Chapter 2

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"No, get away from me" I screamed as I struggled to get out of the chair I was tied to

"You are going to tell me, the easy way or the hard way" he said getting closer to me

"Never" I said as I struggled

"Okay then the hard way it is" he said as he pulled out a knife from his pocket

"No, get away from me" I said

"Not until you tell me" he said as he put the knife to my arm

"Ahhh" I screamed, then woke up

"Lexi are you okay" said Ella

"Ya sorry it was just a bad dream" I said running my hands through my hair but I knew it was more than a dream

"Okay, try to get some rest school starts in 3 hours" said Ella as she made her way to her bed

"Goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" I said as she turned off the lights and went to bed while I stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take over

"Lexi wake up, Lexi wake up, Lexi wake up" said Ella while nudging me

"Five more minutes" I muttered rolling over

"School starts in 10 minutes" she said

"WHAT" I screamed jumping out of bed

"Just kidding, you have half an hour" she said between her giggles

"Very funny" I said as I made my bed

"I'll meet you in he cafeteria" said Ella as she walked out the door

I grabbed my uniform which consisted of a pleated skirt, with a white t shirt and blazer ontop

Finished getting dressed I put a few bracelets on then walked out the door and headed to the cafeteria

--------------- first class --------------

"Today we will be learning about the renaissance " said my teacher as she began explaining

Ugh I hate history it's so boring, I prefer art or drama they're much more fun

The door opened up making a huge sound, and all the students looked at the door and no other than Derek himself was there with a smirk on his face

"Mr William your late" said the teacher

"Sorry I was doing something actually useful" he said as he made his way to the last row

Please don't sit next to me,Please don't sit next to me,Please don't sit next to me

But luck wasn't on my side because he sat next to me, great now I have to deal with him for the rest of the class

"Hi I'm Derek, what's your name" he said with a wink obviously flirting with me

I didn't answer I was in no mood to deal with him

"Oh playing hard to get I see" he said

"No it's called I'm trying to work so be quiet" I said as I focused back to my work

"Feisty I like it" he said,

the entire class he would try to get me to talk it was so annoying, doesn't he see I'm not interested

Finally the bell rung and I ran out of the classroom faster then you can say wait

I had a free period next so I ran up to my room hoping to get some sleep in but to my dismay I bumped into Luke

"Oh I'm sorry" I said as I backed up

"I'm sorry, I probably should of looked where I was walking" he said

"It's fine I'll see you later" I said as I started to back up but he stopped me

"Bye" he said

As I walked in I saw clothes everywhere and Ella looking threw her closet

"Hey what's all this for" I said gesturing to the room

"There a school dance tonight, it's a beginning of the year dance and I'm trying to find a outfit it has to be formal but not too formal" she said as she continued to look

"You could borrow one of my dresses" I said

"Really thanks so much" she said as she got up to hug me

"It's no problem" I said hugging her back

"So how many dresses do you have" asked Ella

"Maybe about 5-8, and I already know the perfect one for you" I said heading to my closet

"Really" she asked following me

"Uh.. its... this one" I said as I pulled out a purple dress it had mini spaghetti straps and at the bottom there were spirals in silver

"That's gorgeous" she said grabbing it for me and admiring it

"And this ones mine" I said showing her a light blue sweetheart neckline dress, that had lace all over it and a zipper in the front, it was very pretty
( picture in next chapter cover )

"I have class in a hour so can you wake me up 20 minutes ahead" I asked Ella

"Sure I'll probably be here all day cleaning this mess" she said pointing to the clothes that were all over the room

----------------- dance ----------------

"Ready" I said as I spinned around I picked a pair of black simple heels and my hair was straightened and 2 front strands were pulled to the back with a clip

"Gorgeous, what about me" asked Ella

She picked a pair of silver heels with a glittery headband

"Perfect, lets go" I said, on the way out I grabbed my purse which had my phone, some money, dorm keys and lipstick

"I'm so excited" said Ella as we stepped into the elevator

"How do parties work here" I asked

"We'll if you want to plan one, you ask the headmistress, they have a few chaperones but not many we are aloud alcohol if were of age but people don't listen to that, we pretty much can do anything we want because we can't go anywhere the doors are locked at this time and since we can't get out we can do whatever, some parties are really crazy" explained Ella as we got out of the elevator and walked into the party

The music was playing and everybody was dancing, there were drinks and food

"Let's get this party started" I screamed and we ran to the dance floor


Second chapter yaaa
Any thoughts about the characters

Did you know that most of the characters take after my friends

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