(10) What really happened

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Aubrey was sitting  next to Benji as he typed away on his computer.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Aubrey looked at the boy hopefully.

"Sure, what's up?" Benji asked not even looking up from his screen.

"I have a lot of questions like, why did Beca say anyone who works for the mayor is evil? How do you even know that they're the Guardians? Who built this? Do your parents know? What happened that made them quit being heroes?" Aubrey listed making Benji look up at her.

"How long have you had these questions?" Benji asked.

"Since you showed us this place. They kept adding up the more time went on." Aubrey answered.

"Let me go call the others. I'm really not in the mood to tell this story to you guys one by one." Benji said before getting up.

He went around hunting everyone down so he could tell the story only once. As soon as everyone was together he started his story.


25 April 1997
Dr Cedric Leonardo Applebaum was in his lab trying to figure out how to make a chemical that can help improve the human immune system. Most people had been calling him crazy since he had been in his lab for weeks still obsessed with his research.

30 April 1997
Dr Applebaum had finally perfected his chemical or so he thought. After testing it on twenty teenagers, each teen was there after diagnosed with pneumonia. He's experiment was immediately stopped and he was put in prison for illegal experimentation without any consent.

18 August 1997
Three of the twenty teens that were experimented on had past away. The remaining seventeen teens were still very ill.

01 January 2002
Only ten of the teens remained. Most of them passed away when they got a simple cold. Some passed away due to kidney and lung failure.

03 March 2003
One of the teens had given birth to a baby boy named Jesse. Unfortunately she passed away when she gave birth to the boy.

31 March 2003
Another teen had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lilly. The girl's mother became infertile after giving birth.

15 May 2003
The wife of one of the teens had just given birth to a baby girl that they named Beca. After his first child the man became infertile. His wife left him and their daughter after her eighth birthday.

23 June 2003
Baby Florencia was born unfortunately she lost her mother at birth. She was left with her father and her half brother.

05 October 2003
Cynthia Rose was born. Her father had become infertile after she was conceived but he wasn't complaining. After Cynthia he and his wife adopted one boy and one girl.

11 December 2005
Emily Junk was born. Her mother being one of the only two females not to lose their lives at childbirth but still became infertile like the rest. Emily came into her powers earlier than the rest. For this reason her father left her and her mother behind. Saying that he didn't want a freak for a child.

25 April 2014
Dr Applebaum had finally paid bail and headed towards his son's house. He wasn't all that excepting of his father but let him live with his family anyway.

30 May 2014
Dr Applebaum began making a lab under the house behind his son's back. He had a plan to unite the six living results of his experiment.

01 January 2015
The six families were united for Dr Applebaum to help the kids master their new found abilities.

01 January 2016
The Guardians were introduced to the town of  Echo Bay. They had stopped a bank robbery with ease and the people loved them.

23 March 2018
After years of protecting the people from any type of danger the Guardians were but on trial for destruction of property.

Summer of 2019
The Guardians were finally made illegal. The town council voted that they leave forever but the mayor had a different plan. His scientists had found a rock that had a mineral that could both hurt the Guardians and contain their powers like kryptonite.

The mayor had his men capture the Guardians so the scientists can experiment on them. Dr Applebaum had to ask his grandson to help him find the Guardians and bring them home safely. Having to explain to him why his closest friends were always at his house.

It took forever but Benji was able to hack into the lab on the mountain allowing the six teens to escape. Once they got home their parents couldn't believe how beat up they were. They forbade the kids from going anywhere near Dr Applebaum ever again.

"That's what happened." Benji said as he finished the story.

"Why would the mayor conduct those experiments?"

"What did they do to you up there?"

"Where did they find those rock?"

"I just answered your questions and now you have more." Benji sighed.

"He conducted experiments because he was afraid of us being stronger than his soldiers. They injected us, electrocuted us, beat us and used us to fuel their gadgets. Those rocks are under the town. There happy?" Beca frowned and stomped out of the room with Chloe going after her.

"Did they really do all that to you?" Stacie asked Emily who nodded on the verge of tears as she remembered the torture.

"Oh Em, I'm so sorry." Stacie hugged Emily.

"It's okay. It's not like there was anything you could do."

"I promise you that no one will hurt you ever again." Stacie whispered in Emily's ear.

Emily took Stacie's hand and led her to her room. Like the one Aubrey walked into but with a lighting design. They sat cuddled up on the couch.

"Hey Em, when this killer robots thing is over would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to actually. " Emily kissed Stacie's cheek making the older brunette turn red.

"Damn Stace you're heart is racing. Are you okay?" Emily sat up to look at Stacie in the eye.

"I'm fine. I'm just kinda nervous." Stacie admitted.

"Nervous, why?" Emily tilted her head in confusion.

"The smartest, most talented, sweetest, bravest, kindest and most beautiful girl I've ever met just agreed to go on a date with me. I'd be crazy if I wasn't nervous."

"You're sweet." Emily smiled before snuggling up with Stacie.

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