CHAPTER XIV | Reminiscent

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN(First Person Point of View)"More than One Apocalypse"

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(First Person Point of View)
"More than One Apocalypse"

YEAR 2120 - Oct. 20 - 8:50AM


We three jumped from the falling water tower. In the hopes of miraculously splashing in a building's swimming pool.

It was like I saw the world in slow motion. Fabiar's face was full of fright, his hands positioned as if he was praying we were going to survive. Cass' face was full of adventure as if she knows we can do it.

I looked down below and saw the two boys. Dylan looked so scared, he was looking at me and was running like he could catch me when I fall. Art was different. He seemed like he was disappointed at our decision. Like we made a mistake.

The look of Art reminded me of someone from the past. Someone I despised.

"You didn't pass again? I'm not even surprised anymore!" My mother would yell at me, "Look at Dylan, he's an amazing athlete! Aira is a top notcher at her class and Bonnie won another dance competition, and you? You're nothing! You're a disappointment!"

She would always compare me with my siblings, reminding me how talentless I am.

My father tried to stop her often, letting her know that she should mind her words. She stopped. But that's what I thought.

She would always go off entering the room when I'm alone, physically abusing me. She told me to not tell anyone or else she would not feed me or torment me or worse, kill me.

The way she said it made me make an oath to myself to never let anyone else know. That was back then when I was a naive nine year old.

I made pesky excuses. Telling them that I don't feel pain at all. That I accidentally got cut by a knife or that I got bruises after falling down the stairs. It made me look like a clumsy clown to my family.

My mom is now in a Home for the Aged while my dad was still living with us since he was still strong.

As of now, none of my siblings doesn't know anything that has been happening. Except Dylan of course.. I told him everything when mom was sent off. He promised he'd keep me safe and that he would never leave my side. That I will never feel pain ever again.

"I wish we hadn't adopted you! You're a Mistake and you should never have been born to begin with."

Yes, I'm not their real daughter nor did Dylan was ever my biological brother. I won't forget those words.

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