Chapter 9

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"Hi I'm here to inform you of a very important matter" said Mathew Winter also known as CEO of winter central, and my dad

"Oh no, we have to get out of here" I said to Zoe

"Can't, it's to late all the doors are blocked by security" said Zoe

"Shit" I said as I looked around trying to find an exit

"Everything alright" asked Ella

"Ya, I just...... have to go to the bathroom" I said

"We'll the meeting will be done in a few minutes" said Ella

"Okay" I said and we focused our attention back to my dad

"My daughter, Emilia Winter has run away and i am doing a world wide search, security will be coming to all dorms asking about her" said my dad

"Also If anyone finds her and returns her home they will receive a $10,000 reward" continued my dad

"Please give a hand of applause for Mr. Winter " said Ms. Walter as she grabbed the microphone and my dad rushed of stage

"School will be cancelled tomorrow because of the searches, you may leave" said the principal and everyone swarmed out of the auditorium

"Ella I need to talk with Zoe, I'll meet you at our dorm" I said

"Okay" said Ella and she made her way to our dorm

"What am I going to do" I said freaking out

"Maybe they won't notice you, your hair used to be brown now it's blonde, you have coloured contacts and you skin got tanned" said Zoe

"If they find me, do you think that they're ever going to leave me be and those men will come back" I said as fear was taking over and all the possibilities were becoming scarier by the second

"That will never happen, I'm not going to lose you again" said Zoe has she pulled me into a hug and I began to cry

By the time I made it to my room, my eyes were puffy and you can see the tears stains that were on my cheek

"Just get some rest and tomorrow will be better" said Zoe then made her way to her dorm

"Hey Ella I'm back" I said as I walked in

"Have you been crying" she asked noticing my puffy eyes right away

"Ya I just fell down and scrapped my knee, no worries it's all better now" I said as I made my way to the bathroom

"Are you sure" she asked not convinced

"Yes I'm sure" I said as I locked the door

I looked down to my arms there were still some scars from the cuts, even though they were all gone it felt like it was just yesterday. I was alone, scared, hurt, I wanted nothing more than to go home

"Lexi you should start heading to bed" said Ella as she knocked on the bathroom door

"Sorry my hair was really knotted" I said as I unlocked the door and came out

"It's fine" Ella said as she went back into bed

-------------- next day ---------------

"Hey I'm going to go call someone, I'll be back in five minutes" I said

"okay hurry up" she said and I began to walk to the cafeteria, it was almost 11 so nobody was there

"Hey Michael" I said

"Oh hey Lexi" he said

"They're doing searches" I said

"Did they do you yet" he asked

"No, but I'm freaking out and Zoe can't help me because she's getting searched now" I said

"It's fine just relax, you got this they won't recognize you" he said

"Are you sure" I asked

"Yes I'm sure" he said

"Okay thanks" I said

"No problem, call me whenever you want" he said

"Your the best" I said, I was very lucky to have a friend like Michael

"You too, We'll talk later good luck" he said

"Thanks, bye" I said and hung up

"Hey Ella I'm back" I said as I entered the room

"Oh great these guys are here for searches" said Ella pointing to the two men beside her, I knew one of them he used to keep care of me when I was younger since my parents were too busy, his name was Eric Samuels

"You two head to the principals office they will be questioning you while we search the dorm" said Eric

"Okay" said Ella and we walked out of the room and went straight to the principals office

"Excuse me Ms. Walters" said Ella as we walked in

"Hello ladies, Mr. Winter will be questioning you" said Ms. Walters then walked out of the room

"Full Names please" he asked

"Antonella Johnson" said Ella

"Lexi Hanson" I said

"Do you girls promise to tell the truth" he asked

"Yes" we answered

"Do you have any personal connections with Emilia Winter " he asked

"No" said Ella and so did I

"Have you ever been in contact with Emilia" he asked

"No" I answered but Ella said yes

"When have you come in contact" he asked

"I visited the company with my dad one day and we saw her" said Ella

"When was that" he asked

"A few months ago" she answered

That was a few days before I disappeared

"Have you ever seen Emilia since her disappearance" he asked

"No I haven't " answered Ella

"You" he asked to me

"No" i said

"Thank you very much you may leave" he said and we walked out

"That was scary" says Ella as we exited the room

"I know" I said as we walked into the room

Immediately I froze Eric has my laptop the one with all my letters to Michael and all information about this fact character

"I'm going to talk to Lexi outside, you watch her" said Eric and brought me outside

" I have to say Emilia you've done a pretty good job at hiding" said Eric

"Please don't tell anybody" I begged

"I wont, I think you had a right to run away and nobody should force you to stay" said Eric

"Thank you" I said giving him a hug

"No problem, but I have to continue searching and you should go back up" said Eric

"Okay, thanks again" I said then raced back to my room


Somebody new knows her secret

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