Chapter 6

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Ella POV

I saw Lexi fall into the water, it isn't that easy to get up on the surfboard you need a lot of balance plus the fact that it's slippery doesn't help at all

A few seconds later she didn't get up and I noticed bubbles and I went into complete panic mode

"LUKE" I screamed and the second he saw the bubbles he started to swim to me

"Find her" he screamed as he swam to me and I started to look at the spot where she fell

I moved my hand under the water until I felt her and pulled her up passing her to Luke and he hauled her to the shore

"Lexi" I cried out as Luke began to do CPR

"What happened" asked Zoe as she rushed to Lexi's side

"I don't know, she fell off the surfboard and never came up maybe she hit her head or all the air was knocked out of her when she fell" I explained

"Will she be okay" asked Zoe

"I don't know" I said

"I just called 911 they are on they're way" said Hunter

"Where's Derek" I asked

"He's waiting for the ambulance" said Hunter

"She's not responding" said Luke

"Does she have a pulse" I asked

"Uhh....yes but it's very weak" said Luke has the ambulance came into view

"Can someone please explain what happened" said an officer has the ambulance people took Lexi to the hospital

"We'll we were surfing and she fell and never came up" I said

"Thank you very much" he said then walked off

Lexi POV

* beep *
* beep *
* beep *

Ugh what's that noise I just want to sleep

I opened my eyes and was blinded with light

"Ugh" I groaned as I clutched my head

"She's awake" yelled a doctor and she came rushing to my side

"What's the last thing you remember" asked the doctor

"Umm I was surfing and I fell under but everything else is a blank" I said

"That's perfectly fine, you've been in a accident you almost drowned" she explained to me

"Okay" I said processing everything

"We will be taking your vitals and if everything's okay you can leave" she said

"Where are my friends" I asked

"They weren't allowed in here because of you state but know they may come" said the doctor

"Thanks" I said as I gave her a slight smile

"What's your name dear" she asked

"My names..Lexi Hanson" I said

"Thank you" she says and then left the room

A few seconds later all my friends came rushing in

"OMG Lexi thank god your okay" said Ella as she rushed to my side and gave me a bone crushing hug

" your... hurting... me" I said in between gasps of air

"Sorry" she said as she immediately let go

"It's fine, so what exactly happened" I asked

"We'll we you were surfing and fell and the doctors told us that you hit your head on the reef or a rock" Zoe explained

"Oh" was all I managed to mutter

"I should of never forced you to surf it's all my fault" said Ella

"No it's not I'm just extremely clumsy" LIE, I know I shouldn't be lying but I can't blame her

"How long have I been out" I asked

"Not long just 4 hours" said Luke

"So you guys have been waiting 4 hours for me" I said

"Ya" said Derek

"Aww you guys are my BFF'S" I said

"That means a lot to us" said Hunter sarcastically

I was going to answer back but Zoe's phone began to ring

"Hi......No........Okay I'll pass you to her" said Zoe and passed me the phone

"It's your parents" said Zoe

What they found me already

"Can you guys give me a minute" I said and everyone left the room

"Hi" I said

"Sweetie when are you coming home" said my dad

"Never" I hissed

"You have to take over the company" he said

"I told you already I'm not following in your steps your a liar, cheater and a horrible person" I said

" no you are because your exactly like me" he said

"No I'm not" I said

"Yes you are and you will come home this instant" he said but it was more like a statement

"No" I said firmly

"I will send people for you" he said

"But they will never find me" I said

"You will come home wether you like it or not" he said

"I'm never going to be your salve unless I have full control" I said

"That will never happen" he said

"We'll then winter central won't last very long" I said then hung up

And if you guys haven't guessed it yet I'm Emilia Winter heir to winter central and nobody is going to bring me back


Her real identity is finally revealed
What do you think?
Hope you enjoyed

NobodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora