it was wierd not having him call you his 'girlfriend' or any other nicknames he'd usually give.

"are you feeling better? i was so scared something might've happened to you when i didn't see you yesterday. moreover you seemed off the whole week, god i'm so glad you're okay." he started blabbering, but paused to look at you.

"you're okay right? no fever? anything?" he asked while passionately grabbing both your shoulders.

you were stunned that moment. he was always like that but it just felt so good especially after the news of chae eun and jungkook dating.

usually you'd push him off and told him to get away, but you had a good sleep, a good breakfast and just felt really good in general, you decided to give in and let him do it.

"i'm fine." you replied, smiling back at him.

"that's good." he let go of you immediately after realising what he did, because usually you would be the one pushing him off, and started walking off slowly.

you smile became slightly wider as you caught up with him.

"don't you live like, the complete opposite of me?" you asked.

"i do. i woke up earlier today, couldn't sleep anyways. i was really worried you know, this year's crucial as heck and you skipped school? you must've felt terrible."

hearing him say those words made you melt.

never have you ever had anyone say things like this to you, or do what he does.

you'd find it annoying on any regular day, for some reason, but today, it felt so comforting and nice.

"well that's nice of you, thank you for caring so much." you replied. shocking the both of you.

words like that will NEVER come out of your mouth, EVER. he knows that too.

he stopped walking to look at you, "are you sure you're okay? did something happen? why are you acting like that?" he asked, you could tell from his face he was genuinely concerned.

awkwardness took over as you found yourself not knowing what to say. WHY did you put yourself in such a situation. it was so much easier ignoring him.

"n-nothing happened. just became nicer i guess? plus you never really, y-you know, do anything bad to me...? i don't know why i disliked you." you replied.

ACTUALLY, you do, you never really clicked well with people like him who deeply believes fighting can solve anything. and just him always being rash.

but in that moment it just felt soooo right.

"same to be honest. but i roughly know who's the one captured that heart of yours, so not really expecting you to like me back."

you froze.

he knows??

"no you don't, because i don't have anyone in mind." you quickly replied.

"liar! i know it. i can sense it." he teased.

"well then who is it, mister?" you asked, confident he most likely wouldn't know because you don't show much affection anyways.

"do i really have to say it, it's obvious isn't it. you know it fo-"

"say it." you challenged him.

dae won let out a huge sigh,

"jungkook isn't it?"

your heart stopped.

he knows?!?

author's note:
i know i haven't updated for like a few months, and i genuinely don't know how time passed THIS QUICK. around february i started school so i was still able to update during the 'honeymoon' period, but things got hectic, covid 19 became a whole PANDEMIC. for my country we're still going through a circuit breaker, till june, honestly not doing very well lmao. thought i wouldn't be the type to wake up late but i wake up at like 2pm almost everyday 😭😭...

anyways, my holidays got pushed forward so, here i am, updating! i kinda lost the direction where i wanted this story to go, especially after i wrote daewon in a way i really like :(, we'll see though, jungkook or daewon 🤨

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