Day 6 continued

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"Dinner! Come on guys, you can finish the tents when you come back!" Ally walks into the clearing "Oh... festival theme is it?"

"Yep!" says Matty with a grin. We step back and review our handiwork. The tent is covered in colourful slogans 'peace', 'glasto 2014' and 'The 1975' being some of them. It's draped with bunting, tinsel and fairy lights and inside all the colourful pillows and mats make a rainbow. Outside all the logs are draped with colourful fabric we found in the arts and crafts cupboard and instruments are dotted about nearby. I take out my phone and take a picture of the scene, putting it through Instagram and editing it. "Aw, tag me in that babe" Matty says, he sounds impressed

"Sure! What's your Instagram?"

"Truman Black. One word." he says. I don't ask why, even though I'm thinking it, I just search him and follow. Almost all his photos are of him and the boys smoking or playing and nearly all are in black and white. I decide I'll look through these later.

"Cheers, Hols!" he says "let's get dinner!"

Dinner is Chinese noodles. "Very Glasto" smiles Matty when he sees them. They're alright, not amazing but decent. Afterwards Ally gives us some marshmallows for the fire and tells us an instructor called Jake will make the fire for us then leave. Jake walks down with us and chats with some of our group. Me and Matty's lot hang back as usual though and by the time we get there the fire's going. The other half of the group have set up far away from us and we agree with them that they can have the fire first and we'll do our own thing until it's actually dark. After all, who wants to sit around a hot fire when it's still sunny and hot anyway?

Me and Matty, George and Jamie and Adam and Sally go for a walk while Ross stays with his girl back at the fire. The sun's just setting and the temperature is just right. Me and Matty climb a tree and take selfies up there of us kissing and laughing and Matty asks me to send them to him. I realise I don't even have his number so he puts it into my phone under the name 'Sex God'. Accurate. We climb down and go back to the tent. Matty shuffles George's iTunes and we plug the speakers into his laptop. Like Matty, he has everything from Michael Jackson to Arctic Monkeys. We paint each other with patterns and shapes and words. I paint a circle on Matty's forearm in black and then I draw the outline of a dragon inside it... I don't know why, I just randomly doodle it, but Matty loves it!

"Hols that's fucking awesome! I'm actually gonna get that tattooed! I'm not even joking that's sick!" he uses his phone to take a picture of it "I'm genuinely getting that when we get home!" he kisses me and grins, I'm so pleased to have designed one of his tattoos, I'm grinning too.

"Right!" Matty rummages in his bag and produces the bottle of vodka "now for some fun!" everyone's excited at the prospect of getting drunk together and as we look outside we realise it's dark already! We gather around the fire in our couples and George instantly grabs the djembe drum. His big hands are so delicate on the surface and he makes complex beautiful rhythms so easily. He switches to a simple boom-boom-clap rhythum and Matty's face suddenly lights up "Oi George that's like 'heart out'! wait a sec-" he picks up an acoustic guitar and so does Adam, Matty passes his to Ross and they discuss for a minute how they're going to do this. We wait patiently and I turn the other music off. It starts with nothing but a few plucked notes from one guitar. I recognise an 'E' to start and then it alternates between a few other notes. Then the other guitar comes in with a few falling scales. Then before I know it the song explodes into a full sound with George drumming a simple beat and the guitars playing a mix of chords and notes. Then Matty starts to sing:

"Rushing in a small town

I forgot to call you

I'm running low on know how

// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now