Chapter Ten ~ You

Start from the beginning

"Thank you.... I'll go put it on and make sure Hinata isn't screwing around" Kei said, smiling slightly at the shirt as he ran his thumb over the white crescent moon on one of the sleeves.

"I'm happy for you Tsukishima, I can see what's going on and you deserve this. I'm happy my push in the right direction served you well" Koushi was proud, he didn't know which one of them had confessed and honestly neither of the teens did either, but all Koushi knew was that Kei seemed happier. The air around him was full of happiness and more positive. Natsu walked in with Ittetsu holding her hand. The girl immediately went to her father figure, so he already knew to crouch down into hugging position.

"Kei! Hi!" She said excitedly as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"Hi princess. How was school? Did you have a good day?" Kei asked quietly as the two sat on the gym floor. They talked about her day, letting Natsu talk excitedly as the fifteen year old nodded his head and gave the nine year old short, happy replies. Shoyo walked back into the gym to see his sister and the girls attention cut short. She hugged her brother happily, making Kei take the chance and just change his shirt right in the gym. He put on the new one and ignored all the confused looks as he continued to watch his two favorite people in the world greet each other happily.

"Alright! Practice is starting let's go!" Keishin said as he walked into the gym, making Shoyo put down Natsu. Practice had gone well, but Tobio seemed to believe he could ignore Shoyo. That upset the ginger a bit, but he didn't let it bother him because he worked with Kei on improving their dynamic even more. Since the two had gotten together, they seemed to be more in sync with the others thoughts and movements, Tobio hated that. He hated that they were so buddy-buddy with each other all of a sudden. After practice was done for the day everyone packed up and cleaned the gym, then headed home. Natsu was already tired when they got home, but Shoyo had them all eat dinner, making it a quick and easy one for Natsu so that it wouldn't be too much food to worry about on such a tired brain. They put her to bed and then went back to the kitchen so Shoyo could do dishes.

"Shoyo.... Can I ask you something?" Kei asked as he watched his beloved do the dishes.

"You can ask me anything, you can tell me anything too. What is it?" Shoyo asked as he rinsed a dish free of soap. Kei stood up, he went and hugged the small waist of number ten, holding him close. Kei's fingers had begun fiddling with the cloth of the white shirt Koushi had given them. His nervous habit was beginning to show, Shoyo could tell.

"If I ask Takeda to make an excuse, maybe... We could go on a date... I still haven't properly taken you on a date and I'd love to-" Kei was interrupted by Shoyo shoving his lips onto his lovers, making the blond nervous talking stop.

"You're nervous, love. I would love to go on a date with you. We can ask Takeda to make and excuse for us tomorrow and go get ice cream, walk around a park, it'll be fun. Natsu can sit with the team, I'm sure they'll take good care of her" Shoyo said as he watched Kei's face turn from shocked to a wide smile. The ginger had his own wide smile and wiped his hands on a nearby towel so that he could hold him back.

"Damn you and you're gorgeous smile, you make my heart flutter everytime I see your face" Kei said as Shoyo wrapped his arms around the blonds neck. The shorter male stood on his toes, kissing Kei again with a wide smile. Kei held his waist close as they kissed with sweet innocent passion. When they separated, Kei gave Shoyo a look that screamed love. It was filled with happiness, love, warmth.

"Wanna watch the next Star Wars movie?" Kei mumbled against his boyfriends soft and adorable lips.

"I'll get the popcorn, you put in the movie. They're all in order so it should be right next to Phantom Menace" Shoyo said, kissing him again for a second before they split apart. Kei nodded, diverting his attention to the living room and leaving the kitchen. After popcorn was made and the movie was on, they laid on the couch and cuddled, eating popcorn and watching the movie.

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