The tour

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"Stuart... I... I'm sorry I... it's unfair on you if I stay, it's better I go... please don't cry I... I'm so sorry. I have to go. I know... bye"
I hang up the phone and sigh deeply, rubbing my temples with my fingers and leaning against the marble counter. Matty strolls into the kitchen, still groggy from sleep. He's wearing only his Calvin Klein grey boxers and his hair is messy and curly from sleep.
"Stuart ringing again?" He asks, yawning and putting some bread into the toaster for us
"Yep" I sigh "he thinks we can 'make it work'" Matty laughs sarcastically
"Of course he does" he says, but then catches my eye and sees that I don't share his humour on the subject. He smiles softly and turns and stands in front of me, pulling me to him and placing his hands on my hips. He presses me lightly into the counter and I raise my hands to his face and play with the unruly strands of hair, finally kissing him passionately.
"I love you" I say, when we pull apart
"I love you" he replies, giving me a tiny kiss on the end of my nose and grinning. The toast pops up and he butters it exactly how I like it, adding just the right amount of Marmite. We sit and eat it quickly, after all, we have a plane to catch!

When we've eaten we go into the bedroom and I throw on a grey turtle neck and black jeans and Matty puts on a baggy white shirt with his black ripped jeans. I go into the bathroom and apply a bit of plum lipstick and a stroke of mascara, coming out of the room and throwing my makeup bag into my huge suitcase.
"That bag is so fucking huge" Matty laughs
"Well we could be gone 6 months, I need enough clothes for that long!" I smile back
"Look at mine and then look at yours!" He laughs again, gesturing to his small hand held case and my huge red wheely one
"Shut up, all you need is a white top, a black top and a pair of black jeans!" I laugh
"Fair point" he winks playfully "fancy a smoke?"
"Yes, I'm gasping" I say, only realising this as he mentions it. We go out onto the balcony and look out at the cityscape below. The sky fades from navy to bright pink as the sun rises over the spiky black horizon of London. Cars meander the streets, the city hasn't quite got going yet. I check the time on my phone. 4:37am.
"I like early morning flights" I say softly, exhaling "reminds me of when I was a kid and we used to go to Spain. That was always stupidly early... but it adds to the excitement I think"
"Hate flying" Matty mumbles. I put my hand on his on the railing and kiss him quickly on the cheek, he looks me right in the eyes
"You'll be fine" I smile, he smiles back weakly.

We go in and I get my DM's on, lacing them and looking up at Matty, who's just done the same. He throws on his big black fluffy coat and I put on a leather jacket.
"Ready?" He says
"Ready." I say, smiling.
We grab our bags and make for the door, getting a look at our flat and locking it for the last time for months. Even in living here only two months, it's truly become my home.

We wait outside the apartment building until George's car pulls up. Adam, Ross and he are in there already. We cram in and load our bags into the back.
"Fucking hell, Hols, what is in that bag?" laughs Ross as he sees it
"Don't you start!" I reply with a grin, everyone laughs.

The sun is just up now and is steaming into the car. I chat to Adam, Ross and George as we go along but Matty's pretty quiet next to me. I can tell he's nervous about the flight, he finds it all really stressful. George is in good spirits. He and Jamie actually parted pretty well in the end, obviously she was hurt really badly by it so I stayed with her for a few days until she felt like she could move on. It was unfair how he left her at the aisle like that but she agreed it was a lot better than a divorce in a few months time!
"So what's the tour bus going to be like then?" I ask, curiously
"Small" says George "when we tried it out my legs didn't fit in the fucking bed!" Everyone laughs
"To be fair mate, your legs probably don't fit in a lot of beds" says Adam
"Yeah, G, didn't you say before that whenever you stay over at a girls you try to pick the tall ones so that you can fit your feet in their beds?!" Everyone laughs even louder
"No no no I was joking about that!" he laughs along "and don't call me that"
"Sure you were..." Matty says sarcastically.
"Oh and you two aren't sharing a bed by the way" George says to me and him "if you think I'm gonna listen to you have sex every night you are very wrong" we all laugh loudly
"We'll see..." says Matty, kissing me and grinning. He's definitely cheered up
"What if we want to bring girls back? - that's a point!" Adam pipes up
"Don't kid yourself, Hann" says Matty, grinning.

// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now