chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Eleanor POV:

It burns. Holy crap, it burns! Why won't it stop? Why won't the burning stop?! I can't see anything, but I hear them. Louis! I want my Louis! They're there, yelling. Ugly... fat... whore... fake.... fake.... fake... fake.... fake! Loser! Beard! Burn in hell, bitch! I hate you! Kill yourself! Go die! The hateful comments get louder and the burning increases. I just want Louis! Louis! I try to scream for him, but I can no longer breath, never mind scream. Fake!

"Ahhhhh!" I jolt awake screaming, gasping for air. I quickly look around. I'm at home, in my bedroom. I'm 41 years old and have three beautiful kids and Louis, sweet loving Louis. And I've escaped the One Direction fandom, just over twenty one years ago. I'm safe.

"Mum!" Rivera raced into my bedroom, her eyes wide.

"Ri? W-what's the matter darling?" I ask my oldest daughter, patting the seat beside me in bed. She ignored this small gesture and instead raced up to me, throwing her arms around me.

"Darling?" I asked.

"Mum! You scared me! I heard you yelling, crying for dad, are you alright?!" She demanded. I nodded my head slowly.

"Yes...just a bad dream, is all." I replied, calming down. "You and Ray just got home?" I glanced at the clock; it was close to eight at night.

"Yeah...Dad left a note, he's out with Uncle Andy. He won't be back until late."

"Guess I fell asleep early then," I muttered, standing up. 

"I have some work to do..." Rivera started. "You sure you're alright mum?"

"Yes, of course. Don't worry about me. Why don't I bring you some tea?" I asked.


"Tea then? Honey? Sugar? Alright," I raced out of the room before she could ask anymore about my nightmare. 

It was Louis's decision to not tell the children about One Direction. After what happened with Niall and was best to keep it all hidden. Though I missed my friends; I missed Perrie, who I'd grown close to. I missed Zayn's laugh and Harry's jokes and Liam's childish ways. I missed Niall, with his food obsession. I missed seeing Danielle every few weeks and I missed seeing how happy Louis used to be. I missed One Direction...but it's Louis's decision... 

Rivera POV:

Guess my mum has secrets too, then.

I remembered her waking up crying since I'd known her, but I never knew what those terrible night mares were about. She'd never told me, even when I asked. But I couldn't worry about that now, I had research to do.

I slipped into my bedroom and locked the door. I sunk down onto my bed and started up the laptop, not sure what to search first. I decided to put on some music and look through the rest of the pictures first.

They were weird. I mean, totally normal, I guess. Normal people hanging out. What was weird, was the fact that I knew these people. All of them, I just had no idea why! 

One, was of a cheeky boy with curly hair holding a baby. The caption was 'Harry & Rivera'. So this Harry person was holding me on the day I was born.

Another, was Niall and Liam, holding hands. The caption scribbled out was First Date. How cute.

One, my father holding a baby me. Another, the boy with the dark hair and this Harry-person. Yet another, my mother, looking youthful and beautiful. Even some of Auntie Danielle. There were none of Ray. Mercy hadn't been born yet. There was only me.

I heard my mum coming up the steps, with my tea, and frantcally threw a blanket over the photographs. I stuffed the duffle bag into my closet and dove for my desk, opening a random book.

"Hey honey," My mum said, smiling her flawless smile. I kissed her cheek and took my tea, thanking her. She left shortly after.

I have to be more careful with my research.

A/N: If you'll look over to the side bar, I've created a few of the many poloroid pictures. You're welcome lol.

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