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    Who would have thought a 102,000 above all God would let a mortal women carry his child. Yes women where toys to him, but, to let one live after he had his way was very unlikely.

    Along side this point where his partners in crime, and basically children and husband. Wammu, Esidisi, and Santana, has done the same. They had a plan in the working. If they could become the ultimate life form, why not try to have children to do the same.

   However this being thousands of years ago, the sun was something they still couldn't put into there hands. Literally. So, a half human half pillermen? Sounded like the perfect match for them.

    (Ima say->) around this time is when they turned themselves to stone, leaving the women to take care of their children. (Such men)

   Months passing by, the four children were born. 3 boys and 1 girl. 3 now dead mothers, and 1 taking care of now four god children.

   The power from the baby boys when given birth, the human body couldn't handle causes the three women giving birth to Esidisi, wammu, and Santana's boys, all died in the birth process.

   Though kars pick had stayed somewhat perfectly fine. Helping the three women give birth and peacefully pass, she gave birth to kars daughter. Batya. Mother Elda named and took care of all the children.

   The towns people around her had always disapproved of this. Four women, being picked by Gods, singled out for genes. They where jealous, riding Mother Elda out of her small town and into a large field alone, with four children.

God children.

(Just so everyone knows)

Batya (kars daughter)
Cedric (Wamuus son)
Ekon (Esidisis son)    
Tatum (Santana's son)

   Through years had passed the ripe age of 16 and 17 came for the children. All the boys had grown buff like their fathers. Hair almost the same, all around the same height.

    Batya grew strong like kars, seemingly stronger then all the boys. May be reason to her working out, playing around, or simply doing things that without her knowing showed herself off

   Batya was blind to the fact that one day she would have to be breed with her three closest friends. And only friends.

   The boys would stare a lot. It was kinda crazy how batya would never notice it. She had no want in the boys seeing them only as friends. But things started to happen.

   The sun was out for a few hours and the Children had no problem being in it. The human in them kept them from any harm. Elda was inside cooking up.

    Boys outside in the fields collecting any fresh fruits, corn, or any wheat that would be used for the day. And Batya in the barn dealing with cows sheep pigs and chickens

    Batya did not wear dresses like her mother, she hated the restriction in her movements, she liked herself being free. Hot days seeming to be like the one they lived today, she wore her crop top, and shorts, her purple curled hair tied up in her messy bun.

   Ekon has slipped away from the other boys, finding his way to the barn were Batya hummed you herself and the cow she was milking. He peaked in the barn doors raising his hand to knock before-

   "Yes Ekon, what brings you here from the fields?" Her voice rolled through out the barn, her eyes playfully thrown over her shoulder to look at Ekon, now flustered from embarrassment.

   "I-I was coming to see if you needed anything..." his once booming pride and elegance slipping away to the stumbly boy.

   "W-we are almost done... I mean I-I'm almost done! The others are just to slow to catch to my speed" he gloated, chest puffed out and thumb to pointing to himself with a big grin to his face

Kars daughter Where stories live. Discover now