I laughed, hugging her back.

"Hey cutie, why are you in such a hurry?"

She sat me on her lap gently, as she sat by Stan.

I looked her deep in her bright blue eyes that I adored so much. I felt worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I just heard Stan's dad telling a cop he had magic. What happened? Should I be worried are you hurt?"

I gently placed my hand on her cheek as I looked at her, I couldn't help but smile.

Oh how I love her.

"Syd, honey. Do not worry okay-"

"How the fuck cant I? If they look into it and believe him, they'll find out it was you and I don't want them to take you away." She said all at once.

"Syd, breathe. It's okay. I know your emotions must be everywhere but-"

I stopped talking, noticing the branches on a nearby tree shaking.

I made her look at me, in my eyes.

"Syd! Can you hear me?"

She just nodded.

"Breathe! Everything'll be fine." She looked like she was about to cry and I frowned, feeling tears start to come out.

She just hugged me. I let out a breath and hugged her tight, trying to calm her racing heart and thoughts.

It really is nice weather outside..

She slowly breathed and then a few minutes later, was a bit better. I grinned at her and kissed her nose, making her blush.

"See? It's all okay."

She pouted making my heart feel warm and nervous. A good nervous though.

"It's okay." I gently grabbed one of her hands in mine and smiled at them. Her hands were always so warm and soft.

I really feel safe around her.

She began to smile slowly and just kissed me on the forehead and then just looked at me lovingly, making me blush as I grinned feeling very happy and cared about.

"I'm a little upset though. I mean that was really dangerous, you could've gotten hurt or Stan-" she stopped and squinted her eyes in thought. She looked at him slowly.

"Was it your idea?"

I giggled and she looked at me.

"It was my idea actually."

"No way."

"Yeah" Stan laughed.

"Who knew y/n would do something dangerous? You're so hot." She smirked at me and I winked at her making her blush.

"Marry me"

I chuckled, blushing.

"I'm glad you feel the same way but we're really young and-  you're so fucking cute, Sydney Novak." I just grinned at her. I got up which made her pout.

"Aww, don't worry. I just gotta go to the bathroom. Don't move." She still held onto my hand, pouting.

"Don't leave me please" she said in a high pitch-baby like- voice. I just smiled at her feeling so fucking happy.

"Syd, You're so cute it's killing me" I groaned making her laugh, smiling at me.

"I'll be back. I love you." I jokingly stuck my tongue out at her making her giggle. I slowly pulled my hand out of her's and gave her a kiss softly on her lips and left to an nearby out house to go to the bathroom.

I could tell she was still worried but I'd be okay and Stan'll keep her company. Hope we didn't make him feel like a third wheel too much..

I could hear them talking as I walked away slowly.

" 'Marry me?' Real smooth Syd. Real smooth."

"Shut up." I heard her chuckle and I just knew she was blushing.

"When you two do get married- I mean it'll be weird. Because you two cannot dance to save your lives."

"I know" Syd smiled, happily. "She's really cute though." She played with her fingers, nervously and blushed feeling happy at the thought of marrying me.

She's so cute.

I forget to ask her about her about what happened with her and her mom.

"I'll ask when I get back." I said softly to myself, smiling at the thought of Syd, wanting to marry me.

Because I really thought I would be back

(Control)sydney novak x fem reader #1Where stories live. Discover now