2 years later

1.8K 67 12

"Morning" Matty mumbles, coldly.
The memories of the night before flood back to me... the guilt.
"Oh god..." I mumble back sleepily "...morning"
This is the second time in a month I've ended up in Matty's bed.
"You'd better go" he says, glancing at the clock
"Why, got some previous engagement you need to go to?" I say sarcastically, picking up my clothes from around the bed and dressing in front of him as we talk. I know he's seen every part of me, there's no point being modest about things.
"Um.. well sort of" he says, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting his Calvin Klein boxers on "kinda got a girl coming over"
"A girl?!" I ask "like a girlfriend?!" I can feel myself getting a little jealous
"Yeah... I guess you could say that... we've only had a few dates but yeah"
"What's her name?"
"Gemma.. you don't know her... she's great" he smiles to himself, I laugh bitterly
"If she's so great, why am I in your bed and not her?"
"Well she's been in my bed too I mean-" I cut him off with a look "I dunno... you rang me so you can answer that!"
"I only rang to try and... I dunno, get back to normal after the last time?! I dunno I just wanted us to be... friends"

A couple months ago he'd text to invite me to go to a celebration party for the release of the third EP... It was the first time we'd made contact in a year or so and I wanted to see him... but I couldn't come because I had a date with Stuart. Then we met up by ourselves and one thing led to another... But the morning after, we argued and I stormed out. Last night I just wanted to make up with him but apparently I can't see him without having sex with him. Ugh.
"Yeah well we're both old enough to know that friends don't have sex with each other" he smirks "how old are you anyway?"
"20, you know that" I reply
"Shit... we met when you were 16 and I was...17!"
"I know" I laugh "look at us now... you have your own flat, I'm at Uni... George and Jamie are fucking engaged!"
"I know!" He says "crazy" there's an awkward pause where we both sigh... I miss him and I want to tell him... I like Stuart and I guess we're dating now since we've been on 3 dates in the last week... But there's something about Matty that Stuart will never have... I need to not sleep with Matty though, it's so bad! But the moment we walk through the doors of his fancy apartment we know what we're going to do.
"I'm going out for a smoke" he says
"I'll join" I say, walking over to my bag and taking out my lighter and a pack of 10 with 5 left in it. We walk out onto his balcony. The air is warm and I look down at a bright and busy London below.
"That's the lighter I gave you" he smiles. I look down at the black lighter with 'the 1975' printed onto it
"Yeah... I guess it is" I smile back, lighting a cigarette and breathing in the smoke
"I bet Stuart doesn't like that" Matty grins cheekily to himself
"It doesn't best please him no... well, he doesn't actually know I smoke if I'm honest" he laughs out loud
"Nope!" I sigh, exhaling "it's your fault anyway... you made me a smoker and all that! You-"
"No cus now you're going to say that I made you a different person or whatever but since we split you've changed more than you ever changed for me!"
"No I haven't!" I answer, insulted
"Yeah you have, Hols" he looks me up and down "I haven't seen you dress like you in ages... what is that a blazer or something? And you wore heels here"
"I wore heels when we went out" I say, looking out at the summery city
"Not really... I haven't seen you in your DMs in forever! You just don't look like... YOU anymore! Is it for Stuart?"
"Fucking stay out of my business okay?! Why do you think you have the right to ask anything about my relationships?!" I stub the cigarette out and walk inside grabbing my bag, ready to leave
"Come on, Hols, I didn't mean anything by it!" He groans, following me inside "just an observation"
"Yeah well maybe you shouldn't make observations" I sit down on the bed. He comes and sits next to me, putting his arm around me and kissing me lightly on the cheek
"I'm sorry" he smiles softly. I nod and smile a little back at him. He's right anyway, he sees right through me. "We're touring soon" he smiles "you should come watch? I could get you in side of stage or something? Stuart can come if he must" he smiles
"That would be nice" I smile "I've never actually seen you guys perform properly"
"Oh yeah you haven't! I'll text you or whatever"
"Yeah" I smile "you look... good by the way... not good - healthy... are you clean or?"
"Yeah I haven't done a line in..." he counts on his fingers "14 months!"
"Wow that's so good! I'm proud of you" I grin genuinely at him
"Aw" he combs his fingers through his hair "yeah I mean... when we split I wasn't... myself. That whole year after the scare I was kind of... rock bottom and the treatments and stuff didn't seem to do shit... I understand why you ended it with me, I don't blame you for that. If you hadn't I never would've been motivated to get proper treatment and... so I owe you a lot, Hols" he looks me right in the eyes and smiles then he puts his hand on the side of my face and kisses me, slowly and gently but with perfect pressure. I push him off lightly
"Look... we... we're both in kind of relationships so I think we should... leave it" a flash of sadness goes across his face
"Yeah... yeah you're right" he smiles again "I hate to be a dick but you have to go before Gemma gets here"
"That's fine" I say, getting up to go "oh, sorry d'you mind if I use the toilet first?"
"Yeah, fine! You know where it is" I smile and go into the bathroom. There's women's shampoo in the shower and two toothbrushes in the mug on the sink. Gemma clearly makes a habit of staying over. I try to imagine what she might be like... I can't picture Matty with anyone but me! I hear voices coming from outside the bathroom... a woman's and Matty's. Oh, God. I finish up and flush, stepping out of the bathroom and bracing myself.
"Hols! This is Gem, Gem this is Hols!" Declares Matty.
I look at the girl next to him. She's curvy but also skinny... has huge lips and eyes... blonde hair to her waist in luscious waves of gold.. she's wearing black jeans and a white vest and some black alligator print boots. She's perfect.
"Hey" I say awkwardly
"Hiya" she replies, glancing at Matty for help
"Okay so I'll send you that CD if I find it okay, Hols?" He looks at me pleadingly
"Yep! That's great" I smile, picking up my bag and walking to the front door, slipping on my black court shoes "nice to meet you" I say to Gemma
"Yeah, nice to put a face to the name! See you" she seems nice. Dammit.

Matty opens the door for me while Gemma goes and sits on the bed, removing her shoes.
"Talk soon?" He says hopefully
"Maybe" I say shortly, holding back tears as I walk out of the apartment, away from him.

VOTE! I'm trying to get to 1000 by Christmas!

Thank you so much for 26K I love you all!!

I couldn't kill Matty off, I couldn't handle that emotionally any more than you guys haha


// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now