Why are we out here?

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Elda (Batyas mother, boys caretaker)
Batya (Kars daughter)
Cedric (Wammu's son)
Ekon (Esidisi's son)
Tatum (Sannatas son)

   The days got long and hot. The rain had stopped for a long while and the group together needed a second to stop. Seco needed the same.

    They stopped and camped for about a whole day. Boys laid out on the ground. Like star fish. Batya was sitting, arms back holding her up, and one leg up the other on the ground. Head looking up at the sun.

   Her mother was taking care of the donkey.

     It had to be the hottest day ever since they left. Scorching sun. Tho the children didn't seem to mind it much. Elda on the other hand. Was basically dying. She was trying to not worry the kids, yet didn't work out well.

    A thud was heard. Elda collapsed. Batya picked her head up and saw her mother, and concern ran through her body

  "Ma?" She started her way up. Her mother didn't answer.

    "Ma!" She jumped up, sprinting to her mother's side causing the boys to struggling up

    "W-what's wrong?" Tatum stumbled up and next to Batyas side. Ekon doing the same

    "I-I don't know! She just fell, m-mom! Wake up, please!" Batyas hands ran over her mother's face, begging for her to awaken, she didn't know what was going on.

     "Cedric! The hell are you doing you selfish bastard!" Ekon stood up, watching his basically brother grab water from the cart, and open the lid

    "Her mother might be dead and your worried about water?" Ekon grew angry, Cedric didn't answer knowing his hard headed self wouldn't listen. He brushed past him and next to Elda,

    "Dehydration. Batya hold her head up, she needs water."

   Batya nodded, her shaking hands lifting her mother's head up and trying her best to hold back her tears.

    Cedric opened her mouth, slowly letting the water drip into her mouth. She started to move after that, opening her mouth by herself and starting to drink it

   "Why... why did this happen?" Batya struggled to say, holding her mother's head, and looking desperately at the calm Cedric

   "Ekon, step infront of the sun she needs shade, Tatum, make a bed in the cart, she will have to rest after this"

   The boys nodded. Tatum doing as told, and now a nice shade covering Elda.

     "Cedric!" Batya yelled, startling the boys, but not breaking Cedric

    "She's a human. Fully human. Not half like us. She can't stay in the sun as long as we can. She passed out. Trying to look calm, for us not to worry. She will be fine. She just needs water and rest."

  Batya just stared at him. She was a little angry, yet didn't show. She cared for for her mother at this point,

     After a few mins her mother awoken. They put her in the area Tatum made for her. Cedric stayed with her along with Tatum, becoming her new shade. Batya jumped into the front, Ekon following.

   "I'm sor-"


   Ekon stared at her for a second. She looked cold. Grabbing the reigns, and starting off again. The way her mother said to go.

    Cedric knew a lot. Even tho the kids knew they were part "god" Cedric knew more. And he kept it from Batya. His best friend, he kept it from her. She didn't like that.

    Ekon stayed by her side the whole time. Not speaking. Not saying anything but trying to give as much comfort as he could to her. Which didn't seem to be a lot.


First, thank you for the 800 reads I didn't think many people would like this story since it dosent have any jjba people in it. It will tho, soon to come.

Sorry for being gone so long, I love this story so much it has to be one of my favorites out of all I have wrote.

I hope you liked this one and soon things are gonna speed up and get messy. So I hope you like getting messy 😂😂😂. Have a good one!

Author chan out~!

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