Chapter Four ~ Not

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Third Pov
Kei went down and found Natsu and Shoyo having a polite conversation with Keishin.

"Ah, there you are! Let's go to the teachers lounge, I wanna talk to you three" Keishin told them, guiding the high schoolers to the teachers lounge where Ittetsu was already waiting and doing paperwork. Kei and Shoyo were anxious, had the two not hidden it well enough? When they got to the teachers lounge Ittetsu spoke up.

"Calm down, you're both so tense! You're not in trouble!" He said with a wide smile on his face.

"We brought you here because we have a new tactic you might wanna try in volleyball.... It requires you practicing together on and off the court though" Keishin added in, both of the teenagers were still confused though.

"What if we could make a second infamous duo on Karasunos team? Of course there are more than one already, but this duo would be the second one Hinata is in... Hinata needs to have more control of the ball, Kageyama won't let him have that and Sugawara isn't on the court enough and can't do the quicks with him that we utilize. But what if we made a second duo, a third secret setter? I know you've never set a ball Tsukishima, but this will drastically improve both of your volleyball careers.... Colleges are already looking at you both as possible candidates for full rides, I wasn't supposed to tell you... But you two are the only students on Karasunos team with the possibility of full scholarships" Ittetsu said, making Shoyo's jaw drop. No, the orange haired boy wasn't that smart, but a full scholarship just because of his volleyball ability? He couldn't believe it.

"Wait, so you're telling us that even Kageyama, the king of the court, hasn't gotten an opportunity like that?!" Kei asked in shock, it was a great feeling to know he was the first pick for Shoyo and Colleges though.

"Correct. They find him to be too much of a leader, plus most colleges don't want a setter who controls the ball like him. They think it would only become a restriction for the players... Anyways, if Tsukishima learns how to set to you properly.... Hinata, you could be ace as soon as you both can pull off proper spikes" Keishin told them, but then looked to Ittetsu. The teens knew that something was wrong.

"Also, we both think you two hanging out together will be good. After all, Hinata has never stood up for himself or others like what he did in the gym earlier. Because I work here, I see how bullied he gets during school. I think that being around you will help him. It'll be good for you both because you might learn something from him, and he'll finally be the bright, smiling, slightly cocky Hinata we had at the beginning of the year" Ittetsu added on, making Kei look down to Shoyo. The blonde knew he'd be asking him about the bullying later.

"So, that's it? We're not in trouble? You just want us to become a duo and practice sets with each other?" Kei asked, causing both the adults to nod.

"We've already vaguely informed Daichi and Sugawara on our master plan, Sugawara is gonna teach you how to set" Keishin told him, but then Shoyo got excited. Kei found it absolutely adorable, and while he kept his straight face up for the sake of not just blatantly exposing his feelings in front of the coach and teacher, he still looked at Shoyo in happiness at his smile. Of course they saw that. It was clear as day and as bright as Shoyo's smile, the two had to squint to see.

"That means Kenma can come and help Tsukishima learn! It'll be amazing!" Shoyo told them, but the two were confused on who Shoyo was talking about.

"Kozume Kenma! The setter from Nekoma! He sets to me all the time, we're friends! I go see him sometimes on the weekends, he's been a big reason of why my jumps have gotten higher! You'll get along with him too, he's quiet and he likes most of the same things you do" Shoyo told Kei, taking his school uniform sleeve into his hand. Kei just hoped that Kozume didn't like the ball of sunshine like he did.

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