(11) Before the climb

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Beca woke up to the sound of rain hitting her bedroom window. She tried to get up but soon realized that there was a weight on her chest. She looked down to see red hair that belonged to a beautiful blue eyed girl.

"Morning." said a sleepy Chloe as she looked up at Beca.

"Morning sunshine." Beca smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Good I guess." Chloe shrugged.

"You guess?"

"I'm just scared Beca. What if you get hurt or worse. I don't wanna lose you." Chloe sat up and looked Beca in the eye.

"I'll be fine. I've been a hero before this Chloe. Plus I'm not alone, I have my team and the soldiers." Beca smiled at how caring Chloe is.

"Yeah but Becs you've never fought crazy robots  before. What if yo-"

"You need to stop worrying so much about this. I'll be fine Chlo." Beca smiled as Chloe nodded then laid back down.

In the past few weeks the town had become a war zone. The robots were everywhere in the town. People were locked in their houses afraid for their lives. Going outside was basically a death wish now.

They were also cut off from the rest of the world since the robots jammed the signal and locked everyone in with a really strong wall that no knows how they built. All that chaos caused mayor Thomas to ask for help from the Guardians.

It took forever for the Guardians to agree to his request but they did. They made a deal that he wouldn't send his people to hurt them or experiment on them once everything was over. Naturally the mayor agreed.

While the Guardians were training and preparing Chloe and Beca got close, like really close. They would flirt like no tomorrow. Last night they had just gotten back from Benji's house and Beca offered to let Chloe stay the night. The blue eyed girl obviously agreed without hesitation.

Now they are laying in Beca's bed looking at rain through the window.

"Do you want breakfast?" Beca looked down at Chloe.

"Yeah, but can we get it later? You're super warm and I'm super cold."

"Nice to know you only cuddle with me because of my heat." Beca smiled.

"I cuddle with you because I like you......... and also for the heat."

After another hour of cuddling they went down stairs to make breakfast. There they found Emily making pancakes with Stacie sitting on the kitchen island.

"Morning weirdos." Beca said as she opened the fridge to grab apple juice.

"What's with the apple juice?" Stacie raised an eyebrow.

"Beca thinks orange juice is too cliché so she drinks apple or grape juice for breakfast." Emily answered as she served everyone the pancakes.

"You really are one of the weirdest people I've ever met." Stacie smiled.

"Oh really? Did you know your little girlfriend over here eats chips with a teaspoon?" Beca smirked and Emily slapped her arm.

"How does that even work?" Stacie raised an eyebrow.

"She opens the bag, crushes them, pours them in a bowl then grabs the spoon."

"I hate you." Emily frowned.

"Love you too Em."

"I think it's cute." Stacie smiled giving Emily a kiss on the cheek.

"You don't have to lie just because you like her Stacie." Beca said making Emily stick her tongue out at her.

After breakfast the girls were off to Benji's house. Surprisingly Benji's parents still hadn't noticed anything. Infact none of their parents had noticed anything different mostly because Benji had holograms take their places.

"Took you long enough. Where were you guys?" Benji asked as the four girls walked into Benji's the base.

"Some of us actually need sleep dude." Beca yawned.

"Just put your bracelets on so you can go meet the soldiers and mark the official start of the robot war."

"So that's why you woke up so early. You're a sci-fi nerd who gets to see a real life robot war. You must be delighted." Beca smirked.

"Whatever just get ready so you can get this over with. The others are waiting for you guys in the car."

The two girls nodded and grabbed their bracelets. Because of Benji their suits were now activated by their bracelets. They also learned how to do new 'tricks' with their powers.

They got in the car and were off to Town Hall to meet with the soldiers and the mayor.

"So you guys have to escort a convoy of military vehicles to the top of the mountain. There you will have to find the control system for the robots and switch them off. We clear?" mayor Thomas explained.

"Why do we have to escort them if we're the ones who have to shut the robots off? We're practically escorting them to watch us do all the work." Emily pointed out.

"They are your backup." mayor Thomas said with no emotion.

"Fine, then what I say goes." Beca said.

"I'm the captain around here, so what I say goes. Are we clear?" one soldier frowned.

"Who are you again?" Beca asked not really interested.

"I am captain Matthew Posen." he said with pride.

"Okay Matthew, I am Phoenix and since my team is the one that will be doing all the work I think it makes sense for me to be the leader. Plus I'm stronger than you so...." Beca shrugged and Matthew scowled. "Let's get going people! The sooner we leave the sooner this stupid war can end!"

Half the soldiers got into their cars while the others stayed behind to protect Town Hall. The Guardians sent the car back to Benji's since they were going on foot the rest of the way.

"We should be there by tomorrow morning. When we get there we get in and get out. We have each others backs no matter what." Beca said looking at the soldiers with a stern look.

"Are you saying we could stab you in the back?!" Matthew yelled.

"Well I wouldn't put it past you now would I?"

"I am not a traitor. I stay true to my word and I'll make sure you get up there to shut the robots down." Matthew frowned before going to his vehicle which he shared with majors Carlos Beale and Markus Conrad.

"I don't trust him." Beca whispered to Emily.

"Hey that's my dad! He would never betray you trust me." Aubrey said startling the Guardians.

"I forgot that you guys can hear everything we say." Emily sighed.

"We can also see everything you see. Which reminds me, Jesse quit picking your nose it's gross." Amy gagged.

"If you have a problem just close your eyes."

"Can we get going now? The sooner we get up there the sooner I have to stop taking orders from you." Markus said.

"And the sooner I can stop having to tolerate your bullshit." Beca whispered under her breath before they started heading for the top of the mountain.

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