Everythings okay. Untill now.

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Elda (Batyas mother, boys caretaker)
Batya (Kars daughter)
Cedric (Wammu's son)
Ekon (Esidisi's son)
Tatum (Sannatas son)

   Once Batya was calm and Elda was fully recovered things where getting to the point we all have been waiting for.

   As the cart ran over the dust of the desert, Elda turned to the boys and her daughter, keeping seko going straight

  "Excuse me, children." She spoke kindly, with a hint of nervousness in her voice

   All their heads perked up, and smiled up at her

   "Yes ma'am?" They said in unison

   Elda took a min and breathed deep. "I think it's time I tell you why we are out her"

  They all laughed a bit, Tatum nodding his head

   "Yeah I don't think we can wait anymore Miss Elda"

   Little yups and mhms where thrown around,

   Elda sighed, and turned around completely

   "You all are 17 now. Of age for a small thing we- I mean... I, have been meaning to do."

   She had to pause for a moment. Thinking of her dear friends and lover. Her hand quivered over her mouth, as again she took a deep breath

   "Mom? What's wrong? You know you can tell us,"

   The kids grew worried as they listened, and watched as Elda started to get upset.

   "No-no just listen." She said with a slight hint of anger. "When... when me and your mothers got pregnant with you all, they told us they had to leave."

   "HUH?" They all, but Cedric, said in unison

    "So, you're telling me my father is a-alive...?"

     "As far as I know. All of your fathers are alive. Tatum. Your father is in another location. We will go to him after these three. Unless they met up after... I have no idea. It's been almost 18 years."
She scratched her head a moment, trying to put a few puzzle pieces together

    She continued, "Kars, Batya your father, told us all when you all became 17, to go to one of the two locations on a map given. I lost the map years ago, but I know where the main spot is. The spot me and your father met Batya."

    They grew silent. Taking all that just was said in. But Elda was not done yet.

   "They don't know about your mother's fate boys. They may be upset, but Kars in the main leader of this group. Tatum, Cedric, your fathers where very loyal to Kars, practically raised them both. Ekon, your father and Kars where the best of friends, took their fathers in under their wing and saved them from the massacre"

     "Massacre?" Ekon questioned,

     "Yes, Kars and Esisdisi where challenged by their main ruler. That they couldn't kill off their own race. Much like you two, they where always up for a challenge. They spent years, which is when they met your fathers,-" she motioned to Tatum and Cedric "cared for them, and then killed their former rulers kingdom off."

   "So, when did they meet you? Right after?" Cedric perked up from the group

   "Years after that. They had all chosen a women they thought would be strong enough to care for half gods. Since, you're fathers are gods. They may have been strong mentally, but their body's couldn't handle youre boys strength. Thankfully, Batya you didn't cause much trouble for me."

    The boys looked at Batya, thinking she was going to get upset yet her eyes sparkled. She felt amazing, she's a half god for reals, able to protect her mother at birth, be the youngest, and STILL be stronger then the boys

   "You might have been weak in the womb, but you're sure as hell strong outside of it!" Tatum remarked, laughing after, everyone joining in.

     "But don't get all happy pappy. They are going to be very judge mental. Batya, I am worried for you."

    "Why mom? Won't dad love me! I'm stronger then all the boys! Was weak but now stronger then ever!"

    "Yes that so, but he wanted a son. I apologize for saying it so harshly. That is all I worry for."

    Batya nodded, not worried much for it. Her and Cedric already had this conversation and was ready to prove herself worthy of his daughter. And if he didn't like it he could suck it.

    The boys where only excited to finally see their fathers. They were happy they weren't just orphaned. Asides from all that they all started to chit chat, gossip, and talk about how they think they look like.

    Elda started to drive once more. They where almost there. Well no. They where there.

   "Alright kids. We are here."

Alright boys and gals and non binary pals, you ready for this? Cause I FUCKINF AMMMMMMMMMM

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