Chapter Six ~ She

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Third Pov
The two teens slept peacefully the entire night together, not much had happened other than the occasional shifting to be comfortable. Kei hadn't expected Shoyo to pull him close when they'd crawled in bed that night, but he took that opportunity to hold him close. Kei thanked whatever god out there that made Shoyo a cuddler in his sleep. The blonde hadn't released him from his grip all night and when he woke up that morning he found Shoyo in his arms still. The ginger was awake though, smiling happily as he snuggled into his team mates chest since he hadn't realized Kei was awake yet. He looked as though he'd just woken up, but he definitely was aware that he was cuddling Kei.

"Morning Shoyo" He told him quietly, deciding to close his eyes and let Shoyo continue cuddling him because he genuinely enjoyed it.

"Ah, morning Kei" He said, the boy had tried moving away from the taller blond but he wasn't allowed to. The arms around his waist had prevented him from moving away. The two stayed close, but it was nearly intimate for the two.

"I didn't say stop, you know" He said with a slight pout, looking down at Shoyo with drowsy eyes and messy bed head. The smaller one was shocked to see that Kei wanted him to cuddle him, he didn't object though and happily snuggled back into the firm chest. That was also the time Natsu had come into the room, she was hungry and when she saw them shamelessly cuddling she said something.

"Are you guys dating or not?! I don't like being confused, you know!" She said loudly, hands on her hips. When Natsu had spoken up it had made the two teens jump apart, blushing at the fact that Natsu had just asked that question. Shoyo sighed as she got up onto the bed between the two teens.

"No sweetie.... We're not" It pained Shoyo to say those words and it hurt Kei to hear them. Natsu could see how much it hurts the two to say they weren't and frowned.

"Why not?!" She asked.

"Because... I- Natsu-" Shoyo stumbled over his words, but Natsu didn't have any of that.

"Shoyo you love boys with glasses! You love tall boys that you can cuddle at night and let them hold you close! You wanted a boyfriend in your life that would love me as much as he loves you and now that the dream guy is sitting right next to you in your bed, suddenly you don't want a boyfriend?! Don't lie to yourself! We both know that Tsu makes you happy, so why do you keep hiding it?!" Natsu asked with an angry pout on her face, Shoyo only ruffled her hair and looked down at her with a smile.

"It's cause I'm a coward Natsu... I promise I'll find you a dad, he'll be the best dad in the world to you, but for now go and wash up. I'm gonna make breakfast in a few minutes" He said quietly, making Natsu nod her head. She hugged Shoyo gently before leaving for the bathroom. Shoyo chuckled at how his sister scolded him for not dating Kei right away, but the blonde didn't see it that way. He saw it as an indirect rejection and he didn't like it.

"What Natsu said... Was that all true?" Kei needed to know if he needed to still hold on to his love for Shoyo or if he should give up. The ginger didn't want to reply to him, but he did.

"Yeah... My 'dream boyfriend' is a tall, glasses clad boy who can hold me at night but love my sister just as much if not more than he'd love me. Honestly to me gender doesn't matter as long as they love Natsu. I would be more concerned about their personality and how it would affect her instead of how tall they were. It's why I only ever brought home one of my significant others, too bad Natsu didn't approve of them" He said with a giggle. That hadn't answered Kei's question though. He wanted to know if it was true in the sense that Kei made him happy, the blonde wanted nothing more than that.

"So... Does Natsu approve of me?" Kei asked Shoyo from bed, watching as the smaller teen got up and ran a hand through his hair. He'd stopped at the question though, turning to smile at Kei.

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