(4) Crushing hard

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Monday morning Beca drove to Emily's house to pick her up so they could go to school.

"What up Ms Junk?!" Beca yelled as she walked into the house.

"Hey, Beca. You want pancakes or waffles?" Katherine asked the girl.

"Waffles please!" Beca said as she walked up the stairs to Emily's room.

Beca opened the door to Emily's room to make the younger girl aware of her arrival. Emily was looking through her closet for a jacket that went with her 'Coldplay' tank top.

"You could just were a plaid shirt instead of a jacket." Beca suggested and Emily took her black and white plaid shirt.

They went down stairs to have the breakfast Emily's mom made before heading to school. They went to the cafeteria to grab some fruits before class. They were swarmed by students the second they got in. Everyone heard about them saving the girl at the mall.

Everyone wanted a selfie or asked them a million questions much to their annoyance. Beca was about to yell at them when someone pulled her and Emily away from the crowd.

"You two are heroes again huh." Cynthia Rose said.

"Congratulations." Florencia smiled.

"Can we please drop the matter?  All this attention is annoying." Beca sighed.

"What she said." Emily nodded.

"We're just saying. You two said you don't want to be heroes anymore but then you go and save someone's life." Jesse said.

"Whatever, just shut up. If I remember correctly you said you don't wanna be a hero either, yet it was your idea to go up there." Beca said before she walked to class.

Everyone was giving them so much attention that it got old quick. The principal called an assembly just to show them off. Their teachers were giving them so much special treatment that they even begged to be told off.

Lunch was no different since they were given their very own table. The principal even came to make sure that their food was to their liking.

"I hate this." Emily frowned. "Attention is not my favorite thing. Our parents didn't even react like this."

"They're used to this, but these people aren't. Just hang in there, they'll forget by Friday." Beca said.

Emily was about to say something but was interrupted by Benji, Jesse, Cynthia, Flo and Lilly sitting at the table.

"Can we meet at my house after school?" Benji asked.

"Hell no." Beca said.

"I'm not trying to make you a hero Beca. I just need you to help us figure out why we've had tremors for five days straight at the same time and epicenter." Benji said.

"Fine, but I am not saving anyone. Never again." Beca said and Benji nodded. He understood why she didn't want to be a hero and honestly he didn't blame her. He didn't blame any of them for not wanting to be heroes.

At Benji's house they were all sitting in front of his TV waiting for him to tell them about he's theory.

"Okay, so all the tremors occurred at exactly 9:30 pm. They also have the same epicenter which is the oak tree in the park." Benji explained while he's TV displayed all the information.

"What do you need us for?" Jesse asked.

"I need Cynthia to tell me if the tremors are getting stronger. I'll need the rest of you if they are."

"Please tell me that they aren't getting any stronger." Emily pleaded.

"Unfortunately they are. You can't pick it up using a computer, but I'm sure these tremors will be a full blown earthquake in a few months. That is if they continue like this." Cynthia  said with a frown.

"So I guess you want us to help you find the source and stop it?" Flo asked and Benji nodded.

"No, if any of those soldiers see us we're pretty much dead. You have no idea what it's like being caged so you can do it yourself." Beca said before she got up and pulled Emily along with her. Shortly after the rest of the teens filed out of Benji's house leaving him alone with his thoughts. He knew that if he wanted to do this he had to do it alone.

Right across the road was Jessica's house where Jessica was hanging out with her friends.

The next day at school Beca seemed angrier than usual and everyone could feel it. The smallest things set her off which made everyone keep their distance except for Chloe who was determined to make the girl smile.

Chloe found Beca in the girls bathroom washing her face. Chloe couldn't help but stare at the girl.

"Hi, Beca." Chloe said in a cheery voice.

"Why are you always so nice? No matter how many times everyone tells you to stay away, you always come back. Why?" Beca looked at the reflection of Chloe in the mirror.

"I met the real you at the party, and I really wanna see her again. That's why." Chloe answered.

"Trust me when I say you don't know the real me." Beca frowned.

"Maybe, but I do know you love music, you care about Emily like an older sister and you cherish all life." Chloe smiled.

"What makes you so sure? That I cherish all life I mean." Beca asked.

"You saved that girl, you're always donating even though no one notices. I saw you apologize to your frog before bisecting it in biology class yesterday." Chloe smiled making Beca smiled as well.

"You stalking me Beale?" Beca smirked making Chloe blush.

"No, I'm just very observant Mitchell." Chloe smiled.

"You're such a dork dude." Beca laughed. "You're still cute though." Beca said before leaving the bathroom.

Chloe could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. She was glad Beca had already left so she couldn't see how red she was.

She had a goofy grin on her face all day, and at lunch Amy had to ask.

"Okay ginger. What's with the goofy grin that won't leave your face?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy." Chloe blushed.

"Does this by any chance have to do with Beca?" Aubrey asked.


"You're crushing hard aren't you?" Stacie smirked.

"Whatever." Chloe rolled her eyes but her gaze couldn't help but land on Beca who was listening to Emily talk about puppies.

Maybe Stacie was right, Chloe was falling hard and she liked it.

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