(2) Lake party

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It was only the first week of school and Chloe was already famous. People heard what she did in the girls locker room. She still didn't understand why they thought it was such a big deal,  but she wanted to find out.

She was sitting with her two best friends along with her two new friends Jessica and Ashley at lunch. They were talking about school when Fat Amy showed up looking happier than ever.

"Did you guys feel that earthquake last night?" Amy asked still excited.

"It was more of a tremor than an earthquake Amy, and why are you so happy?" Aubrey asked.

"This might mean that the Guardians are back!" Amy yelled.

"What does a tremor have to do with whoever that is?" Stacie asked.

"Amy is talking about the superheroes who used to protect the town before they were considered to be illegal." Jessica explained.

"This place had heroes? Why did they become illegal?" Chloe asked.

"People said they were destroying way too much property when they were fighting, so the Mayor made them illegal." Ashley answered.

"I wish I could've seen them." Aubrey said.

Amy took that as an opportunity to tell them all she knows about the Guardians. She told them about all the times they saved the town, their powers and how cool they look. Her story was so long that it went from lunch to gym class.

"And that's how they saved Town Hall." Amy said finally ending her long story as the girls finished up changing into their normal clothes.

"You really are their biggest fan aren't you?" Aubrey chuckled.

"You've got that right." Amy grinned making Chloe roll her eyes.

Chloe saw that Beca was done already and was once again sitting alone. Chloe wanted to go talk to her but she didn't want to make the girl angry again. Chloe sighed as the brunette put her headphones on her ears.

"Hey Amy, why does Beca hate being touched so much?" Chloe asked.

"No one knows for sure except maybe Beca and her friends. All I know is you should stand clear of Beca Mitchell and you will be fine." Amy shrugged and went back to what she was doing.

Some of the girls in the locker room were throwing a dodge ball around for fun. You had to catch it and throw it as fast as you can to anyone. Chloe took that to heart since she threw the ball at an unsuspecting Beca. She hit her square in the face.

"What the actual fuck dude?!" Beca yelled as she held her bloody nose. Chloe walked towards her trying to help stop the bleeding.

"I swear if you touch me you're dead." Beca said with venom in her voice. It was like Chloe didn't hear the threat as she tried to touch Beca.

Beca held Chloe's wrist and was about to crush it when she felt someone holding her shoulder.

"Beca don't. Please just calm down." Emily pleaded so Beca won't hurt the redhead.

"Okay." Beca sighed and let go of Chloe's wrist. Emily pushed Chloe back so she could tend to Beca.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Stacie asked as she dragged Chloe over to their group.

Beca and Emily walked out the locker room the second the bell rang. Chloe felt terrible for hurting Beca but once again people thought Chloe was a badass for throwing the ball at Beca.

She got invited to the lake party that was being held Friday after school.

At the party she was getting a bear with Stacie when she saw Beca getting out of a black convertible Jeep with Emily.

"Should I go apologize to her?" Chloe asked.

"Are you insane? Everytime you go anywhere near her things become worse." Stacie answered.

Chloe sighed and tried to avoid Beca at all costs. When the sun started to set they made a bonfire. Chloe got bored so she went up to the cliff next to the lake to get a view of the place.

When she got there she saw Beca sitting at the edge. Chloe was about to turn around and leave, but Beca called her over. They had a fun conversation about school as if they were actually friends.

Beca was nicer and even though Chloe knew that Beca was just drunk, it was nice talking to her. Beca was nice and funny. Chloe couldn't help but admire her beauty under the moonlight. The way she smiles, the way she laughs. Chloe was hypnotized by the girl.

"I should head back to the party before my friends get worried." Chloe said.

"Come on. I'll walk you." Beca offered.

They walked down and were almost back at the party when they were blocked by a group of drunk guys. Their comments obviously made Chloe uncomfortable and that made Beca angry.

"Come on sweetheart." one of the guys said before kissing Chloe's cheek.

"Don't touch her." Beca said as she pulled Chloe behind her. The guy tried to touch Chloe again, but he got a punch in the face before he could.

"You bitch!" he yelled before him and his friends attacked Beca. Chloe could only watch in horror as Beca fought them off.

Beca won, but she had a cut lip, a bloody nose and a bruised cheek. Chloe helped her back to the bonfire so they could look for Emily.

Emily was sitting around the fire with Stacie. She had her head on Stacie's lap as they talked about whatever came to mind.

"Hey Em, do know where I put the first aid kit?" Beca asked.

"What the hell happened to you?!  You promised no more fighting Becs." Emily said as she pulled Beca to their car.

She pulled a first aid kit out the glove compartment, and tended to Beca's wounds. She gave Beca an aspirin before walking off in anger.

"Where's the nearest ice cream shop?" Beca asked Chloe and Stacie.

"Why do you want to know where the nearest ice cream shop is?" Stacie asked.

"Emily is mad at me for getting into a fight, and the only way to apologize is buying her ice cream." Beca explained.

Chloe nodded and helped Beca up. They spent the entire night at the party. Chloe and Beca's  different groups of friends stayed up to watch the sunrise on the cliff.

"The sunrise is so beautiful." Emily smiled looking at the horizon.

"You have no idea." Stacie said while looking at the younger brunette with a smile.

"After this you're getting me ice cream right Beca?" Emily smiled like a five year old.

"Yes, but you have to eat breakfast first. Your mom would kill me if I let you have ice cream before breakfast." Beca said while looking at the sky.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." Emily smiled.

They talked for an hour or so before they headed off to a twenty four hour diner for breakfast. They then went to get ice cream before going their separate ways.

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