Chapter One ~ Natsu

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This book will mostly be in third person, so please enjoy!

Third Pov
The practice was about to begin as usual, it was odd. Shoyo had only ever missed one practice, that was yesterday's. He hadn't even been at school and when he called the team to apologize, he rushed to get off the phone as he mumbled about court. The entire team had been worried, but Shoyo had assured everyone on the phone that he was fine. When the orange haired Decoy walked into the gym everyone got excited. They all jumped to see him and ask how he was except for Kei. Even Tadashi was asking how he was.

"Guys I'm fine! I just had to do something, it was a family issue. When I said court, it was a meaningless thought about volleyball. I promise!" Shoyo told them, smiling happily. The blonde middle blocker knew something was up, the boy wasn't the same. He was exhausted, it was noticeable if you looked in his eyes. Eventually the whole team knew Kei sensed something was up, they were all staring at Kei who was staring at Shoyo. The blonde shrugged it off and went to his phone to go on it. Soon enough practice had started. Shoyo was, getting a drink of water, he could barely keep his eyes opened and eventually collapsed onto the floor.

"Hinata!" Keishin said, running to check on him. The first thing that came across Kei's mind was that he was right, he should've made Shoyo leave. After Keishin and Kyoko checked on him they sighed.

"He's just sleeping, I'm scared he hit his head though. The nurse isn't here. Does anyone have a car? I know a lot of you live near here, but I wanna take Shoyo home. I can't leave though" Keishin said, and regrettably, Kei raised his hand. He had a car, he could drive. He drove to school every day because he didn't wanna walk or bike.

"Tsukishima I know it's a lot to ask, but can I give you his address and have you take him home?" Keishin asked, it made Kei sigh.

"I'm the only one with a car, so I might as well. I knew something was off with the shrimp" Kei told the team as he lifted the unconscious Shoyo into his arms, he had Tadashi grab his things and he went up to the changing room. He was gonna grab Shoyo's other things in the club room, his phone was up there.

"Hey Tsukki, if you knew something was off with Hinata then why didn't you do anything?" He asked as held the door open for the middle blocker.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't care enough. I still don't. I'm simply taking him home because no one else can and if I didn't say anything about my car then you would have" Kei told him, frowning at him. He set Shoyo down on the floor gently to go to his bag and grab his phone. Kei opened it and dialed the number for his mom.

"Shoyo? Don't you have practice? Big brother you need to focus or else you'll get dizzy and pass out again" A child said from the other end of the line.

"Where's your mom?" Kei asked.

"You're not Shoyo! Give Shoyo back his phone!" The girl said, but Kei sighed. Tadashi had gone back to practice, all Shoyo's school stuff neatly in his bag, including his school uniform and club jacket.

"Shoyo got dizzy and passed out again, can you please get me your mom or legal guardian so I can inform them on his condition?" Kei asked, looking down at Shoyo with curious eyes.

"What are you talking about? Shoyo is my legal guardian! It happened yesterday! Has he not told anyone yet?" The girl asked, but she sighed.

"Of course he hasn't, he loves volleyball and his family too much. If he passed out he was definitely stressing over everything.... Please bring him home" The girl said, causing Kei to kneel by Shoyo and give a look of pity.

"I'll bring him home, what's your name?" He said as he got all of his stuff and Shoyo's stuff together.

"I'm Natsu Hinata, Shoyo's little sister, see you when you get here" The girl said from the other end of the line, then the call was over. Kei got the stuff together and picked Shoyo up again. He was still knocked unconscious. He probably had a concussion. Kei would usually be an asshole and wake him up, but he felt bad for even thinking of the idea. He laid Shoyo down in the back seat and made sure he wouldn't get hurt while driving before putting his school stuff in the front passenger seat and turning on his car.

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