he looked back down and started working

"Hey! You mind if I sit here?" the barista said, making Mumbo jump. was NOT expecting him this close to him as he looked up, his work being forgotten.

"Oh uh sure... I mean- no! No, I don't mind" Mumbo said in his startled state, random words flow out carelessly. Iskall just laughs his cute little laugh that Mumbo has never seen or heard before and pulled out the chair to sit down. Mumbo looked away after he realized that he was staring.

"So. Whatcha working on all morning?" the barista asked as he poked the back of Mumbo's computer.

"Oh- uh just some coding for work," Mumbo said, realizing that he could never wipe his computer down ever again.

"Oh cool! What do you work for? I have a friend that also does coding! I've seen it a couple of times... seems hard." The barista rambled and Mumbo felt just a tad bit relaxed as he heard the barista's soothing voice.

"I work for a Redstone company, engineer. I don't think coding is particularly hard but it's kind of like learning a new language of sorts."
"That sounds hard... how did you get into coding?..."

The conversation went on like that for a while until Mumbo has a work meeting coming up so he reluctantly ended the conversation by saying,

" Sorry mate, I've got a meeting coming up and I have to go. I'll see you around yeah?" Mumbo states, sounding more like himself now.
"Oh, I hope your meeting goes well! And... I've never gotten you name... what's your name?" Iskall asked and tilted his head a little bit making him look like a confused puppy.

"My name is Mumbo, You's the Iskall right?" he didn't know why he asked that dumb question, it was his tag on his shirt for christ's sake although he was surprised when the barista laughed and said,

"Oh! I forgot I had this tag one, my friend and I switched our name tags for fun. Please don't tell my boss. But my name is Grian! Nice to meet you!" so now apparently Grian said as he shook Mumbo's hand and said something about his break being over.
"Bye!" Mumbo said as he walked out and looked down at his watch realizing that he was almost 5 minutes late for his meeting. "Oh, fu-"

Das the first part of the story!!! Hope you guys enjoyed, Ive gotten an awesome editor now!!! @HamburgerBarcode helps me out so much ahhh thank you so muchhhhhh ily!!! Anyways, are you guys proud i write fluff for once? :0 new chapter coming next week! Thanks for reading!

Dead inside Stuffy

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